A Brave New World Part 2

66,500 men is so very close.:p Have fun flanking Cavalry through water!:p

I'm just comparing the losses on the Canadian front dummy.
OMG Do you guys have to respond to every post. Please stop.
OCC: I agree with Adrogans. Not every stupid comment needs a response. If you are bored write some stories or at least keep the flaming IC. OCC flaming makes things too personal and ruins the thread for other players
OCC: Aside from that, how does EQ decide battles? Is it with a random number, generator, or him rolling dice or something else?
Please stop flaming.

You don't have to take NES personally. For example, I don't blame Crezth for declaring war on me.

Though he is gonna get it :p
I have a really bad feeling that the Zulu Empire is gonna be the one screwed this turn...
Oh God I hope not. But, I guess I can always switch to the Celtic Union if Zulu gets the shaft.
In regards to battles, I initially did run everything via RNG. However, due to the problems of the system, what I do now is more of a mix.

Restarting update now: No stops ahead until the update is done!
Global News Report

THE GREAT WAR. Geneva, Switzerland. The war which began as a diplomatic incident between Quebec and Canada has escalated into a war of global proportions. The average man on the street calls this a “Great War” so we don’t see why we shouldn’t. The sides are the Entente led by France and Russia versus the Allies led by Mexico, New England, and Germany. This year’s conflicts have led to several victories for one of these sides, and some people hope that with this success peace can be made before truly astromical casualties are suffered. This conflict is of truly epic scale, and we have provided a specialized section for it in this update. For the reader’s convenience, we have listed the articles from west to east considering the map provided with the update. Enjoy.

CONTROLLED “AIR SHIP” TAKES FLIGHT. Lisbon, Portugal. To the amazement of a watching crowd, what the Portuguese refer to as a “zeppelin” has taken flight from a field near Lisbon. This astonishing new invention could revolutionize passenger travel, and several investors have already picked up on this project, hoping to start a zeppelin transport service between Portugal and Africa. Some critics believe that zeppelins will be unlikely to make long distance journies, but naturally the investors aren’t listening. This invention, expected to be years away, came about when a researcher spilled water all over the floor and it made a variety of shapes in the form of its puddles. The researcher says, “that everything just suddenly made sense.” Quite a genius, we think. (Portugal gets Zeppelins Tech, 1 EP)

North American News Report

CHICAGO ELECTIONS. Chicago, Free City of Chicago. War has entered the borders of Chicago for the first time since the 1850s. Despite this the liberty-oriented people of this small country have continued their electoral process. The Conservative Party won reelection on the platform of driving out the “Sauk sneak attack” and throwing their full support behind the Allies in the Great War.

NEW ENGLAND ELECTIONS. Boston, Republic of New England. With the Republic of New England fighting in the Great War for their second year, the New Englander people have made their voices heard at the polls. The people of this power remain fully in support of the war, and the Conservatives have won a resounding victory. Despite the successes, dissent does remain apparent. The Liberal Party has more or less collapsed, and an increasing Socialist Party minority has begun to grow, calling for an end to the war.

VIRGINIAN EMANCIPATION CONTINUES. Richmond, Virginian Empire. The emancipation process continued this year, entering the first of the heartland provinces of slavery in the empire, Virginia itself. Though there were some muted protests from the upper classes, the legislation continues to flow without open dissent. Many rest easier now, assured that emancipation can only prove successful in the rest of the North American empire as well.

PROJECT IN TENNESSEE PROVES TO BE WILD SUCCESS. Nashville, Kingdom of Tennessee. King James II’s pet project in Tennessee was completed this year, a series of dams and expansion of existing electric lighting throughout the nation. His promise that every house should have a light has made Tennessee one of the best lit nations in the world, if not the very best. These new dams and lights have provided many new jobs as well as a much needed economic boost for the small North American nation. (+3 EP, +2 Stability for Tennessee)

Central/South American News Report

RIOTS IN GUATEMALA. Guatemala City, United Provinces of Central America. At the start of this year, various Central American workers unions went on strike over wages in the factories. Factory owners called in strike-breakers and the situation escalated. A week long orgy of violence wrecked the industrial districts of the capital, and the military was forced to be called in to dismantle barricades and suppress the rioters. With the growing violence, the Central American Communist Party continues to gain in strength and fervor.

CHILE ELECTIONS. Santiago, Chile. As Mexico goes to war, so does its protectorates. Despite the hotly disputed decision to become a protectorate, the Liberal Party managed to win reelection on the platform of supporting the Allies in the ongoing war. The Liberals have already assisted in the fall of New France and Alaska from the Entente forces. See the full story below.

URUGUAY REFORMED. Montevideo, Uruguay. The small South American nation of Uruguay had an astonishing turnout of this year’s elections. With the Communist Party heavily supported by an unknown foreign power, they won this year’s elections in a landslide against the reigning Liberal Party. The new government under Emilio Higgins has proclaimed a socialistic paradise in Uruguay and has asked to align itself with the growing socialist bloc in South America. (+3 Stability)

SOCIALISM IN BRAZIL. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. To the celebration of many, the German Empire and the new socialist regime signed a nonaggression pact, a de facto recognition of the new government. With peace achieved, the socialists have begun developing their political capital into establishing a new socialist state. Individual collectives and unions have been given the duty of bringing in and producing the resources, and the reform is taking some time. The military has undergone extensive modernization using their Germanic advisors as well as observers and spies located on various fronts of the Great War. The rising socialists of South America and Europe have begun pointing to Brazil as the ideal state of a nation that could care for its workers and people more than any other.

NEW ENGLAND COMPLETES CANAL. Panama City, New England Empire. Mimicking the Virginian success in Nicaragua, the Republic of New England embarked on a five year project to at last build a canal on the Isthmus of Panama. Unfortunately due to the Great War and overall reduced global shipping, as well as competition with the Virginians, the canal has not been as successful. Desptie this, the new canal has proven invaluable to the Allied military interests, allowing for easy ocean to ocean supply and transport. (+1 EP for New England)

TROUBLE IN CUBA. Havana, Cuba. As the French military machine fails in the Americas, the Cuban nation reneged on its pledge and with Texan support seized the French base at Guantanamo and luckily captured the majority of the French naval squadron there after a brief battle with the local garrison. Local Venezuelan and Mexican ships prevented the French squadron from escaping, though a few ships were scuttled by their sailors. Independence from France did not end problems for Cuba. A Haitian expeditionary force landed late in the year, claiming to restore order and establish peace, but it became readily apparent that they were attempting to establish their own friendly leaders in power, regardless of local support. The Cubans responded violently, and with Texan support, they expelled the Haitians from the island in a series of ugly battles. The Cuban regime has condemned the Haitian government, and vowed economic retaliation for the attempt to assert control over the newly freed nation. Other governments in the region have also denounced the Haitian actions, including those of Florida and Venezuela
Casualty List
French Empire: 2 Infantry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade, 2 Destroyers, 1 Light Cruiser, 1 Heavy Cruiser, 1 Battlecruiser
Cuba: 9 Infantry Brigades
Texas: 2 Infantry Brigades
Haiti: 6 Infantry Brigades

European News Report

CELTIC UNION ELECTIONS. Dublin, Celtic Union. As war wrecks Europe, the Celtic Union remains neutral and at peace, but the war still looms over Celtic politics. This year’s debates in the campaigning season were dominated by the war, and the possibility of attacking the now belligerent England in the hopes of liberating Wales, a view argued by the Conservative Party. The Liberal Party managed to win the elections, however, promising to keep away from the war and maintain the nation’s long-standing neutrality and isolationism (+1 Stability).

DEATH OF THE KING AMID A NEW ORDER IN ENGLAND. London, England. Early this year, King George V passed away during the night of natural causes relating to his failing health for the past few years. His son, the educated Edward VIII, has taken charge of England, and his first act was to recall the long disbanded Parliament. Parliamentary elections were held and the Conservative Party won an overwhelming victory based on a militarist platform for the Great War. They have spearheaded the effort for the English invasion of France, and have glorified the ensuing fall of Paris as vengeance for the fall of London in the War of the Second Union. See below special section for more details on that battle. (+1 Stability)

PORTUGAL COMPLETES AGRICULTURAL REFORM. Lisbon, Portugal. After several years of effort and development, the Portuguese Agricultural Department has announced the completion of their ambitious colonial reform program. Providing jobs and resources to the Portuguese economy has proved a relative success, achieving government support and helping to improve the nation’s state. New consumer goods and products have begun to be exported to other countries, giving a small economic boost (+2 EP for Portugal).

