• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

AND SVN Build Thread

Revision 1080
  • Updated translations.
  • Launcher is now more customizable for modding (see launcher repository for details).
I'll push a new installer, just because it's been a really long time since the last one :)
Revision 1080
  • Updated translations.
  • Launcher is now more customizable for modding (see launcher repository for details).
I'll push a new installer, just because it's been a really long time since the last one :)
Great job!
Could you investigate the issue I reported?

And an other thing: I don't know if you have noticed but now there are 2 DLL files: One for 50civs max (default) and an other for 100civs max (named: CvGameCoreDLL.dll.100civs). I think it would be very awesome and user friendly if the launcher could switch between the two by renaming them. I just don't know whether it is possible or not to do.
I'll try to do this when I'll have time :)
Rev 1081 (Happy New Year!)

Nothing really new in this update except promotions. Cleaned up Air Promotions and Quests, a few tweaks to Revolutions and buildings.

Bug fixes:
  • Fixed civics screen with Revolutions off
  • Fixed iConscription value for Spearmen UUs
Revolution changes:
  • Increased revolution index drop for putting down revolutions
  • Changed garrison formula to allow for less than 100% revolt protection
  • Moved 15% nationality modifier from Monarchy to Despotism
  • Secular/Personality Cult/Atheist have no base revIndex changes
  • Religion modifiers halved at Humanism and divided by 3 at Liberalism (was divided by 3 at Sci Method)
Terrain changes:
  • Neutralized Slimy Coast and Slimy Ocean (cannot delete without breaking save games); terrain values are same as Coast/Ocean, will not be spawned by nukes, deleted Sanitize Water ability
Quest and event changes:
  • Horse Whisperer requires Horseback Riding to trigger, halved Stables requirement, added 2-4 Horse sources requirement (depending on map size)
  • Classic Literature halved Libraries requirement, added Theatres requirement (equal to Libraries)
  • Master Blacksmith halved Forges requirement, added 3-10 metal sources requirement (depending on map size)
  • Sports League halved Arenas requirement, added Statue of Champion
  • Best Defense halved Castles requirement, added Forts in cultural borders requirement (equal to Castles)
  • Harbormaster requires at least one Seaport, switched Caravels requirement (equals default number of players) and Seaport requirement (half default number of players)
  • Alternative Energy requires at least one Coal Plant or Oil Plant to trigger, expires at beginning of Transhuman Era, and can give +10 gold to Solar Plants
  • Elite Swords can trigger on Heavy Swordmsan
  • Napalm applies promotion to all Bomber-combat class units
Building changes
  • Beadmaker, Jewellery upgrade to Omnifactory
  • Granary, Grain Silo update to Farmscraper
  • Farmscraper loses +6 food from Fertilizers; adds +50% food kept, +4 health, +30% food from Fertilizers
  • Brothel obsolete with Androids
  • City Park cost increased to 200 and added +50% production with Fertilizers
  • School changed to +8 science and +1 happy/35% science
  • Stadium reduced to +4 happiness
  • Research Laboratory deleted space production
  • Food Processing Plant requires Grain Silo or Farmscraper
  • Network Node resource requirement changed to Microchips
  • Zero G Sports Arena reduced to +6 happiness
  • Arcology Shield deleted happiness
  • Starport added +25% space production
  • Transporter deleted space production bonus; commerce increased to +1/2 connected cities
  • All civic buildings require active civics
  • Plague Hospital upgrades to Hospital
  • Expressway upgrades to Transporter
  • Brewery, Glass Blower resource requirement changed to resource required in city vicinity
  • Radio Telescope dropped University requirement
  • Nano Research Department requires Research Laboratory
  • Greek Fire applies promotion to units that end turn in city
Tech quotes updated for Weaving, Canals, Mechanics, Divine Right, Flintlock, Naval Tactics, Grand War, Aerodynamics, Nuclear Power, Laser, Modern Warfare, Space Flight, Networking, Skyroads

