8.2x Bugs Thread


Jan 25, 2009
Please only post bugs in this thread. If necessary add a savegame so I can deal with whatever bugs are left in wildmana. If you encounter a python exception, please post a screenshot or the line of the file where the error is.

Please only post bugs with a game where you used patch 8.10 (or 8.21, 8.22 etc.)

City of Thousand Slums doesn't update possible working plots for city (they can be selected via city interface though similar to plots belonging to another city)
Some leaders are reported to switch religions too often
Revolution Text needs to be added for Houses other than Ghallanda
I haven't downloaded 8.2 yet, but unless you caught it there's a pink box bug in the OnCityRazed code I gave you that generates Reborn.

The button for the message should be: "Art/Interface/Buttons/Units/reborn.dds" rather than .../Units/Scions/reborn.dds.

In case it's more convenient, here's the whole block.

Spoiler :

# scions start - Gives Reborn when razing cities.  The function reducing the population of Scion conquests kicks in first.  Currently Reborn given = that population -1.  Requires Sorc. and Priestood.  It's been suggested that be changed to requiring the civic "Glory."
		iReborn = gc.getInfoTypeForString('UNIT_REBORN')
		eTeam = gc.getTeam(pPlayer.getTeam())
		if gc.getPlayer(city.getOwner()).getCivilizationType() == gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVILIZATION_SCIONS'):
			if (eTeam.isHasTech(gc.getInfoTypeForString('TECH_SORCERY')) and eTeam.isHasTech(gc.getInfoTypeForString('TECH_PRIESTHOOD'))):
				if pPlayer.getCivics(gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVICOPTION_GOVERNMENT')) != gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVIC_GOD_KING'):
					if (city.getPopulation() - 1) >= 1:
						CyInterface().addMessage(city.getOwner(),True,25,CyTranslator().getText("TXT_KEY_MESSAGE_REBORN_SPAWNED_RAZED", ()),'',1,'Art/Interface/Buttons/Units/reborn.dds',ColorTypes(8),city.getX(),city.getY(),True,True)
					for i in range((city.getPopulation()) - 1):
						spawnUnit = pPlayer.initUnit(iReborn, city.getX(), city.getY(), UnitAITypes.NO_UNITAI, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH)
				if pPlayer.getCivics(gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVICOPTION_GOVERNMENT')) == gc.getInfoTypeForString('CIVIC_GOD_KING'):
					if (city.getPopulation() - 1) >= 1:
						CyInterface().addMessage(city.getOwner(),True,25,CyTranslator().getText("TXT_KEY_MESSAGE_REBORN_SPAWNED_RAZED", ()),'',1,'Art/Interface/Buttons/Units/reborn.dds',ColorTypes(8),city.getX(),city.getY(),True,True)
					for i in range((city.getPopulation()) - 1):
						spawnUnit = pPlayer.initUnit(iReborn, city.getX(), city.getY(), UnitAITypes.NO_UNITAI, DirectionTypes.DIRECTION_SOUTH)

# scions end
I've found a graphical bug concerning the Jotnar in the new patch. When Egrass or a Jotnar citizen are set either to build something or to fortify until healed, the model will spontaneously morph into that of a generic worker until clicked on or until the next turn.
I've found a graphical bug concerning the Jotnar in the new patch. When Egrass or a Jotnar citizen are set either to build something or to fortify until healed, the model will spontaneously morph into that of a generic worker until clicked on or until the next turn.

this is caused by the graphic setting "frozen animations"
The button art for corroding storm and summon elemental horde do not show up in the pedia (it is blank), maybe wrong links?

The spell wall of force still has a help tag that was removed: TXT_KEY_SPELL_WALL_OF_FORCE (simply removal of the tag in the xml should do, since a help text is not required anymore)

The button for hideous dream has a pink border in the pedia, maybe a missing alpha channel. or it it has an alpha channel but no border.

the promotion must have tag works very well but it in the pedia it shows: TXT_KEY_PROMOTION_MUST_HAVE_PRE

(i have not tried the mist tag i am working on it now)
Orthus Axe button art is a bow
I played 8.11 in hotseat multiplayer as Mazatl and they had a spell for creating swamp that did not have any graphics. Just a weird purple colour.

Perhaps a bug that link to graphic is not working or not a bug if the graphics is not done yet.
I also think Orthus span to early if playing classical start. He started turn 2 two steps from my city.

Seems to span very early in every single game. Next game we played my wife had him start four steps away and did not survive even with building warrior constantly from the start and her three starting units.

I guess this is because you start on a later turn when playing a classical start. But it would be good to delay him some since it is impossible to prepare.
settling AI is still in urgent need for a fix that makes them realize that peaks and water ice are useless. there's no need to completely rewrite it imho, just adding those two tweaks would work wonders. check this: not a single food tile in the BFC. only good tile is on the other side of the guardian, and that guy there is Zarcaz ( I wonder why he has no goblin fort under him, that's a bug for sure ) . I had to WB the hell out of this to make it decent. my heart bleeds when the Kurios do stuff like this. :lol:


  • uyyg.jpg
    213.4 KB · Views: 121
um...clan after casting "for the horde" was pleasantry surprised, seeing disciples of inferno/acheron? in their ranks.
A kind Spider saved a goblin child and raised it in its footsteps.

I know have an Orc Spider prowling the land.
[to_xp]Gekko;9152566 said:
settling AI is still in urgent need for a fix that makes them realize that peaks and water ice are useless.

Ha! From that screenshot it looks like they already made several failed attempts to settle near the Guardian (unless those are pre-generated city ruins).
The button art for corroding storm and summon elemental horde do not show up in the pedia (it is blank), maybe wrong links?

The spell wall of force still has a help tag that was removed: TXT_KEY_SPELL_WALL_OF_FORCE (simply removal of the tag in the xml should do, since a help text is not required anymore)

The button for hideous dream has a pink border in the pedia, maybe a missing alpha channel. or it it has an alpha channel but no border.

the promotion must have tag works very well but it in the pedia it shows: TXT_KEY_PROMOTION_MUST_HAVE_PRE

(i have not tried the mist tag i am working on it now)

1-5 should be fixed
I played 8.11 in hotseat multiplayer as Mazatl and they had a spell for creating swamp that did not have any graphics. Just a weird purple colour.

Perhaps a bug that link to graphic is not working or not a bug if the graphics is not done yet.

should already be fixed in 8.20
[to_xp]Gekko;9152566 said:
settling AI is still in urgent need for a fix that makes them realize that peaks and water ice are useless. there's no need to completely rewrite it imho, just adding those two tweaks would work wonders. check this: not a single food tile in the BFC. only good tile is on the other side of the guardian, and that guy there is Zarcaz ( I wonder why he has no goblin fort under him, that's a bug for sure ) . I had to WB the hell out of this to make it decent. my heart bleeds when the Kurios do stuff like this. :lol:

You can set USE_NEW_AI_FOUNDVALUE_FUNCTION to 1 at the end of GlobaldefinesAlt. Should prevent the AI from doing these kind of things of fantasy mapscripts.
Ha! From that screenshot it looks like they already made several failed attempts to settle near the Guardian (unless those are pre-generated city ruins).

indeed pre-generated (feature from erebuscontinents mapscript)
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