African/Middle Eastern News Report

MILITARY COUP CRUSHED IN LIBERIA. Forsythville, Liberia. A military backed coup attempted to seize control of the African country of Liberia this year, but the majority of the military remained loyal and helped stop the uprising. The fighting was quick and brutal, and civilian casualties in Forsythville are believed to be in the hundreds. Order has been restored and the Liberal Party continues to maintain its control over the Liberian government. (+1 Stability, -4 Infantry Brigades)

NEW NATION PROCLAIMED IN AFRICA. Porto Pedro, Nova Brazil. Under the former emperor of Brazil, Pedro III, a government under this monarch has been proclaimed in Africa. In the old colony of Nova Brazil, the exiled officers and conservatives have established a new government, rallying the conservative elements of the Brazilian army and navy. They have pledged to one day restore their power in Brazil, though they recognize the current strength of the socialists in charge.

Asian/Pacific News Report

FIGHTING CONTINUES IN CHINA. Kunming, Yunnan. The anti-European warlord of Yunnan continues to be forced back by the other warlords, who have allied against him. Though Yunnan’s call for an anti-European crusade has been answered by a various volunteers, the majority of other Chinese leaders have turned against him. Outnumbered and outgunned, the forces of Yunnan have been driven back. Despite this unified support, and even some soldiers fighting alongside the emperor’s armies, the warlords continue to maintain their independence from a unified Chinese government.
Casualty List
Chinese Empire: 11 Infantry Brigades
Guangxi: 19 Infantry Brigades
Jiangxi: 22 Infantry Brigades
Yunnan: 51 Infantry Brigades, 3 Artillery Brigades
SPECIAL: The Great War

THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST OF NORTH AMERICA. San Francisco, Empire of Mexico. The forces of New France and the Russian garrison in Alaska had no chance against the overwhelming might arrayed against them. Half a million soldiers from three nations were sent into New France, and that nation’s feeble defensive force soon collapsed under the wieght of the offensive. With the main army shattered in the field, and the Quebecois withdrawing their armies easy, the government of New France has issued their unconditional surrender and have pled for leniency on behalf of Mexico. After the fall of New France, the ambitious Mexican Pacific Fleet forced the surrender of the Russian garrison of Alaska, making it obvious that no more supplies were to come from the west. The various island governments have also surrendered to Mexico, placing that empire in full control of the former nation of Alaska. Casualties remained lower on these fronts than elsewhere in the world due to the quick collapses and surrenders.
Casualty List
New France: Army Destroyed
Mexico: 11 Infantry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade
Chile: 9 Infantry Brigades

WESTERN QUEBEC. Mohawk, Iroquois. Early in the year it became apparent that Quebecois military forces were withdrawing east from the fighting against the various native states. Unfortunately, the natives were unable to exploit this withdrawal thanks to the need to build and upgrade existing military forces. When the offensive was at last launched, the natives found no organized resistance anywhere against their advance. The various tribes of northern Quebec have pledged their alliegance to the Iroquois, angered at previous years’ atrocities and attacks upon native culture.

LOUISIANA. St. Louis. Empire of Louisiana. The French forces in Louisiana were spotted early in the year to be preparing a withdrawal. In order to exploit the confusion in the French ranks, the Louisianans launched a massive attack, using small forces on the Mississippi River to outflank the French trenches and main front. This assualt came as a great surprise to the French army, which was driven out of fortified positions in a quick battle. The French forces were badly mauled and routed, only barely reorganizing after nearly being driven all the way out of northern Louisiana. When they finally managed to dig in once more, they were still slowly driven back by the now numerically superior Louisianan forces, who have even managed an advance into the Sauk kingdom, establishing a small, but bloody salient across the Platte River.
Casualty List
Louisiana: 31 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 9 Artillery Brigades, 1 Monitor, 1 Destroyer
French Empire: 22 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 5 Artillery Brigades

CHICAGO. Chicago, Free City of Chicago. After a believed to be staged incident between a Sauk monitor and the Canadian Great Lakes Fleet, the Sauk nation declared war and launched an invasion of Chicago. Chicago, prepared for invasion since the start of the Sauk-Fox War, brutally maimed the onslaught. Massive casualties were inflicted upon the Sauk as they attempted to storm Chicagoan trenches and fortifications. They did managed to push back some of the Chicago lines through sheer numbers, but only found more forts and a third and fourth lines of defense behind that.
Casualty List
Chicago: 11 Infantry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades
Sauk: 26 Infantry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade, 1 Monitor

