Hi skyfire,
first of all your work is still unbelieveable und awesome, really !
I like all the units and your work. It is such a depth in gaming.
But in my opinion you have chosen the wrong base version for all of your lovely modding work.
Why I think so ?
Let me show the pros and cons playing Germany:
- outstanding number of units and well placed research tree
- very large and nice world map
- lots of units placeing, named and it looks very balanced from the beginning of the scenario
- AI is to weak - regardless what I tried - they build even too less units for my felling - I changed difficulty, etc. manually
- Almost no attacks of england, france from (even from north africa) or any other country, except Russia
- But even Russia is more interested to devolp citys, instead of building units and attack me
- missing some features like airplane can attack other airplanes and of course no airplane automatic recon missions
- even england and usa building only very seldom any new ships - so the sea is mine
the worst part:
- I have never been attacked from USA, Canada or England on main Europe during several Games
In the end, I always conquer Europe then England, Russia+Scandinavia, Africa+Asia and the attack USA
It is the same on all maps I tried, 1937,1939,1941,1943.
Just to make sure, it is not your fault - I think there is something wrong with the base mod you are using.
But thats all working in the other wolrd war 1339 Mod. I wish you would do all your work in this Mod.
There you have all the feature here missing, and most importend you will be attacked all the time from anyone
The USA alway starting convoys to bring strong troops to Europe.
I wish I could convince and support you changeing the base mod for your modding.
Or what do you and others think ?
Is that all only a problem for me ?
Please do NOT understand this as criticism on you or your work, it is just my personal observation.
best regards