This is the same situation Monty was in the last game and he built the Chichen Itza. Laugh if you want, but he was the only AI that Sisiutil didn't beat up on.
Alone on such a large continent, you have *got* to get copper or horses *very* early.
Every warrior you build is just this side of a waste.
I agree Monarchy will be really important. I think, though, that it's far more efficient to build an Archer or Spearman later than a Warrior early. When you're by yourself, cities often get built out and have nothing better to do than produce military units. I think that's they way to get the garrison units.(Re: early Warriors being a waste)
Strongly disagree with this. There is a noticeable happy problem slapping us right in the face here even with hammans and forges. Hereditary Rule is going to be critical to jump starting the economy. If you avoid hunting or avoid hooking up copper you will be able to produce mobile warrior temples as necessary. I really think Monarchy should be an extremely high priority.
Strongly disagree with this. There is a noticeable happy problem slapping us right in the face here even with hammans and forges. Hereditary Rule is going to be critical to jump starting the economy. If you avoid hunting or avoid hooking up copper you will be able to produce mobile warrior temples as necessary. I really think Monarchy should be an extremely high priority.
Sorry this is taking so long, but I find myself having to re-read several pages of advice to determine how to proceed! Let's see if we can't come to some consensus... So I'm hoping to see a little more debate around this plan, and then I'll play the round and post it later today.
That city will have 3 peaks in its fat cross, eyyewww....Of all the dotmaps, then, jerVL/kg's made the most sense, despite the early maintenance costs, because its cities will claim the key early resources: horses, gold, and stone. The only thing I would add to it is one additional city 2W1N of the copper to claim that resource and the rice.
you are right on that, but i would not even bother with obelisks. temple and/or library are of more use.I would actually consider avoiding Stonehenge, and build obelisks directly in every city. The problem with Stonehenge obelisks is that they disappear after Calendar, whereas real ones stick around and eventually produce +2 culture. If nobody's built it by the time you hook up the stone, go ahead and build it, but I wouldn't make it a priority.
As for other wonders:
Great Wall -- definitely chop in the capital ASAP (after settler #2). The nice thing about GW is you don't need fogbusters; you're on an island, so you actually WANT barbs to spawn, to give your units enough XP for the Heroic Epic. (Or does the HE require more points now?) Besides, you've never built the GW in an ALC before, it'll be something new & different.
Oracle -- definitely chop in city #2 ASAP, and take Code of Laws, which appears to be the consensus.
Great Lighthouse -- you might have a chance of building this in city #2, if you're lucky. I would go for it (after Oracle) and enjoy the cash refund if you don't get it.
Pyramids -- probably zero chance of building this, unless you get lucky and pop a GE. Don't even bother with it.
Hanging Gardens -- a no-brainer, build in your capital once most of your cities are founded. You'll definitely have stone hooked up by then.
Colossus -- another no-brainer, though you have plenty of time for this one.
Parthenon, Temple of Artemis -- no marble, no chance.
Great Library -- hmm...I still think it's best to avoid Alphabet/Literature until you meet other civs, but this is an ALC and you're probably going to build it anyway, so what do I know?
Notre Dame -- With stone + lack of happy resources, this looks like an appealing Wonder, except that it's way off the tech path. But if you wind up going for TGL, might as well build this one too!
Hagia Sophia -- I really, really like this wonder for the engineering points, but with no marble it will be tough to build. It all depends on how quickly you get Engineering.
University of Sankore, Spiral Minaret -- with stone, and lots of religious buildings, both of these look like excellent choices.
Chichen Itza -- believe it or not, this might be a worthwhile wonder to build for the prophet points, depending on how many religions you found. Heck...why not??
Angkor Wat -- on second this one instead.(Assuming you get Philosophy early.)