CANADA. Toronto, Canada. Fighting in Canada has seen a story of mixed failures and successes. In the western part of Canada, overwhelming Quebecois military might saw the fall of Sudbury and Thunder Bay to the invading forces. Sheer numbers and firepower devastated the Canadian cities and defenders, and only a few managed to escape by sea. Heavy casualties were inflicted by the besieged fighting Canadian army, and many died where they stood, and very few were taken as prisoners. The defenders of the city of Ottawa, who have been under seige since July of 1904, managed to hold against Quebecois assualt. The largest Quebecois attack towards the Niagara Peninsula was bloodily repulsed by well prepared Canadian troops. After this attack, in conjunction with a New Englander amphibious landing off of Lake Erie, the Canadians counterattacked, routing the enemy army. They managed to link up with Ottawa, as well as pushing on to the Ottawa River, where the Quebecois army has once more destroyed bridges to prevent a capture of Montreal. Heavy casualties took place here as well as trench warfare escalated and expanded.
Casualty List
Canada: 41 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 4 Artillery Brigades, 1 Destroyer
New England: 11 Infantry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade
Quebec: 52 Infantry Brigades, 26 Cavalry Brigades, 7 Artillery Brigades

NEW JERSEY. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Fighting between the belligerent nations of Pennsylvania and New Jersey renewed this year with a massive Pennsylvanian attack. New Jerseyian military personell were well prepared for the attack, but suffered from defections in various units. These units, predominantly poor English-speakers, fell to Pennsylvanian propaganda promising to remove the French from rule in New Jersey. The holes created by these defections led to a rapid collapse of the defenses of New Jersey. The small navy of this country has been seized by Pennsylvania and the remains of the French government have folded. Pennsylvania has officially annexed New Jersey as a new county within the greater nation.
Casualty List
Pennsylvania: 24 Infantry Brigades, 7 Cavalry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades
New Jersey: destroyed

EASTERN QUEBEC. Quebec City, New Englander occupied Quebec. Despite extensive preparations by the Quebecois military, they found themselves out-manuevered by the New Englander army. While the Quebecois prepared for a New Englander river crossing an assualt though southern or western Quebec City, the New Englanders landed north of the city, behind all the defensive positions. The Quebecois found themselves being pushed back into their own booby-traps, sometimes inflicting casualties upon themselves from these devices. The smarter Quebecois units have dismantled most of the devices allowing them to keep fighting. Despite this, the loss of rear artillery and supply positions were too much to bear and the defenders of Quebec were forced to surrender to the New Englander army when food at last began to run out. The loss of the main eastern army shattered the will to fight in much of the east, and the few remaining forces have rallied once more around the logistical command center of Montreal.
Casualty List
New England: 33 Infantry Brigades, 1 Cavalry Brigade, 2 Artillery Brigades, 1 Destroyer, +1 Stability
Quebec: 65 Infantry Brigades, 7 Artillery Brigades; -4 Stability

THE CARIBBEAN. Port-au-Prince, Empire of Haiti. With the French Caribbean squadron bottled up in Guantanamo and then captured by Cuba, the Haitian fleet and army rampaged across the Sea. The various French sugar islands have been seized by Haiti, and French Guyana has also been taken. With no organized French resistance, these regions have all been declared to be part of the Haitian empire.

MOROCCO. Rabat, Morocco. French African forces managed to launch an attack against the Moroccan homeland. These forces, while achieving initial successes, found themselves on the retreat. In addition to Moroccan modernization of their military, the arrival of a Mexican expeditionary force rallied the defense. The Mexicans and Moroccans managed not only to defeat the French invasion but to drive further east into French Algeria. In Algeria trench warfare has begun, with both sides using the difficult to travel desert to anchor their southern flanks.
Casualty List
Morocco: 11 Infantry Brigades
Mexico: 2 Infantry Brigades
French Empire: 8 Infantry Brigades

WESTERN MEDITERANEAN. Marsellies, French Empire. Fighting for dominance in the Western Mediteranean erupted between France, Italian, and Moroccan fleets. The initial confrontation took place between the entire French fleet and a token force of four Italian cruisers near the island of Corsica. The French dreadnoughts destroyed the Italian escorts without much trouble and the Italian invasion force was forced to withdraw back to Italy. The main battle took place between this French fleet and the entire Moroccan navy, both considerable forces, and the French only having a slight numerical advantage. The battle was won by the Moroccans, who’s screening forces annihalated the smaller French vessels. Despite the sinking of the capital ships of Morocco, the French fleet was left so badly damaged, that the light ships of the Moroccans managed to sail circles around them, sinking what remained of the French Mediteranean fleet.
Casualty List
Italy: 4 Light Cruisers
Morocco: 2 Destroyers, 1 Light Cruiser, 7 Heavy Cruisers, 4 Dreadnoughts
French Empire: 6 Destroyers, 5 Light Cruisers, 2 Heavy Cruisers, 3 Battlecruisers, 5 Dreadnoughts

