Capto Iugulum: 1920 - 1939

Jacksonia would like to remind the assembled that the Nicaraguan Congress has been disbanded. While the President may have been elected freely, he has grossly denied freedom to the people of Nicuragua by disbanding their Congress
Treaty of the Skagerrak and Oresund
In the Year of Our Lord Nineteen-Hundred and Twenty-Nine, Twentieth Year of the Revolutionary Era, the nations of the Workers' Commonwealth and the Kingdom of Denmark, in order to maintain the peace in northern Europe and the Baltic Sea, accord the following regarding the Skagerrak and Oresund Straits incident of the same year...

-The Workers' Commonwealth will admit and acknowledge fault for the destruction of the cannon "Big Wulda", and thereby the escalation of the existing international incident.

-The Kingdom of Denmark will acknowledge its fault in the instigation of the incident by illegally constricting civilian access to international waterways and by attacking civilians unprovoked.

-In order that it is not necessary for either side to make reparations, the Workers' Commonwealth and the Kingdom of Denmark will formally agree to wave all penalties and claims resulting from these transgressions and acknowledge the Straits of Skagerrak and Oresund as international waterways under the protection of both parties, to which civilian traffic will be permitted use in perpetuity barring conditions of war.

Signed, Colleague Karl Mannerheim, First Proletarian of the Workers' Commonwealth and Syndic of its Manniskorstag, Father of the Nation and Guardian of The Revolution

Signed, Colleague Leonel Vystrom, Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark
A Speech by Ole Gudrunsson, Statsminister of Vinland, Regarding the Colombian Departure

We repeatedly did not invade Costa Rica, at the insistence of the Nicaraguan government, for fears of doing more harm than good in destabilizing the region. To my Colombian friends and colleagues, I see little good to be made in making untrue statements in order to paint your friends and allies in the most negative manner possible. There is no self-interest at work here, and what PADA has done is not the result of any sort of organizational corruption.

Our ambition is to see people across our continents faced with the freedom to determine their government. We seek no empire, our politics are those of level discussion and open expression.

That said, perhaps these have been our failings. By attempting to account for every voice, we are paralyzed. By building an organization reliant on the fickle tides of public opinion, we are fettered in our actions.

It seems, some days, that every action we take has turned against us. Every attempt at a good deed makes an enemy, every idealistic intention draws hostile fire. Every victory is minimized, every failure is magnified. On days like this, we look back and question the activities that have brought us to where we are today.

Yet throughout all of these troubles, we have never stopped trying. We have struggled to make the Americas a freer and more representative place. On many fronts, we have been successful. We have sought to maintain the independence of our continent- here too, we have experienced success. However, in the struggle to preserve democracy where it flourishes, and to nourish it where it grows not, perhaps we are misguided. Democracy is an organic thing, perhaps trying to establish it everywhere is a hopeless errand, like trying to impose order upon a windy sea.

All of this is a roundabout way of saying to Colombia that I am disappointed to see that you have lost such confidence in the ideals of PADA. May your future paths bring your people freedom, health and prosperity.
Treaty of the Skagerrak and Oresund
In the Year of Our Lord Nineteen-Hundred and Twenty-Nine, Twentieth Year of the Revolutionary Era, the nations of the Workers' Commonwealth and the Kingdom of Denmark, in order to maintain the peace in northern Europe and the Baltic Sea, accord the following regarding the Skagerrak and Oresund Straits incident of the same year...

-The Workers' Commonwealth will admit and acknowledge fault for the destruction of the cannon "Big Wulda", and thereby the escalation of the existing international incident.

-The Kingdom of Denmark will acknowledge its fault in the instigation of the incident by illegally constricting civilian access to international waterways and by attacking civilians unprovoked.

-In order that it is not necessary for either side to make reparations, the Workers' Commonwealth and the Kingdom of Denmark will formally agree to wave all penalties and claims resulting from these transgressions and acknowledge the Straits of Skagerrak and Oresund as international waterways under the protection of both parties, to which civilian traffic will be permitted use in perpetuity barring conditions of war.

Signed, Colleague Karl Mannerheim, First Proletarian of the Workers' Commonwealth and Syndic of its Manniskorstag, Father of the Nation and Guardian of The Revolution

Signed, Colleague Leonel Vystrom, Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark

Signed, Leopold II, King of Denmark, Lord of Iceland and Greenland, President of the Folketing

Signed, Einar Boye, Staatsminister of Denmark
From: The Holy See
To: The States of the Americas


The Holy See reminds PADA and all parties involved that Nicaragua is a sovereign nation and that any military intervention in the name of interference in its domestic politics would be a gross violation of international norms, and the rights inherent to the nation. We also remind PADA that all indications conclude that the President has wide public support for his actions which were taken in the name of resolving a political crisis caused by obstructionist forces, and has committed himself to upholding the constitutionally defined laws of the Nicaraguan state.

