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[Xtended] Things, Typos, & Bugs...

more than that, the AI doesn't target techs that gives +2... or when they use summons, they don't target great sages or raw mana enough for using the affinity
There is good chance I did asked this before but cannot find it somehow, so how are hammers working? They give devastating attack that should do collateral damage (not working) or does it only increase collateral damage of units already having it?

Luchuirp sculptor studio doesnt require noble district, it makes sense since they love sculpting so much they sure build them in all cities but it opens access to entire support raising war buildings chain including war academy in every city. Artificers promo states it gives 100% chance of giving xp per turn, did watched single artificer for 10 turns with no xp gain. Is there a limit on xp provided this way? It was newly built artificer.

In this save I met Cassiel. When I do sign Defensive pact with him and hit end turn, on next one Cassiel and Kuriotates declares war on me without any reason :O what the hell it is supposed to be?

Malakim arid farm doesnt have proper graphic? only small house by the river


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unyelding order spell - order religon top spell - the price is too steep - kills the caster but the effect practically irrelevant.

Shrine maiden - banish evil spell costs mana not faith, but faith suits better
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Hi, I started a game with the ErebusContinent map, choosed Ruins, but could not searched the ruins. Are the ruins not made searchable in this mod or is it an error?
still playing Austrin:
I couldn't build Winter Palace or Summer Palace.
those are very important to Austrin as they allow you to get +2 pop in those cities (to 8 instead of 6).
very useful for improving you unit production cities.
(the city screen does not even proposed to build the building.)
(I have enough cities for it).

Global feedbacks.
- the new classes are globally nicely done, especially the melee one.
- Featherfang is great... but you need a stack of them to profite of it in attack (so the 1-2 first ones give the gaping-wound promotion on the stack, and the other ones profite) (but it's still an interesting promotion, usefull in defense, where the attacking stack get wounded and wounded units attack you).
- the archery class with "affinity to lumber" is underpowered : in my game there are 4 lumber ressources ... and spread in the 4 corners of the world (and no lumbermill discovered one in 200years with natures' improving spell). So in normal game you'll only get 1-2 lumber, which is much less interesting than the arcane archer (3str) : Either increase lumber / lumber discovery rate, or increast to 2str affinity to lumber.
- Berserk gives a +50% vs gaping wound ... but this class doesn't have ways to give gaping wounds to ennemy units (those are mostly reserved to axes which 1) needs a specific guilds, and 2) are exotic weapons...and berserks don't have access to exotic weapons).

- it seems lairs do not give weapons/armors if the unit already have a weapon armor (sometimes I found great armor /weapons in lairs, but never for units which already have a weapon/armor respectively, even it said weapon/armor is of very low quality)

- I'd like to have a way to taunt... (which would be resisted more easily in cities), or when combat chances of the taunted falls below 20% ?

that's all I remember for the moment.
a further Austrin "bug or design" :

I don't seem to be able to connect (routes) into marshes and/or moors (I don't know which ones). It took some time to identify as I improved on these ressources mid-late game so I'm not dependant on them in any way and never checked. I noticed it because I did not get effect from a few mana....
the issue is that I cannot build roads ... and the auto-trade-on-terrain doesn't work.

only way is atm to wait late air spell "aride terrain" and hope that the right tiles are targetted... or add roads on WB.

slavery promo also takes animals as slaves ( ao si version too).

hyborem favourite improvement - mine requires timber but its hard to get at the hell terrain.

misform definitely needs marksman promo, thematically fits

What is the problem with alchys (sidar recon unit ) and alignement ? under good alignement they "leave.." tested via WB achlys is sidar version of druid, therefore neutral alignement is a must.
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Hi, i'd like to report a few weird things about my last game with the Bannor/The Order religion:

- Unyielding order gives a free building that removes civic anger from the game, but theres no civic that causes anger;
- Call to Arms spell is summoning a trebuchet (dont think thats intended), but only after you discover machinery technology. Before this, it summons nothing but consumes the city population.
And now the final bug I obtained playing Austrin :

I won using Tower of Mastery.

every civ declared war on me.... when the tower of mastery was finished !!!
(no war while I was building but a last ditch battle on the turn I won...)

