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2011 OT Survey - Your input is appreciated!

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CFC Scribe
Retired Moderator
May 1, 2002
Greetings OT. As many of you remember, a little over a year ago we had an OT survey in which we asked questions about the general state of OT and about what improvements you thought we should implement. Since that survey, a few new things have been implemented including adding more moderators, RD threads, revised forum rules, and a new perm-ban procedure that replaced our old "Road" system. We would now like to offer this new survey to see if our changes have had any effect on your opinions of OT, and we'd also like to gauge what else you think could be improved in the future. You will notice some questions are the same, and some are different.

Please answer each question individually by clicking the report post button. We encourage you to be specific in your answers, and giving actual examples of what you are telling us is encouraged. This is a private survey so you do not need to worry about breaking any rules. Please be open and be honest. Thank you for your time!
Question 1:

What, if anything, has deterred you from visiting and posting in OT the past? Is there any current problem, issue, behavior(s), or poster(s) that may deter you from posting in OT in the future? Note: We know that server outages are an issue, please don't include that in your response.
Question 2:

What kinds of posts, or styles of posts, annoy you the most?
Question 3:

What is one change you would implement to improve OT?
Question 4:

How can moderation of OT be improved (e.g. too strict, too lax, allow more spam, be tougher on posters, etc.)?
Question 5:

How could the infraction/banning system be improved?
Question 6:

What are your opinions on the way in which some members get permanently banned? Should this process be faster, slower, more stringent, more forgiving, or otherwise improved?
Question 7:

Has the implementation of RD threads been an improvement? For what reasons do you, or do you not, use RD status when you start threads?
Question 8:

If you were to rearrange OT and the other Colosseum forums by splitting, merging, and/or creating new forums, how would you arrange the forums? Arrangement of forums can both be by content (e.g. religion, politics, history) or by tone (e.g. serious and non-serious OT).
Question 9:

How can staff improve its communication with members?
Question 10:

What advice would you give CFC administrators and moderators to help us make this site a better place to visit?
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