SPAIN. Gibraltar, Moroccan occupied French Empire. The French Empire lost control of much of Spain due to the arrival of two invading forces. From the south, the Moroccan military, victorious at sea against the French navy, landed at Seville and occupied the vital base at Gibraltar. They have also pushed inland, the only resistance coming from civilians waging guerilla war against the unpopular Muslim occupiers. In the northern part of the Iberian peninsula, the German Brazilian army has returned to Europe. These veteran forces, having gained experience in the limited fighting against Brazilian insurgents, have landed in northern Spain and quickly pushed across the country. With no organized French military forces, the Germans have easily reached and seized the western Pyrennes passes into France proper. Now French reinforcments have arrived, and though no major battles have been fought, both sides have begun entrenching for further warfare.

WEST AFRICA. Sokoto, Danish Empire. The vast and empty expanses of western Africa have been the scenes of small but brutal battles between Danish and French military forces. Though slightly outnumbered by the Danish military in the region, the French have managed to win victory after victory against various Danish attempts to push into French West Africa. The borders in the area have been maintained.
Casualty List
Danish Empire: 1 Infantry Brigade
French Empire: 1 Infantry Brigade

BATTLE FOR THE CHANNEL. Calais, French Empire. The first major battle in Europe during the year of 1905 took place in the Channel between the fleets of the Netherlands and France. This fight took place off the coast of Belgium as Dutch forces attempted an amphibious landing off the coast. As in the south against Morocco, the French fleet was overwhelmed by superior numbers of screening ships. The Dutch dreadnoughts managed to survive the battle, though one sunk from its wounds while attempting to return to port. This gave the Allies full control of the Channel from the Entente, and opened the door for the English invasion. More importantly, this victory sent the last of the French navy to the bottom of the Atlantic ocean.
Casualty List
Netherlands: 4 Destroyers, 2 Light Cruisers, 1 Heavy Cruiser, 1 Dreadnought
French Empire: 3 Destroyers, 6 Light Cruisers, 2 Heavy Cruisers, 1 Battlecruiser, 2 Dreadnoughts

NORMANDY. Caen, occupied France. Using the leverage of the Dutch victory at sea, the English military launched an invasion of the French province of Normandy. Though they were supposed to advance to the northeast, the English met with little resistance against their initial landing and proceeded to advance towards Paris in the hopes of ending the war by Christmas. Freshly recruited reinforcements met the English on the northern outskirts of the city and were quickly defeated. The arrival of further German reinforcements throughout the rest of the year managed to repulse French counterattacks, and English control over the city has been asserted. Needless to say this has had a devastating effect on French morale and many demand an end to the war while France still has a strong position militarily. The governments of the Allies however have received a surge of support for this victory, and people are reported to be celebrating in the streets of Berlin, Boston, and Mexico City. (+1 Stability to all at war with France, -5 Stability for the French Empire, -2 Stability for all remaining French Protectorates)
Casualty List
England: 17 Infantry Brigades, 4 Artilley Brigades
Germany: 8 Infantry Brigades
French Empire: 28 Infantry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades, -4 Stability

THE LOW COUNTRIES. Brussels, Belgium. The largest battles of the war have taken place between France and the Allies in the Low Countries. The fighting began in this region with a Dutch attempt to land on the coast of Belgium. Unfortunately for them, they arrived while the bulk of the French army was arriving in the region. The Dutch landing was slaughtered and they were forced to pull back. The real fighting began later in the year after the arrival of French and German reinforcments. The Allies launched a massive offensive, involving nearly two million soldiers. The French and Belgians fought valiantly, and through trench warfare, managed to bring the Allied attack to a standstill before they could reach Belgium. German attempts to flank the front failed and the trenches were extended to meet other lines further south in France.
Casualty List
German Empire: 102 Infantry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades
Netherlands: 74 Infantry Brigades, 8 Artillery Brigades
French Empire: 77 Infantry Brigades, 9 Artillery Brigades
Belgium: 22 Infantry Brigades, 3 Artillery Brigades

