• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

AND SVN Build Thread

Rev 1076:
Two quick building fixes.
Deleted Currency tech requirement from Grocer (unnecessary).
Moved Tidal Power Plant to Ecological Engineering (supposed to be here, early in Transhuman Era).
  • Deleted many secondary tech requirements from units (tried to consolidate most units at just one tech requirement)
  • Slinger moved to Hunting and increased city defense to +50%
  • Javelineer moved to Crafting and added +50% vs mounted
  • Keshik is now a Rider replacement
  • Elephant Rider has no city attack bonus
  • War Elephant changed to base 9 Str, +3 with Siegecraft
  • Grenadier moved to Grand War
  • Light Cavalry moved to Military Science
  • Motorized Infantry requires Vulcanized Rubber
  • Carrier, Supercarrier, Fusion Carrier can only defend; removed coast attack and defense penalties
  • Helicopter, Gunship, Seaplane, Fighter, Early Bomber, Bomber require Aluminum or Steel
  • Stealth Bomber cannot Fighter Engage
  • Hybrid Gunship requires Aluminum or Durasteel
  • Bolter Infantry added +25% city defense; removed see invisible, Blitz promotion, bonus vs. gunpowder and tracked
  • Genetic Soldier starts with Heal and Mobility
  • Super Soldier requires Incubation Center; starts with Amphibious, March, Heal, Mobility
  • EMP Infantry removed Blitz promotion
  • Cyborg removed air range, ignore terrain movement costs, withdraw; requires Augmentation Center
  • Power Armored Infantry, Scout Mech, Assault Mech require Microchips
  • Aurora Scramjet, Orbital Bomber, Orbital Fighter are not invisible
  • Hacker can Steal Plans and Investigate City
Do you have a list of which units have been changed? Or will I have to go through all UUs in the MegaPack to update?
Do you have a list of which units have been changed? Or will I have to go through all UUs in the MegaPack to update?

Units where a tech has been deleted (asterisks mark outright redundancies):
Spoiler :

  • Chariot: Deleted Animal Husbandry* and Warfare
  • Maceman: Deleted Civil Service
  • Man-at-Arms: Deleted Stirrup*
  • Rider: Deleted Invention and Stirrup*
  • Elephant Bombardier: Deleted Chivalry
  • Fluyt: Deleted Gunpowder
  • Privateer: Deleted Flintlock
  • Ironclad: Deleted Military Science
  • Iron Frigate: Deleted Military Science
  • Ironclad Battleship: Deleted Artillery
  • Destroyer: Deleted Automobile
  • Battlecruiser: Deleted Artillery
  • Dreadnought: Deleted Artillery and Radio
  • A-Bomb: Deleted Fission
  • Modern Marine: Deleted Composites
  • Fast Battleship: Deleted Mechanized Warfare
  • Main Battle Tank: Deleted Mechanized Warfare
  • Mechanized Infantry: Deleted Mechanized Warfare
  • Modern Armor: Deleted Mechanized Warfare and Robotics
  • Strike Fighter: Deleted Guided Weapons
  • Nighthawk: Deleted Robotics
  • Stealth Destroyer: Deleted Robotics
  • Cyborg: Deleted Cloning
  • Fusion Cruiser: Deleted Fusion*
  • Fusion Battleship: Deleted Fusion*

Units that were outright moved:
Spoiler :

  • Slinger: Moved to Hunting
  • Javelineer: Moved to Crafting
  • War Elephant: Moved to Stirrup
  • Grenadier: Moved to Grand War
  • Light Cavalry: Moved to Military Science

Does that help?

  • Fixed glitch in revolution code
  • Fixed wrong Connectedness tags in CivicInfos.xml
  • Added 3 new xml tags for train/contruct/create scaling by era

Still working on the Omnifactory, it shouldn't take much longer I think.

Edit: I forgot to update the revision number file, I will do it in the next update. In the meantime, launcher will keep notifying you there's an update available (there's none).
Last edited:
Just letting you know that I have been testing new 100 civ dll with 65 civs and so far all looks fine. Turn times r little longer of course but not much.

In one of my autoplay test games i noticed weird bug with production, one civ seems like not building anything and checking in WB shows that civ was trying to train warrior but it would take over 200000 turns:rolleyes: I used cheat codes to change player and checked what was going on, for some reason there was huge negative amount of production.. tried to open city screen but that freezes game. I try to reproduce that and deliver save game but so far no luck..

And if you could see can you also increase max civs on score board:)
Just letting you know that I have been testing new 100 civ dll with 65 civs and so far all looks fine. Turn times r little longer of course but not much.

Good, thanks.

In one of my autoplay test games i noticed weird bug with production, one civ seems like not building anything and checking in WB shows that civ was trying to train warrior but it would take over 200000 turns:rolleyes: I used cheat codes to change player and checked what was going on, for some reason there was huge negative amount of production.. tried to open city screen but that freezes game. I try to reproduce that and deliver save game but so far no luck..

Uhm, strange. Did it happen only once? Was it revision 1076, before yesterday's update, right? Which gamespeed/mapsize was that?

