The 2024 US Presidential Election

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You are talking to Democrats.
Oh, that makes sense than. We have that sort of stuff where I am from too where the opposing party is always the devil by definition. Than I shall consider my question resolved by the unnerving realization that we are not so different after all.
:lol: Nobody is!

Spoiler :
But I really have to ask the rhetorical. Of all the proud and noble traditions that come from the best of continents to include but not be limited to ethnic hatred, religious hatred, casual racism and a love for watching France v Germany deathmatches on a bydecadal basis why did you have to pick that one to copy? :)
We have that sort of stuff where I am from too where the opposing party is always the devil by definition.
But you didn't ask if we regard them as the devil. You asked how they as a party could get away with advancing a political agenda that is not in the material interests of voters.
But you didn't ask if we regard them as the devil. You asked how they as a party could get away with advancing a political agenda that is not in the material interests of voters.
No, I asked how it could get away with being openly, absolutely, categorically 100% voter hostile. No political party advances the interests of the voters really. But successful ones know how to pretend convincingly and do minimally less harm than their opposition when given the chance. Where as a lot of what I was hearing had made me think that this is not the case with the republicans. Like, they didn't even try the required used car salesman techniques.
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“I do not know if the people of the United States would vote for superior men if they ran for office, but there can be no doubt that such men do not run.”

“What good does it do me, after all, if an ever-watchful authority keeps an eye out to ensure that my pleasures will be tranquil and races ahead of me to ward off all danger, sparing me the need even to think about such things, if that authority, even as it removes the smallest thorns from my path, is also absolute master of my liberty and my life; if it monopolizes vitality and existence to such a degree that when it languishes, everything around it must also languish; when it sleeps, everything must also sleep; and when it dies, everything must also perish?"

“everybody feels the evil, but no one has courage or energy enough to seek the cure”

“Slavery...dishonors labor. It introduces idleness into society, and with idleness, ignorance and pride, luxury and distress. It enervates the powers of the mind and benumbs the activity of man.”

“On close inspection, we shall find that religion, and not fear, has ever been the cause of the long-lived prosperity of an absolute government.”

“[Patriotism] is in itself a kind of religion: it does not reason, but it acts from the impulse of faith and sentiment.”

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.”

Alexis de Tocqueville
But I really have to ask the rhetorical. Of all the proud and noble traditions that come from the best of continents to include but not be limited to ethnic hatred, religious hatred, casual racism and a love for watching France v Germany deathmatches on a bydecadal basis why did you have to pick that one to copy? :)
Must be something in thier blood. :mischief:
No, I asked how it could get away with being openly, absolutely, categorically 100% voter hostile.
Ok, but you asked it in the context of a quote from Bird that mentioned their opposition to various social programs, so I thought your "evil" was a lively summation of that.
No, I asked how it could get away with being openly, absolutely, categorically 100% voter hostile. No political party advances the interests of the voters really. But successful ones know how to pretend convincingly and do minimally less harm than their opposition when given the chance. Where as a lot of what I was hearing had made me think that this is not the case with the republicans. Like, they didn't even try the required used car salesman techniques.
30 years of lying, hate and anti democratic divisiness, spewed across the airways by conservartive talk radio in the US is why we are the way we are today. GOP politician have fed off conservative talk radio (followed by FoxNews) to convince through endless repetition that compromise with Democrats is evil. Stupid white people have been convinced that the only way to avoid losing their place in the social orer is to give money to rich white Republican men for hats and T shirts.
Why is it that every time I read about that political party the narrative seems to be that they are categorically evil and against the common man? I am seriously asking this because I just can't reasonably believe that a political party like that could retain the position of power that it has. It just does not pass the common sense test.

So what am I missing?

The GOP is the party of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich. This has been true pretty much since Lincoln died. But as the US is, mostly, a 2 party dominated system, both major parties had to have some widening of appeal in order to have any real chance of election. For 50 years after Lincoln died, the Republican coalition was most of the North, and most of the West. Because the South were the traitors everyone remembered fighting. So while the GOP was the party of the Elite, which they've been ever since, they were also gaining votes from Northern and Western ordinary people.

