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ASNES: The best thing since peanut butter and Jelly

HAHAHAHAHA!!!Sorry about that Roddy...I'm a natural blond...I just die my hair black is all ;)
Alright,you bastards that haven't sent orders yet are lazy...And I've got a hunch that you guys are going to search for another officer...So I'll save you the trouble,and just give it to you!

Update starting.
Summer of 700AD

More lords rise up,and a great search for officers to serve the lords has happened.Many officers have been found for the lords.Some good,others not so good.But everyone finds suitable officers.

Wariman finds his soul mate,Wariwoman.She's the best warrior in the world,some say,and she can even kick Wariman's ass ;).

Vecheslav searched far and wide,throughout his land to find a suitable officer.And when a man Amon Savag came up,he was greatly impressed by this man's abilities,and thus hired him.Some people fear that this officer's abilities may be hard to keep tame in the times to come.

Another itallian lord steps up,and the 2 lords there want to unite,but the question is,who will lead?Or will they just stay divided and act like one nation?

Xenophon looks for an officer and finds Testicles. :rotfl:

Conen the Great searches and finds Amon Savag's long lost twin brother that is more charming and more political adept than he.Rumor has it that they hate eachother,because Amog the Wise is more charming than Amon.

Alexander makes a good start on his economy,by more farmage.

Random crap

The ruler of a tavern in Normandy died,and his small chain of 3 taverns is rulerless,so they look to Jaques to take control from now on (If accepted,1 gold per turn will be gained to you)


1 action per officer.If you have 2 officers that doesn't mean you get 2 actions,that means 1 officer can do 1 thing and another can do a different thing.

OOC:The officer "Amon Savag" has stats based from a poll I took from a select few of you guys to see what I would be like if I had stats...I won't be biased though,don't worry ;).

OOC:I also put a list of actions under the templates on the first page!
All the beautiful colors!


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If I can,I'd like to update again tomarrow!So get them orders in!

EDIT!-If I can get 3/4 orders today,I'll update again tonight at 10PM Central
Question where am I?
I should be in north east germany.
Amon Savag said:
Summer of 700AD

1 action per officer.If you have 2 officers that doesn't mean you get 2 actions,that means 1 officer can do 1 thing and another can do a different thing.

OOC:The officer "Amon Savag" has stats based from a poll I took from a select few of you guys to see what I would be like if I had stats...I won't be biased though,don't worry ;).

OOC:I also put a list of actions under the templates on the first page!
Is moving troops from one officer to another an action?
I have found my officer, a devout servant of Allah before the great 'event', he shall serve well as a leading man in his armies, I bless Allah for his discovery,: His name is Amal, the word of Hope, perhaps he will bring hope into our Armies, I have yet to see..

- Abdul Aziz, writings of a general

- Expand farmland along the nile, and reap the benefits of it's bountiful floods (increase economy)
- Expand southwards to perhaps find more survivors of the great 'event'
OK. General Elric now has his troops equipped, but he has no officers to delegate command to, thus he walks out of his castle into town.

The puddles expanding inwards from the sides of the road rippled as the heavy drops of rain from the torrential downpour reached the Earth and added their essence into the reflecting pools. An occasional shaft of tinted light filtered through gaps in the wooden shutters of the stone dwellings to either side of the road upon which the traveller rode. Sounds of laughter and merriment echoed in the dark and dispersed into the howling wind which invaded the town of Imrryr. The sound as the metal shod hooves of the riders horse hit the cobbled lane was barely audible above the whistling of the wind. The riders face was hidden by the dark and the cowl which had been drawn round their head to offer slight protection from the stinging rain, if it could have been seen however, no-one would fail to note the femininity of the features. Her cloak streamed in the wind behind the rider and beads of rain dribbled down the flanks of the mighty stallion upon which she sat.

General Elric was impressed by the way the woman sat her horse, he saw the hilt of a sword and knew instinctively that he was looking at a fearsome warrior, though she be a woman. From the shadows in which he is concealedhe steps in fron of the horse, forcing the rider to stop, the woman, mistaking him to be a drunk draws her sword and the sound of steel rings through the night.
'Put the sword away, it will do you no good.' he said, even though he was unarmed.
'I could kill you right here old man' she replies, even though he can't be more than 5 years her senior.
'What brings you to Imrryr?'
'What business is it of yours?'
'It is my business who comes to Imrryr in the dead of night well armed and clearly foreign.'
'Though I see no reason to tell you, maybe if I do you will let me pass, I am here to enlist in the General's army.'
'But you're a woman!' he laughs softly as she touches his throat with the tip of her sword,
'And what difference does that make old man?'
'Men are warriors, women should remain in the home.'
'Then let me tell you something old man, I killed my first man when I was 5 - while he was raping my mother, I have honed my skills and can best any man in the world in a dual, if the General turns me away that is his choice but I am easily the better of any man here.'
'You are certainly what I need, I am General Elric and welcome you into my force, I hope you will oversee the training of new recruits - I want my army to be the best in the world, your name?'
'They call me Dus'Mordis - She Who Kills'.

OK, so Elric finds a warrior officer (he hopes anyway).

OOC: How does a strategist have so low intelligence? The other two have 19, just wondering why mine is 9..., seems weird for a strategist who neds intelligence to lack it.

Please update again today :)

Edit: Does terrain have any impact in this NES because to my south is all desert and I'd like to know whether that has adverse effects if Im going to expand that way :) If so, can we have a terrain map, just so theres no confusion. And thanks for the bright pink colour :)
HAHAHA!!Sorry about that Espirito...Will change right away.

@HellFury-You are in northeast Germany.....Kindof...

@Oxford-No :D
@Espirito,terrain does take effect,and use a physical map lol...If there is a disagreement on whether or not a specific terrain is where it's supposed to be,remember that I am the mod ;)
7 and a half hours from now.
@Insane_Panda-Please tell which one is doing what...Who's expanding and who's increasing economy?
It was a cold winter day, and Olaf was thinking. Somthing was happening in the north country. He was not sure what it was, but he was going to find out. He decided to send some of his men to investigate. If it was a fellow Officer maybe they could agree to together form one kingdom. This would of course be for the betterment fo the local population. If there is one thing that is certain, it is that it isnt good for a land to remain isolated and alone. Up here in the northcountry especially. Hopefully this officer would agree.

So olaf sent a message to the townspeople. I will pay you 2 gold(this was alot of money) for 16 gallies. The people, nowing that Olaf was a good man, but always meant buisness, rushed to fulfill his need. Within weeks he had his 16 gallies. Olaf then decided it was time to give his officer a new job.

Olaf told his officer to "sail through the sea to the North until you reach the legendary lland of Norway. There I believe you shall find a different Officer reigns. I would like you to speak to him. Give him the following message: My commander, Olaf of Copenhagen, would like to form a mutual kingdom with him. If you agree please send a message back with me. I understand that you may not, but it would be very beneficial to our people. Please join with me."

-have Olaf spend 2 gold on building gallies
-have Danny and his men take the gallies to Norway to try and contact the reigning officer there.
Startout position:Southern Norway (Camp)
Troops:500 men (No arms or legs)
** /** /** /** /**

Search the lands for officers! NOW!
Better post this up now,

Orders - Johann the Wise :king:
  • Purchace 580 spears for 2 (100+19*10 twice)
  • divide them up between the two officers so they each have 290
  • EDIT : Purchace 290 bows if I can and divde them up (145 bows each)

Orders - Johann the not so wise :confused:
  • Train his 500 men now with spears and bows

@Amon Savag - Can you move my region on the map soon
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