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More Unique Components for Vox Populi

3rd and 4th Unique Components for VP - Official thread 88.4

My problem with the latifundium is that it takes way too long to build.
Last time I remember it took me 14 turns just to build one, and that's like a PoW worker building a plantation, needs to be shortened. Other than that, I don't care

Yeah, a shorter build time would definitely change the calculus in favor of the latifundium over the plantation.
The latifundium’s long build time was meant to reflect that you are functionally building 2 tiles worth of improvements. I’ll take a look at it, but we always intended it to be at least 1.5x the improvement speed of a normal improvement.

it also helps set apart the improvement, and is still is faster than having to improve both tiles separately.
I also find the latifundium underwhelming. Rome as a civ doesn't have any bonuses to population growth and would be taking Authority, the one early tree with no food bonuses. So it can't really afford to be stuck with two lesser tiles. It has all these little bonuses, but overall works out to be kinda sucky.

Latifundium were also used for livestock production.

The Latifundium were if anything, a negative for culture, as they pushed out the vast rural smallholder class that formed the backbone of the Roman state, in favour of slaves, tenant farmers, and scores sent into the cities.

An idea, but not sure of the feasibility. What if the Latifundium kinda sucks as a tile, but it gives 1+ yield to the capital, scaling by era? Either food, production or gold, depending on the resource. So you would build them in your puppet and conquered cities, to export back to Rome. The UA is the Glory of Rome, but nothing actually makes Rome better as a city than your run of the mill capital, all the benefits go to other cities.

Or it works better in conquered cities, to represent the vast slave or serf populations needed to work them. Of course, Rome did moves, slaves, around.

Something more complex would be a unique resource like the Goth's loot mechanic, for slaves that could be earned basically the same way the Goths gain Loot. If you have enough Slaves, your Latifundium works better. They were after all very efficient at producing goods for export due to the economies of scale and transport, and the enslavement.
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I like the idea of boosting the capital with every latifundium in the empire. Food or gold would be best fitting historically, as they fed Rome to grow to a vast size and made the senators rich. Gameplay-wise, production would be the best yield. It would allow Rome to get the standard buildings faster to give the other cities the 15% bonus for them. Sure you can invest gold, but I usually do that anyway with the gold I have. Extra gold would not help here.

First thing I would change though is the long build time. It's in the early game, when I compete for religion and wonders, and I rather get the plantation just to have yields and the monopoly faster. On the long run, yields of latifundium, figs and adjacency bonuses might be ok. I like that both latifundium amd figs get some gold yields, as they give an extra gold in the constant golden ages that Rome can get.
Rome is already a very strong civ. I don't think a buff to the latifundium is necessary.
I figured this would happen...

I'm not inclined to make Rome even more special by loading it up with yet more abilities and unique mechanics. The Latifundium already has a lot of unique abilities: the fig spawn, the tile steal, the unique placement prereq. The fig spawn also requires entirely new art files and code.

Yields in the capital are already used by another modded civ: the Garamentes' Foggara, which can be downloaded here.

The latifundium currently takes exactly 2x as long to build as the plantation. If I lower that to 1.5x will that be okay?

plantation: 600 (7 turns)
Old latifundium: 1200 (14 turns)
New latifundium: 950 (11 turns)
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Yields in the capital are already used by another modded civ: the Garamentes' Foggara, which can be downloaded here.

The latifundium currently takes exactly 2x as long to build as the plantation. If I lower that to 1.5x will that be okay?

Greece also gets gold in the capital for using diplomats.

Yeah, a lower build time would be good to make it better than a plantation in the competitive early game.
Please do lower it to 1.5x speed if you can.
Also - let's have a talk about the Danish Longship.
It says unit won't lose promotion until it leaves ocean. Does this mean if the unit (longship) leaves it behind, it loses its promotion? If unintended, you might want to take a look at it. Because when the longship leaves a settler behind, the settler just gets... stuck in the ocean
Edit: Goddamnit I have to delete my settler now because it's in the ocean
We tried the thing where they wouldn’t lose the promotion in ocean, but people could use 1 longship to “launch” multiple land units into deep ocean, and we wanted them to ferry units. The AI knows to keep units stacked, and if a unit gets stuck in the ocean, you can just move the longship back over it and start next turn with the ocean promotion.

tl;dr - it’s cause of human players abusing stuff that we can’t have nice things.
I understand what you're trying to say - but it literally doesn't allow me to move the settler anywhere, leaving me with no choice but to kill off my poor settler who wanted to establish the Vinland colony
It just says "Move Unit" on the blue bar next to the minimap
Shift turn ending doesn't work, either
Set to do nothing or sleep until you can move a longship over it for the start of the next turn
Set to do nothing or sleep until you can move a longship over it for the start of the next turn
I don't know if you got different interfaces or what, but I only have these two options: Delete or move to (which doesn't work because I can't move anywhere
I can't sleep either (In the game, not real life)
My profile picture is my reaction right now
I don't know if you got different interfaces or what, but I only have these two options: Delete or move to (which doesn't work because I can't move anywhere
I can't sleep either (In the game, not real life)
My profile picture is my reaction right now

Can you press space to let the unit rest for one turn?
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