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[BTS] ✌ [COMPLETED T237/500 WIN] Monarch Shadow Game - Washington | Help a Noble/Prince Player Level Up

Concerning grassland hills... what do you do with them, from a tile improvement point of view? mine them or wait for windmill to come online?



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Hills are usually low priority for your workers.
:hammers: have few multipliers until later, where they become very powerful with factories & coal plants.
But mines can be nice for wonders with a specific resource (like Moai building with stone).

I always think about if a city will need them before improving hills.
In Caste System a mine can help finishing some builds :)

Windmills are weak tiles until Replaceable Parts, not much better than using lighthouse coast.
If workers are needed elsewhere i'd not spend their turns on questionable improvements.
I'll try to answer some of your questions:

-Ramesess peace deal, should you take tech and let him live for another 10 turns?
Depends. Can you get the same tech via trade anyway? Does calendar/HBR have trade value? It also causes unhappiness in his ex-cities, which will be gone when he is knocked out of the game. Also, note that getting techs in peace deals counts towards trade limit (WFYABTA), which shouldn't be a big deal though. So all in all, very situational and requires some experience to understand the pros and cons.

-courthouses or just build wealth?
Depends. Since you have so many cities, maybe you can just keep capturing more and win the game? Once you have a clear vision on when you will wrap the game up, it becomes much more easier to see whether a building is worth it. In general, I don't build courthouses when going for domination wins. It doesn't matter if a city is costing 13:gold: per turn, if it is working good tiles such as cottages.

-golden age, when?
When your empire is ready for it. What you need is
  1. the guy who will start the golden age
  2. philo (access to pacifism to be exact)
  3. several big (over size 10 at least) cities that will run specialists
  4. religion spread to at least to your biggest cities to make use of pacifism
This is to take max use of all the :gp:-bonuses. There can be other reasons to start a golden age, like if you happen to spawn several GP of a weaker type. Artist and priest are nearly always weak, engineer and spy are situational, merchant and scientist nearly always excellent.

-city management
kwaDukuza: coastal with no seafood, grass cow, some green tiles. I wouldn't build a lighthouse even, it just adds marginally useful tiles and costs 60:hammers:. You can use this city to whip workers/settlers or build wealth. Not strong enough to build buildings IMO. Maybe you can also use it as a weak unit pump, since there is a settled GG.

Bulawayo: perhaps you shoul've razed this one. Without :food: cities are very weak. Definitely too weak city for a library. Just find a way to get border pop (missionary?) and improve the dry rice, then grow on cottages.

Memphis: has Mids and ToA I think? A decent city to run specialists in during the golden age. Grow.

uMgung: what to do with green hills? Typically ignore. Low priority like Fippy noted.
Spoiler Played through this one for fun :

Domination Victory in 1360 AD:

Not my earliest victory but I am a little rusty on this game so it's nice to go down a bit on difficulty haha :D

First cities:

I basically stole Shaka's first worker the first chance I had to choke him off:

Built my 3nd city right by his borders for gold. I also stole that worker above too hehe:

After I declared on him to steal the 2nd worker, I noticed that he barely had a capital. Because of the stolen workers, he was stuck at one city and had no other resources like iron/copper. He did have a settler on it's way to settle his first city presumably to get the horse several tile west of his capital. Seeing all there was about 2-3 Archers in his capital I just chopped/whipped a few Axes and his capital fell just like that:

Normally I wouldn't do an Axe Rush this late in a game but Monarchy spoiled me here. With a couple archers and just one capital it'd be easier to just demolish him now than to deal with him later with more cities/units.

The rest of the game I just settled more cities. I took the marble, traded for Masonry and even managed to build the Oracle which I used to get Civil Service. It was late in the game but I noticed it was still available and I could build it in 5 turns lol. If anything I'd get fail-gold. I also bulbed Philosophy with my first GS. I built the Great Library in Shaka's former capital and it became my GP farm with all that food. It even grew quicker/bigger than my own capital!

I also manipulated Isabella to declare on Incas. With a lot of the CIVs here at war, it prevented them from getting too ahead. After beating everyone to music (For cuirs later), I used my free Great Artist for Gold Age and switched to Hereditary Rule (Traded for Monarchy), Bureaucracy, and Pacifism. I also switched to Confucianism since I founded it (on Shaka's cap) and it spread to Korea and Ramesses. Even though I had to delay those civics a bit it was worth saving the 4 turns of Anarchy! All this happened before AD as far as I remember I'll look through the saves if you want I just don't remember exact dates haha.

I double-bulbed Education (All my GS came from Ulundi at this point), teched Gunpowder, while waiting for another GS. I also accidentally finished The Parthenon (meant to use it for fail-gold) but I could use the 50% GP boost to be honest. I teched compass and traded it for gold to fund my research. I built the Taj Mahal in the capital, started another free Gold Age, 4th GS was out, bulbed Lib, libbed Military Tradition and used Gold Age to switch back to Slavery (no anarchy). I only had 11 cities at the time but I whipped/chopped about 20-30 Cuirs and went ham on Ramesses. Took some of his cities including his cap and he Capitulated. Same with Wan Kong. Then I took Isabella's. Didn't take much to get her to surrender. Inca was last. Didn't need to Attack Ethiopia. After vassaling each CIV, I gave them all my techs. (I also gave Isabella and Inca back their capital after capturing them. Didn't even need to take them but just took them for fun at that point :)) After culture popped on my newly captured cities, I won Domination after that.



