(4th Round: to 600 BC)
The universe is unfolding as it undoubtedly should.
3rd city, Guangzhou, founded:
Thanks to the Philosophical trait, the Great Prophet appeared lickety-split:
Shhhh...the Prophet is sleeping. Notice I'm researching Alphabet? I have Fishing, Meditation, Priesthood (obviously), Writing, and Hunting now. Mansa discovered Monotheism and is now Jewish. Since Mansa's in the neighbourhood, I may as well take advantage and trade with him for some of the other techs I have no doubt missed. If I can get a couple of the Religious ones from him (Polytheism and Monotheism, I'm hoping), I should be able to quickly use the GP for Theocracy. With Philosophical and both Stonehenge and the Oracle in the same city, I'm practically guaranteed another GP for Confucianism's shrine.
Whoops, got ahead of myself there. Yes, as you might surmise from that screenshot, two turns later:
And with only one chop, and no marble! Cathy, as you'll see, has already snagged that.
So Mansa and Monty have religions? Well, nya-nya-na-nya-nya:
Hmmm...poor Cathy, with no religion of her own! Once I get Organized Religion, I should try to convert her. Yes, right before I kill her.
And Mansa is already trading with me:
Which leads me to believe he must have Sailing, because I don't. Put that on the list too. We'll be talking turkey in...what is it now...six turns.
And, the icing on the cake appeared just a few turns later:
One chop only, gang. Hooking up stone early pays off. But Shangai is getting unhealthy fast with no forests, so I want to hook up that deer right after my worker is done with the all-important copper. I'm also building barracks in my cities--well, except Beijing, though it's next in the queue once the Settler for city 4 finishes.
I changed civics right away (yes, I remembered!) to Representation. I have not, however, changed to Caste System yet, even though CoL has made it available. My thinking is that with the copper just coming on line, I may need to whip Axemen if I get rushed by barbs--or Cathy.
China's and Russia's borders, you see, are starting to encroach on one another:
You'll notice from the position of the Warrior that I have Open Borders with Catherine. Check the score display and you'll see that I've got them with everyone. Yup--got a Warrior way down south, scrounging around. Wouldn't do to have my boy cut off from home.
Speaking of which, more of the map has been revealed:
I'm thinking Mansa may not be long for this earth since he has Monty next door and they have conflicting religions. Another reason I pushed for Alphabet, just in case he's not around or useful for tech trading later.
Next turn, my fourth Settler appears. Does he go northwest to the silk, wheat, and cow, or southeast to the horses and fish? My power rating is pretty low right now, and I'm getting worried Cathy's going to take advantage of that--I mean, I've got a bunch of attractive Wonders she could steal. I'm going to push my Warrior over to her closest city and see if she's gone axe-crazy (shudder).
And, as always, the saved game if you want to take a look: