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A bizarre attempt to Save Enterprise

I totally plan on donating
An 8th season of DS9????? The only people left on the station are Kira, Ezri, Bashir, and Quark. How do you have a story with all the best characters gone?
They introduced new ones and brought back a few old ones. If you're interested, begin with the two Avatar books. That's where it begins. Ro Laren replaces Odo (yeah, that Ro Laren), Kira is CO, she gets a Starfleet XO (who dies), a new chief enginer (who dies,), all sorts of stuff. Search Amazon for the DS9 "relaunch" series, you'll probably get a lot of lists that have all of the "eighth season" books in them.
For the record, the last season of Enterprise is awesome. Most people here are talking without any actual knowledge of what the show has become. Boo-urns to them.
Smellincoffee said:
You're talking about the same group of people who managed to save The Original Series twice in a row, only to be shafted by NBC's putting it on a Friday night at ten o'clock, when its viewers were out having lives.

That because they thought Trekkes have no life...
augurey said:
I totally plan on donating
You serious? There'll never be a fan funded episode of Enterprise. Ever. They'll pocket your money and send you periodic emails with progress reports, and requests for more money.
Bozo Erectus said:
You serious? There'll never be a fan funded episode of Enterprise. Ever. They'll pocket your money and send you periodic emails with progress reports, and requests for more money.
that's a very pessimistic/cinical view of people in general isnt it?
though i may even agree, i'll still donate once this gets of the ground even a bit.
I'll donate as well. It is currently one of two series (the other being Battlestar Galactica) that I enjoy enough to be willing to pay for. Yes, season two sucked, enough that I didn't even bother watching season three. Season four rocks, so far.
Yes, another person that agrees with me.

Perhaps Dump Pot...I mean Bozo Erectus and others should actually watch season four before making blanket statements about the show.
Sobieski II said:
Yes, another person that agrees with me.

Perhaps Dump Pot...I mean Bozo Erectus and others should actually watch season four before making blanket statements about the show.
Ok to be fair, I actually read the whole FAQ and checked out the various forums where theyre discussing this. Come on, they have to raise what, 30 million bucks by March??:lol: It aint happenin'. I know it, you guys know it, and they know it. Its just a TV show. Not enough people watched it. It got cancelled. Time to move on. Be honest, if I started a campaign to raise millions of dollars to pay for one more season of 'Dharma and Greg', youd laugh in my face right?:lol:

A Star Trek fan and his money are soon parted:crazyeye:
Okay, so they get enough money to air season 5. Then what? Are they going to pay for season 6, season 7, season 8 etc? Once they realize the fans will pay for the show, why should they put in any money at all in the future? And will this be something networks will expect in the future? Does the public have to raise 10 million dollars, or there will be no more news?

All in all it is a bad idea to raise the money to produce that show.
When's this whole Trek thing going to be over? It should have never gone past the original series....and even that went a little long.

TV is mind-numbing.
Bozo Erectus said:
Ok to be fair, I actually read the whole FAQ and checked out the various forums where theyre discussing this. Come on, they have to raise what, 30 million bucks by March??:lol: It aint happenin'. I know it, you guys know it, and they know it. Its just a TV show. Not enough people watched it. It got cancelled. Time to move on. Be honest, if I started a campaign to raise millions of dollars to pay for one more season of 'Dharma and Greg', youd laugh in my face right?:lol:

A Star Trek fan and his money are soon parted:crazyeye:

I wasn't saying they would make the money, I am saying people keep saying the show sucks, when they haven't seen the last season and a half. It is practically a completely different series.
Sobieski II said:
I wasn't saying they would make the money, I am saying people keep saying the show sucks, when they haven't seen the last season and a half. It is practically a completely different series.

I second this particular statement. :thumbsup:
Paying to see season 5 or or star trek six (the searise) might not be as far fetched or s bad as everone seems to think. Supose its 2010 and somone wants to do a new star treak show. Why not go the HBO route? Make 12-16 great interconnected shows a season each an hour and a half long? Each season would have a particluar plot line and feature good actors and specal effects. Since they can pour on the money for each episode -being half as many as thiere currently are. We would see A list writers and actors.

any takers or am I too deep in the romulan ale?
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