And if you could see can you also increase max civs on score board:)

Not on priority list, but still in to-do list. :)
Uhm, strange. Did it happen only once? Was it revision 1076, before yesterday's update, right? Which gamespeed/mapsize was that?

Yes happened only once or atleast i noticed it only once.. eternity speed, huge map and rev 1076.

  • Fixed limit for supposedly single units (not scaled by mapsize)
  • New tag OverrideResourceBuilding, applied as an example to Fast Battleship; it allows units to be built where Omnifactory is present even if not all resources are available (for example if you remove Steel/Durasteel from Omnifactory production).
  • Fixed revision number

Edit: @HorseshoeHermit if you want to know how to add a tag, have a look at this revision's source files. Basically, what I did was just copying the structure of PrereqBuilding tag in UnitInfo.xml. I added the tag in the Unit xml, in the UnitSchema xml and then I duplicated PrereqBuilding code in the source files, calling the new tag OverrideResourceBuilding. There's a whole set of files that need to be changed when you add a tag. Most of them have the same structure. Then I only had to modify a line of code in CvPlot.cpp to make the new tag work for my purpose. That's it, more or less. :)
@45°38'N-13°47'E My problem isn't writing logic. My problem is knowing to look in UnitInfo (not too hard) and knowing to change CvPlot (mind-bending hard). ... was that a typo? How could CvPlot possibly relate to city commands?
@45°38'N-13°47'E My problem isn't writing logic. My problem is knowing to look in UnitInfo (not too hard) and knowing to change CvPlot (mind-bending hard). ... was that a typo? How could CvPlot possibly relate to city commands?

I didn't know in advance I had to look in cvplot.cpp (yes, it's the right file). I looked for a tag related to training units, like PrereqBuild in UnitInfo.xml. Then I used Notepad++, which is the program I use for coding, to find every entry of PrereqBuild in the source code folder. So I can figure out the structure and copy it accordingly to create a new tag. Of course then you need to understand which parts need to be duplicated and which don't. This way I understood that a function that checks if a unit can be built, calls a function in cvplot.cpp which in turns check on conditions if you can build something, specifically it checks if the plot of the city is connected to the trade network and hence if needed resources are available. I just changed this line to check if these resources are available OR if Omnifactory is present in the city.
I didn't see any notification in civilopedia about OverrideResourceBuilding whether it applies to a unit or not. Or am I missing something?
I just changed this line to check if these resources are available OR if Omnifactory is present in the city.
Please make it clear to me: It doesn't specifically check for Omnifactory but for ANY building set in OverrideResourceBuilding tag, right?
I didn't see any notification in civilopedia about OverrideResourceBuilding whether it applies to a unit or not. Or am I missing something?

Please make it clear to me: It doesn't specifically check for Omnifactory but for ANY building set in OverrideResourceBuilding tag, right?

I didn't update civilopedia yet, but it's a unit tag. You can specify any building in that tag. And I only have applied it to Fast Battleship as a syntax example.
Are you planning a new update in the near future (this August or September) related to units and buildings?
If so, than I will wait for it to update MegaPack.

I am definitely going to update the <iConscription> numbers to allow Archers and Longbowmen to be drafted. I also want to introduce the Armored Cruiser to make a proper transition between the Man'O'War and the Battlecruiser (instead of the Man'O'War upgrading to Ship of the Line and then the Battleship line). There might be a few other things but not too much.
Rev 1079
Small update, mostly interface updates.
  • Updated iConscription numbers; Archers (between Javelineers and Spearmen) and Longbowmen (between Pikemen and Heavy Pikemen) can be conscripted
  • Fix CvTechChooser to replace ? icon for Can Adjust Research ability
  • Many changes to hotkeys (full list below spoiler)
Spoiler Hotkeys changes :

  • Airbomb mission 2 (bomb buildings) moved to Shift-B
  • Airbomb mission 3 (bomb factories) moved to Shift-F
  • Airbomb mission 4 (bomb ports) moved to Shift-P
  • Airbomb mission 5 (bomb production) moved to Shift-H
  • Ranged bombard moved to vanilla-R
  • Archer bombard moved to vanilla-A
  • Fighter engage moved to vanilla-E
  • Shadow unit moved to Shift-S
  • Automate pillage moved to Control-P
  • Automate city defense moved to Shift-C
  • Automate border patrol moved to Shift-B
  • Automate air recon moved to Shift-R
  • Go to city moved to Shift-G
  • All routes unified under vanilla-R; will construct newest route available
  • Build tunnel moved to vanilla-R [clashes with Build Submerged Town]
  • All mines unified under vanilla-M
  • Orchard moved to vanilla-O
  • Build dig site moved to vanilla-E
  • All forts unified under Control-F
  • Build jungle camp assigned to vanilla-J
  • Plant jungle moved to Shift-J
  • Plant forest moved to Shift-F
What about revision number?
Manual fixing?
I've updated from 1071 but it still says 1071 though latest changes seem to have applied.
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