Air promotions heavily simplified.
  • Fighters and Bombers can get standard Combat promotions
  • Deleted Air-to-Air, Chaff, Extra Fuel Tank, Improved Radar, Low Altitude Maneuvers, Precision Bombing, Veteran Pilot
  • Torpedoes I simplified to +20% vs. Water units
  • Kamikaze simplified to +100% strength and no prerequisites
  • Ace Pilot simplified to Ace and only gives +50% XP
  • Top Gun Pilot simplified to Top Gun and only gives +50% XP
  • Napalm Bombs simplifed to Napalm; gives +10% bombard and only available through Event
  • Added promotions: Dogfight I-II-III (+20%/+25%/+30% vs. Fighters), Superiority I-II-III (+20%/+25%/+30% vs. Bombers), Strafe I-II-III (+20%/+25%/+30% vs. Land units), Torpedoes II-III (+25%/+30% vs. Water units), Evade I-II (+10%/+15% evasion)
  • Intercept promos give no combat bonus

  • Fixed health/unhealthiness caused by improvements
  • Animals spawn up to classical era
  • Reverted to previous version of the updater/launcher until the new one can be fixed

I will also upload a new version of the full installer (currently uploading). Everyone will need to use the latest (1082) full installer (only once) because the updater/launcher of rev1081 won't work to update the mod. After updating to rev 1082, you can use the updater/launcher again.

Edit: full installer ready for download
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From here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/main-download-information.344525/
what I have downloaded says rand_full_installer_2018-11_rev1080.exe

https://sourceforge.net/projects/anewdawn/files/A New Dawn 2/

For some reason it still look that rev1080 is default download, I just changed that but it might need some time to update the link. I'll check later, in the meantime you can manually download the latest revision (1082) from this link.

Edit: it works now! rev1082 online!
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Just letting you know that I have been testing new 100 civ dll with 65 civs and so far all looks fine. Turn times r little longer of course but not much.

In one of my autoplay test games i noticed weird bug with production, one civ seems like not building anything and checking in WB shows that civ was trying to train warrior but it would take over 200000 turns:rolleyes: I used cheat codes to change player and checked what was going on, for some reason there was huge negative amount of production.. tried to open city screen but that freezes game. I try to reproduce that and deliver save game but so far no luck..

And if you could see can you also increase max civs on score board:)

@45 I saw this negative production bug second time. I got MAF just little later so these two can be related. If so then I would say that MAFs started 1076.
This time there was two civs with negative production (Mali and Zulu) and looks like its something what happens in very beginning of game. I opened WB on turn 3 and noticed those two civs with bug. I could fix it for erasing cities and add new ones, after that bpth civs started to bug warrior and production time was normal. Also tried to reproduce bug but no luck, I started atleast dozen games but it didint happen again.
  • Fixed Updater/Launcher
  • Fixed a typo in EVENTS.xml
  • Fix for the positive health hoover\help text missing the religious building factor (thanks devolution)
  • Fix for an endless loop in single player (code from K-Mod, thanks devolution)
  • Attempt to fix an OOS issue in CvUnitAI, code partially merged from C2C

I will probably release a new full installer as well.
If you wish to fix the updater/launcher yourself, just download wget from here: https://eternallybored.org/misc/wget/ (windows only), latest revision 1.20.3, dowload the exe file and put it in your Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn\checker folder, overwriting the old file. Next time you start the launcher, it should work.

Edit: New full installer rev1087 ready for download!
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Thanks valergrad, I've also uploaded a workaround for some foreign/domestic connectedness values as some factors are not displayed correctly inside the city screen.

  • Rounded foreign/domestic connectedness fixed by valergrad
  • Fix by valergrad for Imperium Bug which caused science/gold/espionage sliders to move on their own

Thanks again valergrad, great job especially with bug nr.2, that was a nasty one which plagued the game for a loooong time and I've never been able to fix it.

