
  1. T

    AI Wars and spams units constantly

    I have no clue if this is an error, or a mishandling on my part or something, but i disabled all the military, diplomacy and even city strategy ai tweaks in the CommunityOptions.sql, CommunityPatchDLLChanges.xml, and Core Tables/CustomModOptions.xml too, but AI on Emperor (didn't test with other...
  2. Cakeathon

    [GS] Grievances Guide

    Grievances Guide Work in progress (need your help !) There are still a few unknowns: 1. There is an unknown variable in the value of cities during conquest (see cities section) 2. Nukes ? 3. impact of grievances on loyalty of occupied cities I will keep this guide updated as things are figured...
  3. Fish Man

    [BTS] Nobles' Club 201 - Alexander of Greece

    Side note: before I begin, I made sure to set MaxTurns=0...so if your game ends before it should on marathon/epic, I absolve myself of any responsibility! Edit: fixed handicaps, everything should work now. Reply if it doesn't and I'll troubleshoot again. Also, phalanx not hoplite...kept...
  4. Greywulf

    Warmonger for self defence.

    Just discovered how frustrating it feels to be called a Warmonger by the AI after one of the AI declared war on me, invaded with an army, and I defeated their army and went and took a few of their nearby cities (wouldn't give me a good deal for peace). Anyway, I went nowhere near their capital...
  5. T

    How to defend against a colonial war

    I need someones help and fast Im new to civilisation as a whole, pity i didn't discover it earlier I've been building my city for a while now, but haven't been able to keep up, spain is two technological eras ahead of me and her armies have declared war on me I need tips and advice how to...
  6. Greywulf

    Weapon trading.

    Throughout earth's history, weapon trading has always been significant, and has altered things on a grand scale. Here's what I have in mind for the game: If a player researched Gunpowder, this allows him to build the Musketman unit, and has a stock of Niter resources. That player is in contact...
  7. T

    [vanilla] Question: Do unmet city states provide a warmonger penalty?

    My question is essentially: if I'm the only civ who has met a city state and i capture them, do i still get a warmonger penalty/denounced by other civs? For example, I'm currently playing as America and I captured 2 city states which pissed people off. The effect has started to wear off, but I...
  8. DarthHeap

    [R&F] Warring with a nation that is also friend

    I had a very interesting turn of events which then produced a game breaking bug as it turned into a war with Netherlands that could not be stopped. I was playing a game as china. I was ALLIES with Netherlands (economic) and Egypt (Military) w/ upgrade 1 level. Both simultaneously declare war...
  9. S

    Eternal War Bug

    I was playing as Teddy Roosevelt and was good friends with my neighbor Catherine de Medici. Then Peter the Great declared war with Catherine on me, the problem is the same turn she asked to become friends. I said yes and we were at war the entire game, I could never interact with her about war...
  10. F

    [Vanilla] Add a formal war?

    Is it possible to add a formal war? And if so, for a specific civilization? For example like India in R&F, where they can declare a "War of Territorial Expansion". So this is what I want to do: * Add a formal war which can only be used by a specific civilization * (lua) Can check if a...
  11. Artoli

    Make Military Tactics required for Metal Fusion

    Hello guys, I wish to know what you think about my proposal. I would make the military tacitcs necessary for Metal Casting, atleast. Why? Because of several reason: 1) Metal Casting unlocks Pike and Shot unit which is made of a Musketman and a Pikeman, but you could make them even if you can't...
  12. Z

    War themes

    I think that a war variation on all the civ themes would help alot with immersion. But i gues this is very intensive to create since you need to pretty much make a complete now score of music. What do you guys think about this.
  13. greedyjawa

    Improving war in CIV6

    Ideas: - You need a general for each army you have. You start the game with one general. - Units you build can now be part of the city garrison or join any army within city borders. - Army's strength is determined by the amount of units in army + general's level. (could add *better horses*...
  14. Titus Andronicus

    Smart City States in Civ V (Civ 6 as well?)

    In some games, usually playing king or emperor, I have often seen City States take on a Civ during wartime and capture a city. In one game, a City State took Washington DC, which ended up being razed ! It's interesting that the "one city challenge" applies to City States where they are unable...
  15. A

    [Vanilla] Notification that War is Declared by Ally, Nothing Happens for a Long Time, Now Suddenly They Attack

    EDIT: Sorry for not putting it in the title. I am in version (313929), with the Aztec DLC added. I'm 347 turns into my current game. I have been on-and-off allies with Germany throughout the game. At one point, while we were allies, some strange things happened with City States that I...
  16. M

    Weather modification warfare

    So I was thinking.. in Civ III, the climate would change after too many uses of atomic weapons.. so how about creating a HAARP weapon tech and unit that would modify a target's land at will? changing grasslands to tundra, or plains to flood plains, or locally making shores disappear by changing...
  17. H

    Rebels out of control after a war

    Once I start getting rebels after a war, and they destroy all my amenities, they just continually keep on coming. How do I stop them when I now have no money to support any weapons to kill them, and I can't build more amenities as they keep pillaging everything?
  18. R

    Military composition/strategy?

    What should my army look like? And how should I use each unit? Vanilla had ranged and later bombers as the "meta", how does it work for VP? I guess percentages work better than flat numbers as they change with time. Before frigates I usually don't bother with naval power (and now that they only...
  19. Z

    Buffing Naval, Nerfing War

    I'm a big fan of Civ VI for all its well documented faults, but i think it'd be a better game if it wasn't so easy to stop the AI on land and ignore the sea altogether. I'm also a history nerd so here's my fix for that. The big challenge of war historically wasn't just beating your enemy on the...
  20. J AI War and Peace?!?!

    I'm playing as Sumeria on a Shuffle Large map. No mods installed. I was somewhat aggressive with War Carts early on to steal settlers and workers from the AI, but conquered no cities. Did happen to backstab Scythia (whoops), which led to them declaring war on me around 20 turns after we had made...
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