FRANCO-GERMAN BORDER. Munich, German Empire. Lighter fighting took place along the French and German borders this year than further north. A light German attack took place here, but was easily repulsed by the entrenched French forces. Eventually as fighting drifted southward from the Low Countries, the trenches on this front linked with those in the north.
Casualty List
German Empire: 7 Infantry Brigades
French Empire: 2 Infantry Brigades

BATTLE FOR THE BALTIC. Rostock, German Empire. Unlike other bodies of water involved in the Great War, the Baltic Sea remained relatively quiet for the first part of the year. After the Germans finished supporting their invasion of Spain, the German fleet arrived to upset the solitude. Using the Danes and Swedes to close off any possible escape into the Atlantic Ocean, the Germans sought a confrontation with the Russian fleet in the region. The Russian fleet eagerly accepted the challenge, unaware of what awaited them. The entire German navy sortied against these Russian ships, at the battle of Danzig for control of the Baltic. The German fleet took great advantage of its superior numbers in capital ships and the Russian dreadnoughts were battered down into nothing. The Russian fleet was more or less destroyed, while the few light cruisers which possessed the speed to escape fled to St. Petersburg behind a series of naval minefields. The German fleet was left nearly entirely intact, to the surprise of many, but was left very badly damaged has been forced back to Rostock for repairs, the majority of dreadnoughts are not expected to be leaving port again until at least 1907.
Casualty List
German Empire: 3 Destroyers, 1 Heavy Cruiser
Russian Empire: 8 Destroyers, 3 Light Cruisers, 3 heavy Cruisers, 6 Dreadnoughts

ITALY. Rome, Republic of Italy. Overwhelming numbers and forces have led to an easy Italian victory over the French in northern Italy. They met with major support from the Italian population, who rose up in revolt as well as doing more covert methods of hindering French military might. The local populace sabotaged the French wherever possible and provided a great deal of intelligence on French military movements and positions. The Italians have driven the token French force out of the region, only to be halted in southern France when reinforcements at last arrived to halt them and they exited territory with Italian sympathizers.
Casualty List
Italy: 23 Infantry Brigades, 5 Artillery Brigades
French Empire: 19 Infantry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades

BALKANS. Budapest, Hungary. Assisting the Allies in the Balkans is the moderate power of Hungary, which has easily seized the French Adriatic after they withdrew forces to fight Italy. Using their newly seized territory, the Hungarians managed to outflank established Serbian lines and penetrated deep into Serbia. Despite this initial success the Serbians were able to rally and successfully defend against an assualt on Belgrade. The Hungarians were also hindered due to the need to entrench and withdraw some forces back into Hungary following a small Russian probing attack and assualts from Galacia and Transylvania. The Transylvanian assualt met with mostly disaster, failing to break through entrenched Hungarian positions. The Galacians, through numbers and determination, managed to sunder the less impressive Hungarian lines there, and advance more deeply. The Hungarians have managed to defend themselves, halting the Galacian attack.
Casualty List
Hungary: 99 Infantry Brigades, 20 Artillery Brigades
Russian Empire: 4 Infantry Brigades
Galicia: 34 Infantry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades
Serbia: 18 Infantry Brigades, 3 Artillery Brigades
Transylvania: 31 Infantry Brigades, 7 Artillery Brigades
French Empire: 1 Infantry Brigade

POLAND. Berlin, German Empire. In the war’s second largest front, the Allied forces have won yet another victory. Russian attempts to push through Poland and gain local support have met with miserable failure. The German military entrenched along the front, and were well prepared and supplied for the Russian attack. The Germans also enjoyed superior artillery fire, raining down destruction upon advancing Russian forces. Heavy casualties were inflicted and only in a few areas were the Russians able to achieve any minor gains.
Casualty List
German Empire: 35 Infantry Brigades, 14 Artillery Brigades
Russian Empire: 88 Infantry Brigades, 7 Cavalry Brigades, 28 Artillery Brigades

SOUTHERN AFRICA. Ulundi, Zulu Empire. The Zulu initially enjoyed major success against the limited French forces in southern Africa. The Danes also launched a small offensive into the French territory. With a portion of the French army embroiled in Algeria and other forces involved in Egypt, it seemed that they’d be unable to do anything about this unexpected front. However, the unexpected arrival of a hundred and fifty thousand French troops soon altered the balance. The Danes were easily crushed and repulsed, and the French used their military raillines to meet the Zulu in battle. A mimickry of fighting in Europe and North America soon arose as the Zulu ran up against French trenches and defensive positions. The French commander, after several failed Zulu attacks, ordered a press south and experienced high casualties as well. Despite this, they managed to break the Zulu lines, and only after a couple failed attempts, the Zulu were able to halt the attack in occupied territory.
Casualty List
Zulu Empire: 39 Infantry Brigades, 6 Artillery Brigades
Danish Empire: 2 Infantry Brigades
French Empire: 29 Infantry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades

