Wwii - 1943


Vassal of Civilization
Jan 19, 2005

This a WWII PBEM but starting in an unsual date: 1943. The Axis had severe defeats during 1942 and the Allies are getting stronger and stronger... but do not under-esimate the Axis... they are at their full strength and a force to be reckoned with!

Note: For gameplay reasons I will give some extra strenght to the Axis forces.

The game details are being prepared and are not ready yet. But almost... at least one player is missing!

MOD: Thomas'War
- Speed: Epic\Marathon
- Human difficulty: Prince?
- No city flipping from culture
- Raging Barbarians
- No Tech Trading
- Require complete kills
- No vassal states

00. Commonwealth: HRBR
01. Germany (European Axis): Luthor
02. USA: Lunfa
03. Japan: Kiwitt
04. Soviet Union: Monster
07. Minor Allies (several nations): Classical_Hero

Within the game
- Conquest
- Domination
- Diplomatic
- Economical (?)
Out of the game
- VIP Scoring

Even though this is a WWII PBEM victory is individual. So, even though allied, there can be wars amongst the tradtional allies.

VIP Scoring
The VIP cities give points to the nations holding them and their ideological mates:
VIP held by Germany: 1 point to Germany and 0.5 to Japan;
VIP held by Japan: 1 point to Japan and 0.5 to Germany;
VIP held by USA: 1 point to USA and 0.5 to Commonwealth and Minor Allies;
VIP held by CW: 1 point to CW and 0.5 to USA and to Minor Allies;
VIP held by MA: 2 points to MA and 0.25 to USA and CW;
VIP held by USSR: 1.5 point to USSR;

The VIP cities are: to be defined


Playbility rules
- Game will be played via PBEMtracker;
- Players should play their turn within 48h;

First turn rules
- No declaration of war nor peace with anyone during turn1
- No battle whatsover ever on the first turn
- Nations can only trade with only one AI nation during turn1

War&Peace Rules
- Wars between humans and AI have no special rule.
- Humans can not make peace with humans before conquering\losing one city from each other.
- Germany and Japan can not declare war on eachother if both have the same GOVERNMENT type.
- USA and CW can not declare war on eachother if both have the same GOVERNMENT type.

General Rules
- Free diplomacy.
- The nation that builds Manhattan Project can use 3 atomic bombs. No other nation can use them.
- No military units can be airlifted (so Settlers, workers, Great Persons, Generals, Corporation executives, spies, etc can be airlifted).
- When a VIP city changes owner it must be announced in the thread.
- Gift of cities are limited and must follow the following rules:
... a) the giving player announces his intention to give the city on turn n
... b) the other players approve it (by simple majority... please try not to be country biased). In case of tie I have the quality (deciding) vote.
... c) the giving player can give the city on turn n+1

Test file
Attached is a test file for you to open and see if it works OK.
Luthor, the link you have posted describes general mod, how can I find specific 1943 scenario? Do you mean this one? How accurate is the map? I don't really like to see Stalingrad so close from Moscow...

I have discovered that 3 is the magic number for well paced WW2. There are 3 mutually un-mergeable fractions: Soviets, Western Allies and Axis. But global scenario such as this will require 5 minimum.

How many thing are you going to change? Ready to go battles may present unfair advantage to the starting side.

I liked this part:

Most of Thomas War's leaders, civilizations, wonders, religions, special units and buildings are placed historically;
-Most of the battleships, heavy cruisers and aircraft carriers are named historically;
-Using of great people (for example, Einstein-Great scientist, Edgar Hoover-Great Spy) and great generals (for ex: Erwin Rommel commanding a panzer division);
-Presence of independent units (like Mao Zedong, Sweden, Lassa and jews) as barbarians;
-Presence of missionaires (like Mahatma Gandi, Dalai Lama, Pope);
-Some special WW2 units, like Katyusha and Me262.

Perhaps I should download and see how it runs on my machine. But honestly, nothing matches 1939 mod when it comes to WW2. There is a unique unit for every single major war equipment... I wish you liked the terrain .. it's not that dark...
How many thing are you going to change? Ready to go battles may present unfair advantage to the starting side.
The basis for the scenario is the file you refer in your message. BUT I always change things! You know that! :p

My suggestion is to have no battles in the first turn to prevent the unfair advantage you mention.
I won't be able to play both this and 1939 with you. Did you playtest this for many turns? Size of the map bothers me... Do the things look intelligent enough? It's a basic courtesy expected from the host ;)
Thomas War Mod has been loaded with animated Wonders and Leaders - ALL OK!!!
I won't be able to play both this and 1939 with you.
OK. It's a pity because we miss a experienced player for the European Axis...

Did you playtest this for many turns? Size of the map bothers me...
I have not tested it in order for all the people to be on equal feet (as much as possible) regarding the scenario... yes, it's a risk!

I am not particulary fond of the size of the Map either but it's what we have...


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Thomas War Mod has been loaded with animated Wonders and Leaders
:dubious: Errr.... I think I have static Wonders... ichs! But I have to check...

As I've said to some of you this game won't start soon as I have to fine tune it (and my workload at the moment is intense). Besides, we miss 1/2 players. I guess it will be hard to find a player to play with a human Minor Allies, but we need at least 1 more player.
Is everyone still interested? We are one player short but it could be like this:

00. Commonwealth: HRBR?
01. Germany (European Axis): Luthor
02. USA: xpto?
03. Japan: Kiwitt
04. Soviet Union: Monster?
07. Minor Allies (several nations): available

If there is no player for the Minor Allies we should see how we could do for those nations to be played by humans...
Can't download the animated wonders and leaders from atomic gamer that site is way to slow and unfortunately there's no mirrors so i don't think i'll be able to play this.
00. Commonwealth: HRBR
01. Germany (European Axis): Luthor
02. USA: Lunfa
03. Japan: Kiwitt
04. Soviet Union: Monster?
07. Minor Allies (several nations): available

Is everyone still interested? We are one player short but it could be like this:

00. Commonwealth: HRBR?
01. Germany (European Axis): Luthor
02. USA: xpto?
03. Japan: Kiwitt
04. Soviet Union: Monster?
07. Minor Allies (several nations): available

hmmm I see I am in one of the two lists, not sure if you're counting me in, but I'm available and willing if there is room.
I don't know this mod but hey, wth, let's do it. :p
At least I think I know enough about WW2 to find my way with this mod. We'll see.

I could play the Minor Nations if you feel it would be more adequate (although I know more about USA WW2 history than for minor nations).
I am counting with you. Post #1 is always the most updated one.

Let us see if there is anyone else interested and then decide who plays what.

Meanwhile, I've uploaded a test file (post #1) to see if it works for everyone.
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