Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp

Heard or Depp?

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If you have the power I'll cast my ballot.

Edit - I didn't really care to follow the case obviously, but as a meta-observation I want to point out that YouTube tried to push a ton of MRA-like content on me through this whole ordeal. I never watch that garbage of my own volition yet it's constantly in my recommendations and I have no idea why.
Both seem like pretty terrible people feeding off of each others unhealthy behavior. Heard working with the ACLU to time her article to it helps her career, Depp being/acting like a drugged up rock star gone to seed, both appearing to actively choose to remain part of an incredibly toxic relationship, etc.
Im so outraged that my poll has been altered by a mod.

Can i change my vote to "Both are losers?"
What did Depp get out of this trial? (I suppose sympathy/cancelling the old impression that he was violent with Heard?)

Anyway, Heard looks better than Depp so (since I have no other interest here) I guess I support her :o
Im so outraged that my poll has been altered by a mod.

Can i change my vote to "Both are losers?"
I am quite happy to change it back.
What did Depp get out of this trial? (I suppose sympathy/cancelling the old impression that he was violent with Heard?)

Anyway, Heard looks better than Depp so (since I have no other interest here) I guess I support her :o
The trial was, I believe, technically about Heard's right to mention that she had been domestically abused. I'm unsure if she referred to Depp by name, but in any event that's what she was taken to court for. She lost, which is a pretty chilling precedent even if they're both garbage people.
I only vaguely followed it. Doesn't capture much of my attention.
No option for who gives a ****. Poll is invalid.
I have a fever! And the only prescription is More Radioactive Monkey!!
What did Depp get out of this trial? (I suppose sympathy/cancelling the old impression that he was violent with Heard?)

Court of public opinion. That's really it. Depp got canned across the industry after being accused. It's why he picked Virginia for the case: it is legal to stream the proceedings there, but nowhere else. This has likely made him employable again at or near his previous standard.
I really did not follow any of the trial, but my gut says Heard. You know how sometimes you just know something? It’s like OJ. We know he did it. He knows he did it.
Court of public opinion. That's really it. Depp got canned across the industry after being accused. It's why he picked Virginia for the case: it is legal to stream the proceedings there, but nowhere else. This has likely made him employable again at or near his previous standard.

Tbh not sure about this. My understanding is that his abuse of drugs and other problems played a much more important role in his career issues than the Heard business.

Anyway, I started out here thinking something like "a plague on both their houses". Having seen some of the memes and news coverage of the trial I was pushed over to Heard's side because her claims mostly have pretty strong corroborating evidence, and because I couldn't help noticing that many of the Worst People On Earth are huge Depp stans.

Heard is a flawed person, and there was a degree of mutual abuse in the relationship, but there's no question Johnny Depp is a much bigger ******* than Heard with much bigger behavioral issues. He clearly used the trial as a PR coup, and the fact that he was so successful (really, I expected the verdict to go against him but it was clear the PR side of it worked regardless) bodes ill for the future. I'm also quite convinced that lawyer of his, Camilla whatever, is a total sociopath.

Tbh, I would say that the way Depp handled this trial is in some ways worse than the actual abuse he did to Heard during their relationship - that was fueled by his abuse of alcohol and drugs, but the response of a good person to something like this is to admit what you did and try to get help, not to deny everything and make out that your ex is a lying harlot just trying to make a buck by bringing you down. I will note finally that to my knowledge Depp has made no effort whatsoever to get his devoted online fans to stop their hideous misogynistic harassment of Heard, which is another serious mark against him in my book.
I have little positive toughts toward any of the parties to this social media circus parody of a trial. She doesn't seem particularly symapthetic, he's no more sympathetic now than yesterday (which far more antipathic than she), and the American legal system as always proves itself better at parodying justice than delivering it.

The victim I symapthise the most with here woul the british judge from the previous trial who actually tried to deliver a serious ruling that was supported by his appeal colleagues and is now getting character assassinated because seven clueless dweebs of no particular competence, qualification or moral probity decided to disagree with him and American exceptionalism decreed that being Americans they were of course smarter than the foreigner.

Juries are a quaint medieval relic that made a little sense when everything was unwritten custom, but none after a thousand years of the law growing more complex. They barely have any value even in criminal law (where they're supposed to check the power of the state, but more often than not are more likely to blindly accept the testimony of cops over any others), and there is no sane justification whatsoever for using them in non-criminal cases. The value America puts on them would be comedy gold if it didn't directly lead to so many failed rulings.

The fact that the jury managed to pretzel itself into concluding that (paraphrasing) "I am an abuse victim" and "pretending my client abused her was a setup" are BOTH defamation goes to show precisely how farcical juries are - that's an incredibly thin line they'e drawing. (The fact that they forgot to fill in the damage on the form is...also not looking good on their ability to actually do their job as jurors)

#IstandwiththeBritishJudge (which I guess means I indirectly stand with Heard? Eh, works for me)
From the little I have watched of the trial, it appears that Heard is the one who got defamed during the trial itself. Mostly some vile details. That Depp was a drunkard was pretty well-known already, although I recall articles according to which he was pretty much beating her. Don't know if that happened - but the verdict seems to be on his side, which is again bad pr for Heard.

Anyway, Heard should have gotten better lawyers and this might have been different.
I will note finally that to my knowledge Depp has made no effort whatsoever to get his devoted online fans to stop their hideous misogynistic harassment of Heard, which is another serious mark against him in my book.

Is he legally allowed to do this during an ongoing trial?
Could be debated but I don't think a "please stop, the courts are the proper venue for this, not social media harassment" would be a problem.

Of course, everything from chosing a livestreaming venue on down was designed for precisely the opposite purpose, so it would be surprising for him to have done so.
Sound like they're both terrible people. Mutually toxic relationship but Depp was probably worse and Heard mouth wrote checks her ass can't cash.

And both their careers are probably tanked.
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