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[BTS Module] Goths


Dec 26, 2006

Alaric - (Agressive & Protective)

Starting Techs:
Hunting & Mysticism

Unique Units:
Gothic Cavalry (Horse Archer + 50% against melee units)

Unique Buildings:
Plunder - (Jail + 2 :gold:)

How To Install:
To install, extract the folder to your mods folder: *YourMod/Assets/Modules/Custom Civilizations/*, Afterwards you need to go into you BTS configuration file and change 'ModularLoading = 0' to 'ModularLoading = 1

Based on Amra's Warlords version

How about soke screenshots? Maybe you could think of something better than plunder.:spear:
I placed the same screenshot as Amra's version. You are right, plunder is not much of an unique building, but is hard to find another one for the Goths.
I placed the same screenshot as Amra's version. You are right, plunder is not much of an unique building, but is hard to find another one for the Goths.

I thought of one last night, Arian steeple. (Arian, not Aryan.) Could replace monument, or something else.

When Christianity first came to Europe,l two branches formed, Catholicism and Arianism. Catholicism stated that Jesus is divine, so the Romans took that because they were used to having emporers who were, as they belived, one step short of divine. Arianism stated that Jesus is basicly like a tribal leader, so the Germanic tribes took that. Arianism was depleted fast by Catholics. It was finally snuffed out when Visigothic Spain was conquered.
I'd change it into an earlier era building (medevil) and make the effect that all land units receive a special promotion called 'Plunder' which give +100% pillaging gold, the SDK supports this with a underutilized tag in the xml and the promotion can be a module within the Goth module.
I like the idea of using Gothic Christianity (Arianism) for an early building, similar to the Totem Pole of the Native Americans, replacing monument with promotion benefits.

Amra used pillage promotions as benefit from the UB, but I removed it to keep it simple. I might re-adjust and add a pillage promotion module.
Proof that fads are harming history. Despite my deep interest in the Goths, when I saw this thread...
First thought: Goth Empire. UU: Emo-Kid. Cuts wrist at enemy, damaging both.

Very nice, though. One of the Amra's civs I'd been hoping to see a BTS version of.
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