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ASNES: The best thing since peanut butter and Jelly

Yes it is...I'll just take it as he's searching for an officer this turn.Next turn he can buy weapons.Remember metaliturtle,one action per officer.

Roddy,your method of searching for a new officer works fine.

Search for an Officer. Name him Testicles if at all possible ;).
Search for an officer, send half my army as bodyguards for my leader.
Bank Eco
Personality: General
Lower Spain/Portugal: Castle
Troops:500 men (No arms)

Here i go again.
This is my first NES(Well, actually it's my second: I had a Nintendo Entertainment System some years ago), so please excuse possible mistakes :)

Startout position: Baghdad(Castle)
Troops:500 men (No arms)
** /** /** /** /**

I need a person who can lead my small army and I think it should be someone from the army. I decide to start a boxing-tournament on a knock-out basis to find the best fighter my army has to offer. As a reward, the winner of the contest will be my new officer! Using my charm, I try to get as many men as possible to participate.

Search NPC Officer: Name: BabylonStier; Personality: Warrior
OxfordPferd, word of advice, amon savag's nes isn't considered an average nes. he likes making his stuff unique.
Orders: Increase economy by drafting workers and buuiders to construct farms, etc. Search for officer by rounding up local barbarian chieftens and putting them in an arena with some weapons. Have them fight to the death the last one standing is the new officer. Officer Name Krar Iron Tooth.
Tyrion...You start with yourself...You can only do one thing at a time.Raising economy and searching is 2 things.
Name of officer Lord Taa'u of Pelargir
Personality: General
Startout position:North of Xens country on the outskirts
Troops:500 men (No arms)
** /** /** /** /**

To: Xen's
Nation Hail and Well Met,
I am Lord Taa'u Decendants of the Lord and Lady of Pelargir. Would you like to band together and start a two towned city. i will build to the North and you the south. If you do not want this please allow us safe passage South through your Glorious future nation that we the people of Pelargir wish to help build up and defend.
I'll go with what everyone is doing, search for another officer. His name is Amon Savag, lol, we'll see what Amon thinks of himself. :D
Dammnation. Just increase economy then.
I think I'll hop on the bandwagon too :D ,

Orders: Search for an officer (preferably military)
To: Lord Taa'u of Pelargir
From: Xenophon

we agree that tit would be a good idea to join fordes, and form a single nation, thought matters of expansion should be handald on a case-by-case basis, rtaher then general orders fr expansion that are expected to cover everyhting.
Update will come today!

I need the following orders.


EDIT-Roddy has sent orders,and I am a pathetic bastard that needs to update.
I sent orders! Open yer eyes Amon, besides, you know them even if I would not have sent them.
amon Savag in post #41 said:
Roddy,your method of searching for a new officer works fine.
amon savag in post #57 said:
need the following orders....Roddy.....
anyway just so you know my orders are in post 34
I'll get killed for this next turn, but anyways:

Deep thought of the day - Amon is not charming, and his gf is deaf! :D

Amon, go update, or I'll come up with more deep thoughts, and none of us want that
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