American War of Independence


Feb 1, 2009
Somewhere in nowhere

1775, the British colonies in North America.​

In response to the Boston Tea Party 1773 and other protests, the British Parliament enacted the intolerable Acts to punish the colonies and declared Massachusetts to be in a state of rebellion. General Thomas Gage, appointed governor of Massachusetts, was instructed by King George's government to enforce royal authority in the troublesome colony.

Even though the countryside is largely controlled by Patriot sympathizers, the Lieutenant Colonel Francis Smith gets a secret order to capture and destroy military supplies that are reportedly stored by the Massachusetts militia at Concord.

Alarmed through a suprise raid of gunpowder and other military supplies near Boston by British troops thousands of American Patriots sprang into action and awaits the British regulars at Concord.

The struggle for Independence has begun...

Please download the scenario on the SL Wiki:

American War of Independence
These are the files you´ve tested.
I will uploading the new files today as the events now working fine. :)

If you would like to check the grammar of the textblocks I would be very happy :)

Here are the checked events. There wasn't a huge amount to change. The most common change was to make the text present tense instead of past tense plus a few minor grammatical errors. My grammar may not be 100% accurate either but any minor errors should be hardly noticeable to anyone except the most hardcore English teachers playing with their red marking pens at the ready ;)


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Btw, did you start a new game with the new files?

The major changes are more units for the Empire, a small tech tree and ensuring continious attacks on major cities. :)
Oh cool, do we get to kill Sarah Palin? :hammer:
Don't do that! :p Besides, she'd make a good unit in a modern US Civil War scenario:
"There's one difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull ... * shotgun* lipstick!" ;)
Careful, Fairline. We don't want our best artist rendered. :cowboy:

C2U, a scenario with possiblities. I just won my first decisive victory, despite losing the war. And all before the end of 1776!

The initial play (almost no British) is pretty dull, in fact I was just about to give up on it, when the events of the Declaration of Independence and the British landing at Brooklyn suddenly made it more interesting. After the British captured New York, they fanned out, mostly heading south. After they captured Trenton, I ventured a counter-attack from Philadelphia, leading with George Washington. He was unable to get back to Philly, and was killed by the British on the next turn. A text message then told me that I had lost the war. Sure enough, the next turn, the scenario ended - but wait! - I still controlled 9 of 10 objective cities and had won a decisive victory! :dance:

I think you should reconsider making the loss of GW a game ender. He was just the top General, and could have been replaced (poss. event?). He only became the "Father of his Country" after the war was over. ;) In any event, I don't think the game should end before the British have a chance to conquer most of the objectives, and the Americans have a chance to take them back.

Playtesters really benefit from a "Readme" file. It's much better to know what the designer wants us to look for, and what types of advice will benefit him/her.

Aside from that, it's a nice map with a good scale, and superb units. I'm disappointed that the map precludes the invasion of Canada in 1775.

The tech tree needs more detail. Perhaps things like 'Declaration of Independence', 'Continental Congress', 'Continental Army' and 'Continental Navy' could be researchable technologies as well as triggers for events?

Maybe the 'Minutemen' should be given by events in the first few turns only. 'Line' units might only appear after researching 'Continental Army'?

The American Navy never had a single 'Ship of the Line' or even a frigate in the entire war, so those capture events are ahistorical. The speed of Ships of the Line is snail-like. Historically, in one turn (a month), they could easily travel half the distance from Boston to Florida. I suggest that their MF should be 40 (the max in Civ2).

British events were developing nicely before the premature end of the scenario. I'll reload (more carefull with GW) and let you know how it goes. Bravo - this has the making of a first-rate scenario. :clap:
Sarah Palin? Who is Sarah Palin? :D

I´ve changed the intro text a little bit to avoid a relation to this scary woman and her own dubious Tea Party :dubious:

The idea of Washington as the top General seem's not to be a good idea. I´ve changed it in the events, now the Americans has to pay ransom for him in case he get prisoned.

Historically the main action in this war actually starts immediatelly after the Declaration of Independence though the war started in April 1775 with the Concord and Lexington events. I choosed 1775 as the beginning of the scenario because of the Boston Campaign and later the Loyalist uprisings in some regions. Maybe the first turns could be boring for some players believe me, after the New York campaign you will have action until the end of the war.

McMonkey draw this map for me for my Civil War scenario, there was no need to have Canada included. Because it is a very detailed map of the Eastern USA I used it for my AWI scenario.
Your are right, for the Independence War it had to be included as the invasion of Canada by American troops was one of the major events in the early beginning of the war even though it was a military desaster for the Americans. :D

I´ve created a frequent asked questions on the SL Wiki which should explain the player what are the goals and other things of the scenario. I can change that and write down the most important things in short sentences if this would be better.
Please let me know and I change it.

The version on the SL Wiki isn´t the playtest version, it´s the final version. I´m looking how the things goes until the next couple of month to see what others will write. Until than I will start overworking the most worst things and eventually bugs. :)

If I would be historical correct I should disable capturing British naval units by the Americans. Maybe for the human player I will disable this, if you play with the British Empire I will use the capture flag as I think naval supremacy for the human player could be very fast very boring and very easy to conquer all relevant coastal cities.

I`m looking forward to your game :)
Considering the way our media portrays it, I can't exactly blame people for saying things like "[Sarah Palin's] own dubious Tea Party," but I do have to point out that people like Sarah Palin and Ron Paul (perhaps the major source of inspiration behind the movement) might as well be from different galaxies politically.

Some "sheep" are really wolves... Just sayin'.
Considering the way our media portrays it, I can't exactly blame people for saying things like "[Sarah Palin's] own dubious Tea Party," but I do have to point out that people like Sarah Palin and Ron Paul (perhaps the major source of inspiration behind the movement) might as well be from different galaxies politically.

Some "sheep" are really wolves... Just sayin'.

Sorry if I wrote something wrong. I only know her from the TV news and the newspapers where she had some interviews and told sometimes some very stupid things. I only can quote what the medias wrote or showed from her.

I don´t know Ron Paul.

However, let`s come back to Civ II and all the wonderfull scenarios, artsworks and other Civ related things which are created here :)
No need to apologize, I'm the one off topic, not you. It's just a pet peeve of mine when people like Palin, Bush, Cheney, Rove, etc., are branded "conservative." Doing so is a rather large insult to legitimate conservatives :p :D

But yes, back to Civ2... I'm looking forward to playing this scenario. I have my fingers crossed that the Adirondacks have a measure of importance (I have spent a good deal of time on Lake Champlain).

I'm engrossed in Fortress Europe right now, but this is on the "To play" list!
Your are right, for the Independence War it had to be included as the invasion of Canada by American troops was one of the major events in the early beginning of the war even though it was a military desaster for the Americans. :D

It always is. They finally gave up, and decided to just buy the place instead. :cowboy:
But yes, back to Civ2... I'm looking forward to playing this scenario. I have my fingers crossed that the Adirondacks have a measure of importance (I have spent a good deal of time on Lake Champlain).

I'm engrossed in Fortress Europe right now, but this is on the "To play" list!

Great, please let me know how your fight for freedom goes when you start a game :)

Well I´ve included the Battle of Saratoga into the scenario. The city is (for Civ2 relations) very close on Lake Champlain. You will have to fight this battle with the Americans and trying to avoid British invasion into New England. :)
Hmm, well, I hope I have more luck at my exploits in Civ2 Saratoga than I've ever had in real life Saratoga :)
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