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Anyone name their units?


Oct 30, 2005
Sorry if this is inappropriate, but just had to post this.

I started naming some of my main Privateers in a multi game. One was "Ballsack" the "Vagina". I thought it was funny watching a message that my Vagina has taken out an enemy caravel.

It got even funnier. Random event. "A small tribe of friendly locals have granted sanctuary to our beleaguered Vagina." The only option to pick - "The Vagina receives +1 XP"

Anyone else have fun names they use?
:lol: I've used a few like yours that I can't really repeat here on the forums.

Then some like "ass kicker" and "the terminator" for highly experienced troops.
I have only recently started naming some of my units, but not in BTS. I name my units in the Fall from Heaven mod in order to more easily keep track of them, and their names always reflect the units purpose. All that does is allow me to more easily pick them out from a stack, but it's helpful.

Sometimes, when my girlfriend is playing another civ, I will change my units names to something that might distract her enough to get her to move troops around. Then my real force of generic units comes in from somewhere else to seize one of her wonder-full cities.
Err... no - Well one time I did name my units all stupid names in an MP game to distract my opponent.. worked pretty well lol
Yeah I was bored one day and just threw in some random names while I waited for my fiancee to finish her turn. I'm going to continue this trend but with less perverted names next time.
Yeah I was bored one day and just threw in some random names while I waited for my fiancee to finish her turn. I'm going to continue this trend but with less perverted names next time.

That's funny. Waiting for my girlfriend to finish her turn is why I am becoming more and more familiar with the various game features. I have to do something while I wait. :P
We did a lan game saturday, friend named his Caravel the Pope-Mobile and used it to spread the Islam to our hemisphere. He didn't found Islam but had built the AP and wanted the extra votes.

I didn't know he had named it till I got the message "Player1 has donated you a Pope-Mobile" He later on named another shop the Pope Mobile, think it was a Battleship...
I'll often name a unit when it gets to 10 experience points, since I figure it deserves it. Axemen (axepeople?) become Lizzie Borden and Jack Torrance, horse units get Sir Lancelot, Sir Galahad, Sir Loin of Boeuf, etc. or names of racehorses. First chariot to get to 10 points is Ben-Hur, second is Messala. If a scout gets to 10 points (it can happen with goodie huts), it becomes Tonto.
I almost never name my units. Occasionally, I will name an elephant with Medic "Doctor Stampy" but that's about as far as it goes.
I laughed my @#$ off about these names. Tasteless, yes. Damn funny as well.

I can't wait to read this later. Thanks for the laughs.

Oh, and I sometimes name my units. They tend to be boring, historically or thematically relevant ones, like HMS Victory for an experienced British Ship-of-the-Line.

Not too many laughs there...:)
Sorry if this is inappropriate, but just had to post this.

I started naming some of my main Privateers in a multi game. One was "Ballsack" the "Vagina". I thought it was funny watching a message that my Vagina has taken out an enemy caravel.

It got even funnier. Random event. "A small tribe of friendly locals have granted sanctuary to our beleaguered Vagina." The only option to pick - "The Vagina receives +1 XP"

Anyone else have fun names they use?

LOL.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I for one am immature enough to appreciate this type of humor!
Up until now i thought I was the only one, but i generally dont make them quite as crude. The funniest is naming cities and units in multiplayer.
I like to name a great general warlord.. Good game cya, or if i dont have a warlord then just a random unit from the stack.
When i put a city right up next to an enemy resource to poach their metal I like to name it cockblock, or fat friend.
I've seen AI naming one of its units. I saw once that Willem Oranje had named one of his swordsman to 'Swordsman hero'.
Well if my unit has a GG and it is a medic, (usually Cavalry, so it becomes a Gunship) I call it "Medevac Blackhawk" even though the image clearly shows an Apache!

Or a really good Infantry with a lot of first strikes and Morale (GG again), I call it "Stryker" which is after a General and also the vehicle that is really fast and packs a big punch. So when my Stryker becomes a Mech Infantry, it is a really good Bradley!

In the Next War mod, I had a GG on a battlemech. Guess what I called it?

I don't name normal units, just the GG ones so they stand out more
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