Beach Resort WiP

The PC setup is good enough to get going and pick missing things when the need arises.

Yes, non-western ships were always in short supply, perhaps for the lack of well known historical reference. I will look into these (That ron.heavengames site seem not to allow for direct linking of images btw, got them from google instead).
Perhaps because you went to the site to get the links in the first place, and now they are being loaded from local cash for you or something like this.
Right now I can't think of anything else i need supplied. Will come back crying for it, when need arises.
Actually Walter seems to have the monopoly on new, interesting ships, I clocked a few in his Realism Invictus mod . . . he is a dark horse indeed
I don't create any new content myself. I am just very adept at ripping stuff out of other games. And I do it precisely because CFC lacks interesting ships - but because of that, my stock is very finite.
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