• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


  1. CAYM

    NAVAL UNITS for VP 2023-09-16

    for VP 3.9 ~3.10 (Do not install from VP 4.0 ~) NAVAL UNITS Image change and bug fixed. Two mods (7b1) non future mode, (7b2) with Future mode !!!! Unpack each folder in the MODS folder !!!! 2023-08-31 teaser changed. 2023-09-15 English error fixed
  2. CAYM

    Unit image change for VP(4UC UA) 2023-08-25

    Image Changes 1. Spain ARMADA -> Big Galleon + spain flag 2. Djong -> VP carrack 3. Ironchariot -> Vanilla Hittite chariot 4. Corvette -> Big Galleon 5. Pacerny -> crossbow horse man 6. Horesearcher -> Replaced with lightly dressed units without armor 7. Legion -> more powerful image 8...
  3. Genghis_Sean

    Is there any advantage to leveling a unit once it's received all promotions?

    So I've been playing as Julius Caesar on a really slow game, trying to maximize his gold bonus for capturing or eradicating barbarian camps. It was by no means a goal, but I managed to get an infantry unit to level 8 with all promotions earned. I've just built my first spaceport, so I'm nearing...
  4. M

    [G&K] Civ 5 Multiplayer Mods Workaround bug: unit do not move

    Hello. I need help, I'm playing with Multiplayer Mods Workaround mod. When I do everything according to the instructions (and it works, mine is in multiplayer, everything is fine) but I can't move the units. I can pledge them to do nothing or sell them, but I can't use them on the map. I also...
  5. tangjinfeng

    Spanish tropical colonial soldier 2023-02-25

    Spanish Tropical Colonial Soldier, assets from EU4 Colonial Soldier Pack. I originally planned to put it in the Southeast Asian mod and have them with the Filipino soldiers (the Spaniards and the good Kapampangan musketeers served the Longvek dynasty) as the new uu of Cambodian civilization (to...
  6. M

    Teutonic Knight 2023-01-24

    Adds a Holy Roman Empire's UU, Teutonic Knight, as a playable unit for Germany. Unlocked at Divine Right, buyable with Faith, but not with Gold. This pack contains all assets, geometries, textures and materials. For Steam users: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2917264648
  7. M

    Military Camp improvement 1.0

    Adds an improvement, available for all civilizations, buildable by melee and anti-cavalry units. Military camp is unlocked at Military Tradition civic. It gives your units +2 defense strength, grants fortification, and when your wounded units enter the tile, they instantly heal slightly...
  8. M

    All Vikings Scenario Units

    Mikecro submitted a new resource: All Vikings Scenario Units - Adds all 3 Vikings Scenario unique units in base game. Read more about this resource...
  9. M

    All Vikings Scenario Units 1.0

    Adds all 3 unique units from Vikings Scenario (Huscarls, Farfanes and Caballarii), and they are now playable in base game. Caballarii are a unique Knight replacement for Germany and France, Farfanes unique Courser replacement for Spain and Arabia, while Huscarls are a unique unit for England...
  10. N.Core

    Unit Scaling and Formation 2022-10-05

    This mod affects the visual scale and formation of units in gameplay. Inspired by R.E.D. Modpack by Gedemon, but without ethnic diversity unit model overhaul. This version is made specifically for Vox Populi. Currently, there are 3 types of scaling you can choose: R.E.D. scaling and formation...
  11. N.Core

    USnF for VP Custom Civilizations 7

    This mod adds USnF support for additional units from custom civilizations. Currently, this mod includes USnF support for units from: Pinappledan's Cambodian Civilization for VP Colonialist Legacies' - Phillipine Republic for Vox Populi Colonialist Legacies' - Canadian Dominion for VP...
  12. N.Core

    Unit Scaling and Formation for VP

    Download Here (v 12) Download USnF support for VP custom civs --------------------------------------------------------------------- GitHub repository (for tracking changes and stuff) This mod affects the visual scale and formation of units in gameplay. Inspired by R.E.D. Modpack by Gedemon...
  13. N.Core

    Unit Scaling and Formation for VP 12

    This mod affects the visual scale and formation of units in gameplay. Inspired by R.E.D. Modpack by Gedemon, but without ethnic diversity unit model overhaul. This version is made specifically for Vox Populi. Currently, there are 3 types of scaling you can choose: R.E.D. scaling and formation...
  14. A

    Adding vanilla unique unit to a civ - crash

    Hello, I added some vanilla unique units to Byzantium: <CivilizationTraits> <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_BYZANTIUM" TraitType="TRAIT_CIVILIZATION_BYZANTIUM"/> <Row CivilizationType="CIVILIZATION_BYZANTIUM" TraitType="TRAIT_CIVILIZATION_DISTRICT_HIPPODROME"/>...
  15. Iconian

    [BNW] Minimum unit purchase cost

    From what I understand, the minimum gold cost to purchase a unit (and buildings I think?) is 10. Is this a hard limit though, or is there some way to reduce it further?
  16. T

    Change the value of the unit if you have been declared at war

    I want to add a unit for my civilization that will cost 60% less production if you are at war. I already have a unit template: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <GameInfo> <Types> <!-- Melee--> <Row Type="UNIT_TERDEF" Kind="KIND_UNIT"/> </Types> <UnitAiInfos>...
  17. Meaky

    Possible Unit Ability?

    Hi, I'm making a unit mod, and I had a couple of ideas for abilities, but I don't know if they are doable... 1) A unit that can paradrop at a different range, without changing the parameter for the Spec-Ops. 2) A unit that does dmg to enemy units on the enemy turn when they move next to it...
  18. R

    MISCELLANEOUS - Rerendered - Bronze material corrected 2021-09-23

    Small pack with re-rendered units to replace few from Bronze and Iron unit pack, mainly those with big bronze plates where bronze material did not look good enough.
  19. silverjaded

    Unit Graphic not appearing ingame

    I've been trying to build this mod for a while. The unit graphic is one that was converted from Civ4 into 5, which worked. I've now converted this to Civ6. The unit is in and the assets appear correctly in Asset Editor but are invisible in the game. I've tried various methods of changing the...
  20. modmod

    Map size and movement compensation

    Many of us faced the same reality, when a nearby inland colony is some more turns away (with the limited movement points of units), than Europe or Africa there and back. So idea far from unique. Actually Ramstormp had it summarize recently: " If you play on some gigantic Caribbean map (not...
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