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[Xtended] Things, Typos, & Bugs...

1 - Game crashes when i cast the Arcane Corruption enchantment (Mind mana).
Anyone else has this bug? I might change the mechanic of this project to prevent future crashes.

2 - The spell Call to Arms (order religion) is doing nothing. But after i research engineering (or machinery, not sure about it), this spell is conscripting Trebuchets.
Fixed this.
I'm getting a weird fear effect from units that don't normally have one. It has started since I researched 'Summon Pit Beast' (chaos) which grants Demonic Reflexes which in turn grants a fear effect to combat-aura.
Could the fear effect be heading in the wrong direction/ applying to enemy units?
It seems to bypass fear immunity from combat-auras.
Can give a save if you like.

Edit: I'm highly suspicious of Demonic Reflexes, the first strike related abilities don't seem to be working properly either.
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i just had an reproducable Endless-Turn-Time gamecrash on turn 370.

By succesively elimination, via Worldbuilder, 1st whole civilisations (Faeries), then cities in the culprit civ (Capital), and then units in the offending city (Gibbon Goethia), i was able to find the unit which made the game crash.

It is Gibbon Goetia's "Changeling" promotion! - If i take this away from him via Worldbuilder, the game will progress as usual and run fine. I do notknow what exactly is going on here, but just that it seems that the AI wants to do something with him which causes a loop/crash.

File is attached, if you want to have a look.


I can confirm Gibbon bug too. But...
this save CTD-s on next turn and the cause is definitely elohim but could not to pinpoint it: my suspect is Corlindale but I did not find him ( although after civ deletion Corlindale death is announced)


I tried looking at your save Scutarii. Corlindale is in the north attacking the Lanun, near Dunwich. I'm not sure he is to blame though.
If you switch players to Elohim you avoid the crash, but when I switched back to Scions a turn later the bug was back too :(
Deleting Corlindale didn't seem to help.

Personally, I have a recurring crash when Taranis tries to use his world spell. If I switch to him, cast it myself, then switch back everything is cool (boom boom).
It could just be that my computer is junk, but his spell seems to be too complex for the between-turns engine? Maybe because there is so much snow on the map, I dunno. I'll add my save anyway.


Just in case this mod is still alive - I've noticed a bug with placing of unique features using Erebus Continent and similar map scripts. Only unique features with <NativePlane>PLANE_MYRROR</NativePlane> were places, others were ignored (so you only had Remenants of Patria and Maelstrom). Changing others to PLANE_MYRROR in XML caused them to be placed correctly.
Bugs :-(((


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