  • Fixed Flexible Difficulty/Flexible AI. Difficulty wasn't being changed properly and added some hint in the hover text for suggested frequency used for different gamespeeds. Also min and max AI difficulty can now be set via XML in A_New_Dawn_GlobalDefines.XML tags DEFAULT_FLEXIBLE_DIFFICULTY_AI_MIN_DIFFICULTY and DEFAULT_FLEXIBLE_DIFFICULTY_AI_MAX_DIFFICULTY
This is a fairly large update as it requires AND_Graphics.FPK to be updated. This is one of the three core FPK files with the mod art.

New Unit
Ironclad Cruiser (upgrades from Man'O'War to Battlecruiser)

New Buildings
Arthub (Transhuman Era upgrade of Art Gallery + Museum)
Gengineer (Transhuman Era upgrade of Biological Weapons Lab + Genetics Lab)
Infomatrix (Transhuman Era upgrade of Library + University + School)
Orbital Observatory (Transhuman Era upgrade of Observatory)

New Building Models
Edison's Workshop
Gardens By the Bay

Building Changes
Delete culture from
* Walls/High Walls/Castle
* Arena/Stadium/Zero-G Sports Arena
* Hotel
* Village Hall/Town Hall/City Council/Metropolitan Administration/Capital Administration

Delete culture doubling from non-Wonder buildings

Increase Museum to +3 culture
Increase School to +2 culture
Reduce Artist Guild to +3 culture
Reduce Castle Keep to +4 culture
Vacation Resort changed from +4 culture to +10% culture
Fire Pit replaced by Storyteller Circle chain (in addition to Sacrificial Altar chain)

Delete Military Production bonus from Garrison/Military Base

Delete Great Person Production from Network Node

Design Studio increased to 2 Artist slots
Network Node reduced to 2 Artist slots
Industrial Robots adds 1 Engineer slot
Industrial Park increased to 3 Engineer slots
Citycreche increased to 3 Engineer slots
Nanofactory increased to 3 Engineer slots
Intelligence Agency reduced to 2 Spy slots

Casino changed to +20% gold and no hammer penalty
Manor add +1 food; delete culture bonus, hurry anger modifier, and cities prerequisite
Security Center delete defense bonus
Paradise Garden now replaces Zoo; increased to +4 happiness, +4 commerce, +5 culture, 1 Scientist slot

Change Cloning Laboratory Advisor to Science
Computer Center requires Quantum Computing
Dinosaur Park requires Artificial Life

Technology Changes
Moved Ancient and Classical techs around on F6 screen
Optics requires Machinery
Alchemy no longer requires Civil Service
Astronomy no longer requires Calendar
Scientific Method no longer requires Clockworks
Colonialism requires Crop Rotation [Biology no longer requires Crop Rotation]
Nationalism no longer requires Social Contract [redundant]
Replaceable Parts requires Flintlock [Photography, Steam Power no longer require Chemistry]
Screw Propeller requires Naval Tactics
Logistics requires Refrigeration [Antibiotics, Superconductor no longer require Refrigeration]
Aerodynamics requires Combined Arms [Modern Warfare no longer requires Combined Arms]
Orbital Flight no longer requires Advanced Computers
Controlled Plasma requires Railgun [Warmachines no longer requires Railgun]
Controlled Plasma gives free Great Scientist to first discoverer [was Artifical Life]

Unit Changes
Clones require Cloning Factory
War Galley, Trireme forced obsolete at Rudder
Galleass forced obsolete at Mercantilism
Sloop upgrades to Iron Frigate
Iron Frigate requires Coal
Fast Battleship strength increased to 98
Missile Cruiser strength decreased to 85
ICBM moved to Satellites
IRBM moved to Rocketry
Plague Bringer moved to Artificial Life

I think this will be the last update where I add anything new. The one new unit is to fill a hole horizontally between the Man'O'War and the Battlecruiser, and vertically between the Iron Frigate and the Ironclad Battleship. The four new buildings are all Transhuman Era buildings that are meant as upgrades to existing buildings that never got an upgrade.
I get this after installing


Clicking OK just makes it download the files again and go to this screen.
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