balance-wise, Austrin are strange to play:
it is easy to build many many cities all around.. and quite powerful for size-6 cities (tcommerce-wise they are worth about size 15 cities, with none the cost in maintenance) ; and the number of cities combined with the nice buildings makes it so that you won't lack science or gold...
however on the :hammers: side, they suck, they are worth size 8-10 cities, which seem nice... in theory.
size 10 is ok when you want to develop your cities, or when you want to seize the early game wonders (everybody is about size 6-10 and you have all your cities at 10).
however, mid late game, when you want to build tier III or tier IV units, and you want to leverage the unit-production city that has all those "free-xp buildings"... this suck.. still 5-8 turns per unit, for your dedicated city. this is no good. You can use your non-dedicated city... but it's 8-10 turns and 2/3 the xp, at most.
even splitting the specialisation is no good.
same for late game wonders / projects ... tower of mastery.
the best city for ToM needed : 130 turns !!!! that's too much
I had to use the spell for converting mana to :hammers:, 3-4 times per turn, and finish using a GE that came by chance at that time ! (and I built and converted 10+ new cities into producing more mana (spamming mage guild and warlock study...Etc) If I hadn't so huge a territory, and so many cities, and I was not maxing the mage guild... it would have taken too long .

Maybe, just maybe, there should be a way to boost the Austrin cities to increase their :hammers: (maybe not all cities, but a building that needs to have a building in 3 or 4 cities ? (like Mason caravans or something like that)

last balancing issue : please increase the possibilities for giving "gaping wounds ".
now giving "gaping wounds" using melee units is hard (only late game weapons), but you have a class with increased damage to gaping wounds unit, accessible since early game.
(further, maybe a special type of toolkit for archers : bladed arrows : +20% chance giving gaping wounds ; so other units than featherfangs can help spread the gaping wounds :D
Hi, I started a game with the ErebusContinent map, choosed Ruins, but could not searched the ruins. Are the ruins not made searchable in this mod or is it an error?

Ruins are not searchable. Ever.

Monster-Lairs and Dungeons are what can be explored for XP and Goodies.
great you are still updating this awesome mod.

Unfortunately, I got a repeatable crash. Got something to do with the event that creates Condatis.
I'll attach a savegame. Playing Amurites, I get the event that creates Condatis in Glorairine on the next turn.


If I agree to construct the shrine, the Condatis Unit will be created as intended. But on the next turn, the game will crash to desktop. Any savegames created after the event will crash to desktop on loading too.
If I reject the construction, the game won't crash.

There seems to be something weird going on... Allowing the construction of the shrine declares war against all Octopus Overlord Civilizations... which works too well. It declares war against the Aos Si too, but that Civilization is long extinct and suddenly gets resurrected (they were an OO Civ).
I guessed the Aos Si might cause the crash if they are resurrected without any unit. But I tried giving them a unit using the world builder and the game still crashes on the next turn.

I hope you will be able to fix the bug :)

EDIT: Using MoMXtended 5.6


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I found a workaround... In the turn before the event I gave the Aos Si a city and a unit using the world builder. Now the game didn't crash on the turn after the event.
Seems it got something to do with the resurrected Faerie Civilization...
Invading armies get stuck endlessly pillaging mana nodes and mushroom gardens instead of doing something useful like attacking.
Sorry, I do not understand. -25% Hills Strength?! Why so? Promote - Cliff Walker (+ 10% Hills Strength).
Civ4ScreenShot0000.JPG Civ4ScreenShot0001.JPG
Sorry, I do not understand. -25% Hills Strength?! Why so? Promote - Cliff Walker (+ 10% Hills Strength).

I just checked and it's a visual bug on the tooltip. The "+Hills strength" will copy whatever number in front of it. I don't know why.

For actual value, hover the mouse over an enemy while pressing ALT. Or, hover on the promotion.
Happy to see this forum back to life !

I was just waiting for it to report 2 bugs i've found:

1 - Game crashes when i cast the Arcane Corruption enchantment (Mind mana).

2 - The spell Call to Arms (order religion) is doing nothing. But after i research engineering (or machinery, not sure about it), this spell is conscripting Trebuchets.
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