KARELIA. St. Petersburg, Russian Empire. Swedish and Danish troops managed to achieve victory this year in the far north, advancing into Russian territory. However, the Russians were well prepared for this contingency and have established defensive lines further south. No real fighting has yet taken place and both sides have dug in over the winter.

EGYPT. Cairo, Egypt. With the promise of being granted control of the Suez region, the Egyptian government announced the end of French imperial rule and declared an independent kingdom. They easily threw out minimal French garrison forces, which were busy fighting the Zulu in the south. They then rallied with Dutch forces to defeat a small Russian attempt to secure control of the canal zone.
Casualty List
Egypt: 1 Infantry Brigade
Netherlands: 2 Infantry Brigades
Russian Empire: 3 Infantry Brigades
French Empire: 1 Infantry Brigade

ASIA MINOR. Ankara, Ottoman Empire. Russian forces attempted to cross the Bhosporous Straits this year, only to march into the waiting machine guns and artillery of Ottoman forces. The Russians were easily slaughtered in the attempt to land, and the Ottomans have retained full control over the region.
Casualty List
Ottoman Empire: 2 Infantry Brigades
Russian Empire: 7 Infantry Brigades

NORTHEASTERN AFRICA. Addis Abada, Abyssinia. Abyssinian forces managed a bloodless victory against New England this year, overruning the colony of Arnoldka. With no major garrison, the Abyssinians easily occupied the region, and few other battles took place, though rumors emerged of a possible Egyptian attempt to head south as well to meet them in battle.

CAUCUSES. Sevastopol, Russian Empire. The Ottoman Empire managed to launch an early invasion of this area, before Russian military forces could send in full reinforcements. However, using obsolete equipment and a lack of knowledge of the terrain, the Ottomans were soon defeated by freshly arrived Russian forces with modern weapons. The Russians also managed to hand off a humiliating defeat to the Persians who attempted an invasion of the same area later in the year. The Russians have restored their control of the area, but no major fighting has since taken place along the border.
Casualty List
Ottoman Empire: 33 Infantry Brigades, 6 Artillery Brigades
Persia: 8 Infantry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades
Russian Empire: 20 Infantry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades

INDIA. Bangkok, Empire of New England. French forces overwhelmed New Englander military garrisons in the Bengal region, easily advancing to less hospitable terrain. Finding minimal resistance, the French were halted only by the amount of time and jungle that they had to cross. Many are concerned about the security of the remaining regions of New England’s empire.

MANCHURIA. Vladiostock, Russian Empire. Russian forces were surprised to face a new foe in the Far East. The Korean army, after several months of upgrading and preparation, launched a major offensive into Manchuria and Russian China. The Russians were overwhelmed in the wake of the Korean attack, and the limited forces in the region were forced to retreat. The Koreans have managed to occupy all of northern China and most of Manchuria, handing a decisive defeat to the Russian military.
Casualty List
Korean Empire: 19 Infantry Brigades
Russian Empire: 5 Infantry Brigades

SEA OF JAPAN. Vladiostock, Russian Empire. The Russian navy forced a Swedish task force to back down, even after their success at Formosa, captured early in the year from minimal French military forces. The smaller Swedish squadron was forced back to China after the Russians displayed overwhelming force and a superior number of dreadnoughts. The Russians, supposed to continue on to India, instead withdrew back in Vladiostock when Korean and New Englander fleets were reported to be arriving.

PHILIPPINES. Manila, Empire of New England. Fighting renewed in the Philippines as New Englander forces attempted to resecure control of the islands from the restless natives. Using overwhelming force, the New Englanders have systematically restored control over the main island of Luzon. The Filipenos, aware of their vulnerability, have set about rallying support on the various other islands in preparations for the attacks sure to come.
Casualty List
New England: 4 Infantry Brigades
Philippines: 11 Infantry Brigades

Diplomatic Pouch

To: Brazil and Rio Grande du Sol
From: Uruguay

We request to join your alliance in hopes for the better defense and prosperity of all of our enlightened nations.