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Spoiler Played through this one for fun :

Domination Victory in 1360 AD:

Wow, that's fast in my book. much faster than mine for sure.

Latest update from my play: Domination victory 1635AD

Spoiler victory screen :

Spoiler score :

What i did:

1. Rebuilt cities after finishing off Egypt
2. Beeline towards liberalism (double-bulbed education)
3. Ran over Korea, Spain and Inca with Cuirasser/Cavalry.

there are many little things i learnt along the way.

thanks to all who helped. Really appreciate it.


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Post game questions:

1. my cities often fell prey to enemy spies sabotaging my builds. it's really annoying. how do I counter that?
2. concerning workshops, what kind of tiles would you build workshops on?
3. what kind of city is best for building Moai Statues?
4. about super medic, after "medic III" what promotion to give (attached pic)?



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1. my cities often fell prey to enemy spies sabotaging my builds. it's really annoying. how do I counter that?
I just live with it, not a huge deal anyway.
2. concerning workshops, what kind of tiles would you build workshops on?
Workshops are late game improvements. Without state property they are not great so for cavalry conquests I wouldn't build them really, rather just whip.
3. about super medic, after "medic III" what promotion to give (attached pic)?
The one that gives extra movement, because it's the only useful one.
what kind of city is best for building Moai Statues?
One that has several good water tiles. That means either seafood or lighthoused lake tiles. In general, Moai is not important at all, because it doesn't pay back quickly (i.e. there are many things that pay back faster/better). The main reason for me to complete it is failgold.
thank you @sampsa

with regards to teching strategy, once you completed researching all technology required to build cuirs, what should the teching path be like to optimize my race towards domination victory? To be honest, I was a little lost after finishing Military Tradition and Gunpowder.
what should the teching path be like to optimize my race towards domination victory? To be honest, I was a little lost after finishing Military Tradition and Gunpowder.
I tend to completely shut down research, because there is nothing useful to tech anymore. That means whipping off cottages and so on as the value of :science: is suddenly zero.
One that has several good water tiles. That means either seafood or lighthoused lake tiles. In general, Moai is not important at all, because it doesn't pay back quickly (i.e. there are many things that pay back faster/better). The main reason for me to complete it is failgold.

how do you get fail gold with a national wonder like Moai? I thought fail gold only applies to world wonders.
how do you get fail gold with a national wonder like Moai? I thought fail gold only applies to world wonders.
Nope, you get the fail gold in the same way. The only limitation is that you can put :hammers: towards it in one city per turn (though it's the same in world wonders ;)). You need to take it off the queue in other cities.
I tend to completely shut down research, because there is nothing useful to tech anymore. That means whipping off cottages and so on as the value of :science: is suddenly zero.

I actually didn't run slavery when cuirs came online. all cuirs were built using forge-multiplied hammers from good production cities. so the later wars of my game (wars with korea, spain and inca) were fought without slavery. is that suboptimal practice?

This is the civics I ran for most of second half of game.
Spoiler civics :


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Yup, you do nothing with caste+paci. Go slavery+theo.

edit: well, if you had workshops caste has value.

But if after say rifling (cavalry) you switched tech off and started whipping, you'd have no reason to get workshops and run caste.
Yup, you do nothing with caste+paci. Go slavery+theo.

edit: well, if you had workshops caste has value.

But if after say rifling (cavalry) you switched tech off and started whipping, you'd have no reason to get workshops and run caste.

Ok :). how about "Police State"? I was contemplating switching to it as it seems useful in times of war. when would you use this civic?
Ok :). how about "Police State"? I was contemplating switching to it as it seems useful in times of war. when would you use this civic?
Nice victory! :) I think you learned quite a bit this game.

I don't use Police State much myself.. It really depends, but as sampsa mentioned, if you are at a point where research does not matter anymore, there's not much of an issue running it. It can have some advantages early on as well, if you built Mids and you are Spiritual.
Ok :). how about "Police State"? I was contemplating switching to it as it seems useful in times of war. when would you use this civic?
Yeh it's very possible that it's better than rep. Depends if you really need the happiness or not. Usually not, since you can just whip every city to the ground to produce lots of units quickly.
Rep is miostly useful for happiness and golden age science. If you are whipping units its great for warfare. Mix in with other civics such as Vass andf theology and you can add xp to new units. Add on barracks and stable and that is 9xp units off the bat if you have the religion. Pretty powerful when you are mass whipping cuirs or other units. HE with 1-2 settled generals and sometimes you can have level 4-5 units being produced.

Nice win.
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