Ask A Homeschooler

Do you seriously have the gall to demand evidence for the existence of a mystical state of being, yet deflect any analysis of your particular brand of mysticism with "faith"?
Of course, it's Dommy you're talking to. :p
I'm a resident ex-Pentecostal who is now a proud atheist. :)

In other news, do you ever wish you attend(ed) a public school?
Do you seriously have the gall to demand evidence for the existence of a mystical state of being, yet deflect any analysis of your particular brand of mysticism with "faith"?

I was asking for evidence that he was telling me the truth about what Catholic doctrine teaches (Which is different than what every Catholic on here has told me) not that purgatory exists:p

I'm a resident ex-Pentecostal who is now a proud atheist. :)

I thought you were agnostic?
Meh, tomatoes/tomatos...
Closer then you'd like... ;)

Actually, I'm probably somewhere in between Atheist and Agnostic.
You'll burn in Hell with basement cat for all eternity!

Anyway, back on topic…
Verarde :undecide:..........yes I was talking to Verarde!:)
Verade? I disagree. He was providing the best answers in the thread. I would most certainly expect it to be me who was answering questions the worst.
Would you have preferred your parents to emphasize a more ecumenical viewpoint on religion, rather then focusing on a single Abrahamist sect?
Would you have preferred your parents to emphasize a more ecumenical viewpoint on religion, rather then focusing on a single Abrahamist sect?
By "ecumenical", I will assume you mean "Representing a number of different Christian churches." Just want to be sure. :)

If so, then I'd have to say that they did fine. After all I am a Methodist who's parents are Catholic and a different Protestant denomination (The name escapes me.), and my curriculum is Baptist.
From Merriam-Webster:


: worldwide or general in extent, influence, or application


a: of, relating to, or representing the whole of a body of churches
Ecumenical as in all religions, not merely whatever little Abrahamist sect you were exposed to.
From Merriam-Webster:

Ecumenical as in all religions, not merely whatever little Abrahamist sect you were exposed to.
Ah. Still, I'm more than content with the way they have been handling it. :)
So you are glad your parents limited your exposure to non-Abrahamists, and even other varients of Abrahamism? Isn't that a bit Huxlian?
Next time, would you mind using a word that even could define? :)

That said, I'll take your comment as a negative one, to which I shall respond: I think my education is fine. There is even a Koran in the family library. If I'm interested in reading it after I finish Don Quixote, then I'll read it. Nobody is limiting what I can read.
Official Catholic doctrine rejects limbo as of 2007 and as such it is highly debated that purgatory does not exist. There is either Heaven or Hell and any true Catholic would know the changes in doctrine. Original scripture makes no mention of such a thing, and modern catholic scholars are all the time refining the faith.

Sorry, but you are simply wrong, laughably, laughably wrong.


No it was not officially revoked as a possibility (although I stress it was never dogmatised). Incidentally what luckymoose is referring to is a statement by the International Theological Comission (a group of theologians) on the subject in 2007. Fortunately Theologians (especially the many dissident ones) are not the magisterium and thus their statements have no official capacity whatsoever.

Furthermore you clearly have not read the document in question. Because it clearly contains this (second preliminary paragraph) which is in accord with the teaching of the Church, despite not being an official expressin of that teaching.

"the theory of limbo, understood as a state which includes the souls of infants who die subject to original sin and without baptism, and who, therefore, neither merit the beatific vision, nor yet are subjected to any punishment, because they are not guilty of any personal sin. This theory, elaborated by theologians beginning in the Middle Ages, never entered into the dogmatic definitions of the Magisterium, even if that same Magisterium did at times mention the theory in its ordinary teaching up until the Second Vatican Council. It remains therefore a possible theological hypothesis"

Ergo anyone who states that the limbo (which again I stress was never dogmatised and is simply a theological hypothesis) was rejected and ruled out as a possibility is simply wrong.



Purgatory is a doctrine of the Church which has been defined and affirmed at several councils (Second Council of Lyon, Council of Florence and the Council of Trent).

It is a dogma of the Church and there is about as much "debate" on it as there is on the possibility of women priests. Ergo the so called debate is dissidents arguing, and the Church ignoring. Their noise is completely and utterly irrelevant as the affirmed dogma of the Church cannot be revoked, despite the secularist and protestantising urges of various dissident theologians who lack any official authority of which to speak.


To conclude this little diatribe. I am going to hazard a guess he got his information from a dissident source or some secular authority and like the majority of people in the west had a substandard education in regards to Catholic (as in the big C Catholic) teaching.

Either way the fact remains that the teachings of the Church (which is that which is expounded by the Magisterium and definitely to be held by the faithful) is clear on these matters. Ergo Purgatory is dogma and that the theory of Limbo is a theological possibility which is not ruled out.
Oh and to keep this on topic. I will ask a question about homeschooling.


What was the approach to education that your homeschooling went for. Did it go for the classical approach with the trivium and applying classical education to (in a few cases on here) a christian context? If so (and if it was a different approach I have not mentioned) what would you say is the fundamental difference between the homeschool method you went for and a more standard manner of education?
How are you evaluated and judged to be in whatever grade/year you're currently in?
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