Fast forward a bit into the Progressive era, and there was a Progressive wing of the Republican party. But the Elite opposed that successfully enough so that the Democratic party started to make gains in the North, and there came into being a Progressive wing of the Democratic party. Even though the majority of the Democratic party remained the Confederacy. The Old South.

This is how FDR came to power. He spent his whole time in office, longer by far than any other president, walking a tightrope of getting as much progressive stuff done without driving the Confederates into full opposition. And so from the 1930s to the 1970s, the Democrats had the balance of power in Washington. But it was always an uneasy alliance. The Democrats had been out of power nationally since the Traitor Confederates started the Civil War. So they'd put up with some progressiveness in order to be in power on other issues.

But then the Civil Rights movement came along. And if FDR didn't help that himself personally, he set the stage by which it became possible. And this broke the Democratic coalition of Progressives and Confederates.

It's not an accident that you can pretty much map the solid Democratic voting patterns of 60 years ago with the solid Republican voting patterns of today. It was called the Southern Strategy, and it was a deliberate, and quite open, effort by the Republican party to draw in the Confederates.

And then you had the anti-abortion movement. Which was, and is, a movement of racists, by racists, and for racists, to draw Evangelical Christians into being one issue voters for the Party of the Rich, By the Rich, and For the Rich. Because it does not matter to the anti-abortion voter how much evil they support, so long as they oppose abortion.

So yes, the Republican party is a party of evil. Every bit as much as the Nazi party. Because in order to be a Party of the Rich, By the Rich, and For the Rich, they first have to get elected. So they bring out the racism, and they whip the God Botherers into a frenzy of righteous misdirection. But the whole of their actual policy program is to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. Ultimately, anything else is a means to an end. As long as the Confederates and the racists and the Traitors and the Heretics are getting what they want, they'll be motivated to vote for the Elite. At their own expense, and at the lives of their children. Because people who are driven by hate are not rational.

Gori, that is below the worst of the worst here and you are not that, are you?

He's literally saying what Republicans are literally saying.

Nothing. It's nonsense. The GOP just wants to find a way to pay for necessary programs without endless money creation. Democrats do not believe in the word unsustainable. They do believe in magic monetary theory.

Democrats are rational on it. It's the Republicans who keep cutting taxes, and then acting surprised when they get deficits.
And then you had the anti-abortion movement. Which was, and is, a movement of racists, by racists, and for racists, to draw Evangelical Christians into being one issue voters for the Party of the Rich, By the Rich, and For the Rich. Because it does not matter to the anti-abortion voter how much evil they support, so long as they oppose abortion.
What does racism have to do with Christianity and abortions? Neither of those is a race.
How do you reconcile these two positions? If you describe something as evil, I assume you must hate it.
How so? I can't speak for him, obviously, but there are plenty of things I personally hate without considering them evil and plenty of things I consider to be evil that I do not actively hate.
What does racism have to do with Christianity and abortions? Neither of those is a race.

Racists invented the anti-abortion movement for the purpose of drawing the Evangelicals into their circle.

How do you reconcile these two positions? If you describe something as evil, I assume you must hate it.

Yeah, I can have hate too. Hating hate. Hating isn't something a Christian should do. And yet it's common as dirt among those who claim to be Christians. Which is why I no longer do.

To hate, because of someone's race,
To hate, because of someone's religion,
To hate, because of someone's politics,
To hate, because of someone's nationality,
To hate, because of someone's economic condition,

Christ would tell you that you are wrong. All too many Christians would tell you that you are right. And that is why I am not a Christian.

But I've got a lot of rage in me.
But I've got a lot of rage in me.
Been there, done that. And let me tell you, you need to let go of that. If you don't it's going to burn you up from the inside out.
Saw a bit of an interview in which a political pundit claimed that Democrats insisted that Biden debate early to demonstrate mental acuity. The idea being that if he couldn't follow the thread he could be replaced before the convention. I do not see it that way. I still think it's about blocking Kennedy from gaining any momentum.
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