Hey esvath and co,
Firstly thanks for being so active in responding to all the bugs and putting in all the effort to try and fix this mod up, we all really appreciate the effort ^^
While the mod truly is amazing I often find myself driven away by completely game breaking bugs such as the one detailed below, hopefully you guys can get to the bottom of this one ^^!
I am constantly hitting this bug later on in the game where some AI player suddenly gains essentially unlimited production/gold income and massively negative food income (Yes... that is not a type, they end up with a negative food income... don't ask me that exactly that means that just what the demographics page and the graphs seem to call it) as well as MASSIVELY randomized culture values in their cities from -3,000,000 to +3,000,000 (Which is especially insane in MoM Ex), after this occurred in a number of games I assumed this was possibly caused by some error in auto saves and simply stopped using them, but alas it has not solved the problem.
The near infinite production and gold seems to be a byproduct of buildings that give some yield based on culture level, not sure what could cause negative food though, unless there is some building that cost food per culture level.
I haven't been able to pin the issue to a specific race or religion, maybe it is some guild, who knows, but it seems like it is just a matter of time in my games before this occurs, this time around it seems it cropped up around the 200 turn mark based on the graphs (Where you can see everyone else becomes a flat line compared to the Luchuirp massive positive line for production/gold/culture and massively negative line for food)
Having a quick read through much of the listed issues here I was surprised to see the issue I have been having hasn't popped up, maybe I simply missed it.
Issue Summery (As it looks to me):
-Some AI team suddenly gets randomized culture values both positive and negative (Ranging into the million of +/- culture)
-Obscene culture values coupled with +production/gold per culture level buildings results in INSANE amounts of production/gold/research/culture output etc...
-Issue doesn't seem to be tied to race or religion, possibly tied to a guild mechanic
-Map type Perfect World 2, 28 Teams, 4 Duplicates, all teams except the Undead Vamps one, duplicate civs are Lunun, Clan, Dural and Doviello.
Further notes (These may be related to a separate issue):
- I often used to get "Failed to compress game data" messages when attempting to save, turning off the memory saving feature seemed to get rid of these, but I feel it may be related.
-Previously suspected it was caused by autosaves not saving MoM data properly, however seems to occur without autosaves
-Currently suspect it MAY be caused by having more than one of the same race in the game as it may cause some values to be left over after their turn has been handled thus causing these valued used in calculation to linger and effect further computations, though in this most recent game there was only one Luchuirp however this does not mean that duplicated of the other team could not have caused the issue, I would like to know if others often play with duplicate teams without this issue.
-In an older game in an older version after capturing a city from a city with such a bug, I found that they had an insane amount of strange specialists who had joined the city that were giving it stuff, none of the usual great people/citizen but something that seemed like a placeholder, not sure if this is relevant anymore but thought I might add it in as well.
I think that about covers it, let me know if any further information is needed.
Naturally I attached a copy of the most recent occurrence of the bug, the map type was Perfect World 2 (Gives the largest and most natural looking maps and also creates two clean continents... occasionally... ^^').
If you are wondering why my own empire isn't particularly big, I generally like to keep myself nerfed until some of the AI eat each other up and turn into an opponent worth my time, and at the 400ish turn mark the only one to have done that is the Luchuirp hackers...
If anyone has experienced this or alternatively if I am the ONLY person experiencing this I'd very much like to hear about it, this bug is a thorn in the side of my MoM experience and has been for some time...