To: Empire of Mexico
From: Republic of New France

We hereby offer our unconditional surrender, and we hope that you will recognize the friendship between our two nation for the past thirty years when determining our fate.

To: French Empire
From: Cuba

We apologize for the reneging of our deal, but it was this or allow Guantanamo to fall to the Mexicans or Haitians. Upon the war’s conclusion we are more than willing to peacefully returned all captured personell and military equipment.

Next Update

The next update will begin at 6 PM EST on February 24, 2009. I will not be on AIM more than likely during this time due to computer repairs. Please send all inquiries and so forth via PM and I will try to answer it in a timelyish manner.


Ya’ll win for the longest update I’ve ever posted. Two posts, that’s impressive.

Things such as Imports/Exports and increases in Manpower per turn will be adjusted every ten years, starting with the 1910 update. Just an FYI.

Due to massive global proliferation by a variety of nations, both Infantry Development level 1 and Early Nuclear Theory are now considered to be known universally.

@Milarqui: I believe you confused Battlecruisers and Heavy Cruisers in your orders. You purchased two of the latter instead of the former. Naval costs DO NOT count in mobilization.

@Yui108, I request additional information from you (in form of PM please as soon as possible) of all the remaining nations tech trades went to, as I know there were some which did not make the chart. Particularly ones discussed with me over AIM (which I could not save in doing this update). Also, when you receive an infantry tech, it is assumed that all infantry produced afterwards are at that level. The money you were to spend for upgrading that group has been banked. Also, propaganda radio broadcasts do little good, if the people you’re broadcasting to, DON’T HAVE RADIOS.

I want all belligerent nations to realize that it takes some time to upgrade forces and produce new ones. It is assumed that the earliest attacks with fully (and newly) upgraded forces would not take place until late June or July of 1905.

@Justo, as stated above in this OOC section and in the rules, naval units do not count when taking into regard mobilization bonuses. Your stats were adjusted accordingly.

@churchill: Mobilization doubling of manpower only takes place the first time you mobilize in a war. You’re past that point I’m afraid.

@Book Buddha, when mobilized, you cannot spend on stability as it says on the first post. That money has been banked.

IMPORTANT In addition to the note to Yui above, I need confirmation of a lot of apparent tech trades, as some of you claim to have tech when no one sent it to you. Therefore, I request that all tech trades be confirmed by PM, from the supplier only. Anyone who gave tech that’s not Infantry Development Level 1 or Early Nuclear Theory, send that PM as soon as possible so the tech tree issue can be resolved. The tech tree will not be updated until this situation is fixed.

@Stormbringer, I would appreciate a more conventional method of orders and so forth for the update. Though I enjoy reading your orders more than most, your current method does not fit very well into my updating pattern. If you’d like to see sample orders that others send, I’ll be more than happy to provide some. In the meantime, I just evenly dispersed your EP into the various option and stability growth.

@Adrognans: As stated above and in the rules, naval units do not count for mobilization bonus. Even if they do, 6 EP for 6 Dreadnoughts doesn’t make a lot of sense math-wise. I have instead produced you one dreadnought and a battlecruiser for the appropriate price.

@carmen510: read the rules, stability only increases a point a turn from natural increase spending.

@D’artgnan: in regards to the destroyer, it is on the Adriatic, not on the Danube. Also, it wasn’t really possible considering defensive positions and so forth, so that bit of your orders was cancelled.

The Korean Empire is now NPC due to player inactivity.

To all concerned: It’s spelled C A V A L R Y, not calvary or cavlary.

EP changes due to war are NOT listed in the update, check your stats, they will be there.

World Map

Spoiler :

Great update!!! I didn't realise that mobilization only counted towards infantry. Also, it's a bit sad (for me) that I wasn't able to occupy French territories in Africa.

I'll send orders as soon as possible.

EDIT: Didn't see anything about my attempt to reach the South Pole. I suppose that I should wait until this war is finished...
Yes a real great update. Nice to see Quebec got what is coming to them. Without the loss of a single Deseret soldier. :D
From: Texan Republic
To: Empire of Haiti

We demand an explanation for your hostile intentions in Cuba. Your gallivanting around the Caribbean is unnecessary and unwarranted. We demand immediate withdrawal of all forces from lands other than Haiti proper and those possesions to be turned over to the governance of the Republic of Texas so that the people of those areas will not become forced into servitude as you attempted with the Cubans. We will allow Democratic elections so that the people may decide their fate rather than be controlled by oppressive Haitians.
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