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[BtS MOD] Wolfshanze 1850-1920 Enhancement Mod v2.0

Barbarian spawning is based on unowned plots, not unrevealed plots.
I thought it was based on neither of those two, but rather is based on dark plots, whether revealed or not.

Edit: and whether owned or not (but not sure about the latter, as the only dark plots that are owned are those within barb city culture... actually, I tend to doubt that barbs spawn near barb cities, they are built only).

But I take it that you think it's a bad idea? :D
Not sure yet. It would drastically change the early game. Would be interesting for variety's sake but the change has so many ramifications that IMO it would take a lot of consideration, plus a lot of testing, before we could declare it a "good idea".

Speaking of goody huts... I hope you don't mind me asking in this thread, Wolf, if you do, I'm sure you'll tell me! ;)

What would people think about removing the ability of workers, workboats, warriors, archers, axemen, swordsmen and all siege weapons to remove fog of war? And then giving every CIV an extra scout at the beginning of the game?
I think the idea is way too radical for what I want the Wolfshanze Mod to be.
Might not be a bad idea... maybe make the Conquistador a Str-8 Explorer or something and give the Spanish back the Cuirassier unit. That way Spain would have a very strong offensive explorer unit that can go out on Caravels... that might actually be a cool idea... might have to put more thought into what it can/can't do and what bonuses it would have if any.

A little off-topic, but in your mind, what's the worst UU in the game?

Jaguar Warrior- 5 Str Swordsman, has some benefits, but usually I'd rather have the original unit.
The Jaguar works best if Monty spams settlers while he beelines and then spams Jags. Literally nothing else. Great early rush. Kind of single-minded though.

I generally consider any UU that reduces the combat rating of a unit, even if the unit does not require the normal resources (like copper or iron), to be weaker than unit they are replacing.
This follows from the definition of the word "weaker". :lol:

I don't like the French musketeers. They are too short lived.

I got this mod a couple days ago, and I think it's pretty good. It would be nice if more land units (not just UUs) were sprinkled about in periods of time other than Industrial and WWI. You know, a unit for ancient, one for classical, etc.
The other lower STR unit is dog warriors- and their lower strength doesn't hurt them any- except vs a Chariot rush.

Dog Warriors are not useless- they beat other axemen and swordsmen, and don't need copper. Usually the Natives use archery for offense anyways...
Going back abit i generally scout from carriers using fighters, seaplanes nice idea but not really needed (imho). What i would like to see however is naval minefields has anybody ever been able to mod them ?. Worst UU Indian fast worker for me :nono:
Going back abit i generally scout from carriers using fighters, seaplanes nice idea but not really needed (imho).
Well, if you're not worried about getting attacked, fighters from carriers work fine... but what if you need those fighters for defense or attack? If you scout with them, they're done for the turn. That was my idea... a cheap, expendable air scout instead of the more expensive/useful fighters or bombers.

Another thought... maybe even making sub-spotting a bonus/ability for scout planes? Not sold on it... just a passing thought.

I like the idea of the scout plane, although maybe only allow it to be carried by the heavy cruisers. I play your mod mostly to fight intercontinental wars in the industrial-modern age so I have a good handle on the units and I really don't use heavy cruisers much. I think only giving heavy cruisers scout planes would both be historically accurate and balanced for gameplay. Although I know most battleships of the era carried spotters and sometimes alot of them.
This might also be a good idea... keep everyone from building nothing but battleships and destroyers... though the Battleship lovers may protest. Thoughts?

I'm still seriously thinking about scout planes... just looking for feedback.

Just my 2 cents, but i think that scout planes being able to spot subs would be useful, and just make it so you can base 1 on a heavy cruiser or a battleship. The Bismark and Tirpitz both carried 2 scout planes, and as far as I remember the Yamato carried 2 Zeros on the back.
I don't know if this is possible, as I'm just getting into modding myself, but maybe have a naval heli, weaker then normal that can also spot subs, and be able to base1 off of a destroyer.
Yeah sounds good, thought about it, keeps carriers for offensive work heavy cruisers on picket duty, in the modern era Destroyers running ASW sweeps sounds right with modified helos on board
There's a thought; why don't we have helos like the SH-60, SH-3 or Ka-25?
They'd have to operate more like aircraft, and less like gunships to be used properly at sea, I do believe.
Just my 2 cents, but i think that scout planes being able to spot subs would be useful, and just make it so you can base 1 on a heavy cruiser or a battleship. The Bismark and Tirpitz both carried 2 scout planes, and as far as I remember the Yamato carried 2 Zeros on the back.
I don't know if this is possible, as I'm just getting into modding myself, but maybe have a naval heli, weaker then normal that can also spot subs, and be able to base1 off of a destroyer.


Something more difficult to implement maybe, but I understand several ship designs, at least in WW II, also carried torpedoes.
They'd have to operate more like aircraft, and less like gunships to be used properly at sea, I do believe.

When I modded the ViSa mod for warlords to suit my playing tastes more, I tried something like this. You just implement the helo as an aircraft but then use the art of a helicopter. It looks fine in game IMO. The only problem is that they then also get the missions from aircraft (luckily not interception if you give them none and turn of the ability to use the intercept promotion). You can also not just move them on land like the gunship, but need to rebase them. Using a helicopter unit (implemented like the gunship) can work but upgrading to it can't be done from a seaplane if I remember correctly, and you cant fly over the ocean (and if you make it so they can, they don't need destroyers or missile cruisers to land on anymore). Maybe use ASW planes instead of helicopters? But then the historical problem is that they don't operate from destroyers anymore but only from carriers or land-bases (AFAIK). As for the sub-spotting, that is actually a good idea, but one of the things to think about is that you have to make sure they don't become so usefull that subs aren't really effective anymore if you have a plane with quite a range covering your ships and spotting every sub (but I don't know enough about the invisibility thing to know how big a problem this is).
Anyway, I like the idea of seaplanes and later on helicopters (although we need some good models for those I think :))
I wouldn't mind if we can have them. I wouldn't mind having them and they should scan a realistic area. Also though xml any chance we could implement a sighting probability to the ability to see submarines and invisible?
ASW helicopters are actually a cool idea. I don't think it's possible to make probability of spotting through XML only, though. You can either see or not. But NP300 has created a Modcomp, which introduces probabilities of spotting. So it's possible to do it via SDK changes. I don't know if it should be a "helicopter", or an "aircraft" in game terms though.
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