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ASNES: The best thing since peanut butter and Jelly

Conen had found his right hand man, Amog the Wise. Amog, Conen said, go make yourself usefull, build me a harbor to fish and send boats out from, here is 2 gold pieces. I have more important business to attend to. And so Conen set off, with his personal bodyguards of 200 men, off to the important task of going to the local pub. There he found a beautiful women, with plenty of charm. Conen bought her a drink and asked the question, do you want to be one of my officers.

Conen goes off to the pub to try to get the female woman to be an officer.
Amog builds a harbor in Constapationople, Have conen give amog 2 gold to do this.
Jared MacDougal
Personality: Warrior
Startout position: London (Castle)
Troops:500 men (No arms)
** /** /** /** /**
Leon Trotsky
Personality: General
Startout position: London (Castle)
Troops:500 men (No arms)
** /** /** /** /**
Ok, Ордерс агаин аднака:

Buy horses and spears

Amon :D :
Train da men!

Fun to be giving orders to Amon
MacDougal's Orders:

Trotsky, Smack, and I expand the borders of England.
After BabylonStiers victory I congratulate him and welcome him as my new officer. His first task is to explore the land which lies between the two big rivers of the region, Euphrat and Tigris and claim as much of this fertile but deserted land as possible. To help him, I give him the command of most of my army (400 men). The rest of them will stay with me at Baghdad.

My goal is to form a thriving and prospering nation. One key part in doing this would be the expansion. BabylonStier covers that part. But I also need a good infrastructure and agriculture. I know Baghdad's surrounding countryside is very fertile, (I've read that many glorious civilization existed here in the past) but most of the cornfields are lying fallow at the moment. I decide that the best thing to do would be to take some bags with wheat seeds I found in the castle's basement and use them to make some cornfields. My men and the local population can help me.
Ten Minutes after me, my small army and some volunteers from Baghdad arrived at a place which seemed suitable in my eyes and start sowing, an old man, who was clothed like a farmer came to me.
Man:"Are you the Boss of this?"
I was a bit confused and I just nodded, at first I thought he was just a beggar.
Man:"Just what the hell do you think you're doing?"
I didn't say a word and just looked at him confused without knowing what I did do wrong.
Man:"You won't harvest enough wheat to bake a pretzel on this soil" He made a short pause and knelt down to pick up a handful of earth and stood up again. He held it close to my eyes, as if that would show me why this earth won't grow wheat and let it fall down again. Then he started to talk again: "You need to build proper irrigation and look which kind of grain fits the qualities of the soil best before you start sowing. This field for eyample is much more suitable to grow feed for animals. Your seeds are to old anyway. I know how to improve your agriculture and trade system. I've been a merchant and a farmer my whole life. Without my help you won't have any success."
Frankly, I don't know a thing about farming and probably he was right. I convinced him to work as my new economy minister and promised him a life in relative luxury at the castle of Baghdad and much honor as a reward. I told the people to throw away the old useless seeds and that the old man, his name is TigrisKröte would be responsible for this from now on.

BaghdadPferd: find officer (Name:TigrisKröte; Personality:Minister)
100 Men
BabylonStier: Explore and Expand westwards
400 Men
Roddy's Orders
Roddy - Buy Weapons: (18 politic), 280 Bows for 1 gold 280 Swords for 2 gold
Toshka - Train the 500 soldiers i've got now (17 Leadership)

Sir Toshka upon being hired was given the task of training up the men at our disposal while I went to the local blacksmiths and Archery ranges and negotiated for the purchase of arms for my soldiers.
Orders: Search For Officer. Round up local barbarian leaders. Put them in arena have one who survives become officer. give him some land to take after and to keep him loyal. His name will be Krar Iron Gut. Have spys watch him constantly.
Alexander Orders

Spend 4 gold on 480 swords, cuz i have 14 politics.

Spend 1 gold on 240 Spears to be sent to equip Bootstrap's men, and order him to advance south.
Taa'us Orders:
Search for a warrior officer and name him Triss. He needs to be a good leader that can lead his troops willingly into the gravest of battles
Hey human-slaughter...You do have another officer...Unless you're giving your crap to Xen,then he has another officer to bark orders at.
I am totally running the taverns... w00t ((OOC: I'll post more later, you got my orders on the swords already, I'll probably post again when I get back from the doctors tomorrow (maybe my ankle is better)))
ooc ok what i meant was we will live side by side as joint nations its like an aliance/mpp/dpp/ROP all in one. If Xen you dont want that its ok
I fr one woudl rather see a single, united nation; we can share power, and descisions.
Hellfury said:
Question where am I?
I should be in north east germany.
Actually, you should be in north west germany (attachement)


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Thank you for correcting me OxfordPferd, i think i got east and waet mixed up,

Secondly am I supposed to have 1000 men? everyone else appears to only have 500.
Here in a few measly hours...I'm going to wait for those few orders that haven't been sent to get sent.

And your position Hellfury,is where Bremen was back in the good ol days...Back in Amon's world.;)
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