Accusations of tyranny therefore, in addition to being quite misguided. Speak to us of a deeper ideological attack on Nicaragua from certain forces, particularly in light of the specific attention paid to Nicaragua as compared to the blind eye taken towards actions from the UPSA and Jamaica amongst others, who are notably enough protestant states where nicaragua is Catholic.... This trajectory we hope PADA will reverse in years ahead.

~Sec. Relations with States.
To: The Vatican
From: Vinland

We are mostly concerned with the arrest of portions of the Nicaraguan Congress, which is a gross violation of democratic norms. This is a difficult issue, to be sure, and we, like you, hope that the end result is a government that represents the expressed will of the Nicaraguan people.

Given that the Nicaraguan president has promised free elections in 1932, Vinland's worries have been addressed.


OOC: On a side note, does anyone think we're doing a good thing here? Are there any Nicaraguans sending friendly letters cheering us on? Or should we just give up on this whole enterprise and let our current and former member states resolve their problems on their own?
OOC: Quote from the Update: "So far he has retained his popularity among the masses, and with the support of the army, it seems that most threats against the Urbina regime are nonexistent internally, allowing for consolidated control in Nicaragua."

Ergo short of the liberal minority (which the update seems to indicate has rapidly declined), Nicaraguans are more likely to be newly hostile to PADA, excacerbated by its hypocritical focus on them over other powers it has tolerated thus far. PADA's action will almost certainly be seen as an attack on Nicaragua and an imperialistic attempt by foreigners to dominate the nicaraguan people.
To: Those who NOW seem so interested in Nicaragua
From: Argentina

We find it laughable that there are those who claim no wrongdoing has been done by the president and military in Nicaragua. The president and military have illegally and unconstitutionally deposed the Congress and imprisoned their political rivals. How is this not against democratic governance? Although the president was both elected democratically and remains popular, the Congress and his opponents were as well. He still has abandoned the rule of law and deposed the republic by force-of-arms.

Argentina and the PADA have no desire to intervene in Nicaragua unless necessary. We have no problem with the president's Moralist politics, merely with his abandonment of the Nicaraguan constitution that has been so hard won. We have no problem with Nicaragua changing its' constitution, using the legal methods prescribed, to something that resembles the status quo.

Moralism is not the issue here. Unlike in Nicaragua, the Chilean legislature has been dead for a very long time and Chile has never been a member of our PADA. Nicaragua is a functioning democratic republic in the midst of a coup; we merely desire that if this is truly the will of the people that the constitutional methods are used. Moralist parties have come to power in Colombia and Uruguay peacefully without abandoning their democratic republic; we would see the same for Nicaragua.

Also, Costa Rica is not a member of the Accord, and never has been. If Colombia had voted or even spoken about the proposed measure to anyone else in the Accord, we would have valued their opinion. Complaining about a resolution that you had every opportunity to modify before its' publication is ridiculous.

We agree it appears to those not involved, ie non-PADA nations, to be an interference in the domestic politics of a nation for no purpose. But the Nicaraguan republic is a member of our PADA, and this serious breach of constitutional democracy does violate the first tenet that their state agreed to uphold. I use tyrant in its' minimalist definition, 'a usurper of sovereignty.'


A speech of his excellency Archbishop Paul Rand of Columbia was broadcast today across the nation as he called for unity amongst religions (in contrast to the division evident in South America) in the name of a common purpose to project Americas manifest destiny, and restore the nation to greatness under the God-centred vision of our founding fathers.


Archbishop of Columbia: Paul Rand

Men and Women of Columbia, Protestants, Catholics and Jews of our great nation the United States of America. Our nation has suffered greatly in the years since the war, we have suffered the loss of the southern states to the Proletarists and to Separatists, we have suffered the humiliation of our glorious people, we my brothrs have suffered the trajedy that comes with a loss of purpose. And it is purpose we must rediscover if we are to become great once again.

For our nation was founded on the back of men of purpose, who fleeing tyranny, sought the to live according to God's will and establish a nation truly built in the image of the Kingdom of God. These protestants, these Catholics and these jews, all men of different creeds and faiths, came to this one great land, seeking to exhalt God in this new Zion, this sacred earth where all things were possible, where men might shake the dust of godlessness and impiety off of their feet, liberating themselves from the chains of ignorance, and together build a new Jerusalem where all men might revere their creator in liberty and peace. And so when our nation finally freed itself from the cruel and vicious yoke of the European tyrant, they built a nation wrought in the image of our motto "IN GOD WE TRUST", a nation upholding always the liberty of men to their own religion, uniquely upholding the God-given liberty of conscience granted to all men.

Yet my brethren, today our great union is divided on itself, weak, corrupted and a mere shadow of its former self. We have become dominated by the very godless men whom our fathers rejected, by brothers of ours who having rejected the vision of our founding fathers have left our people without any purpose. They proclaim liberty like our founding fathers, but the liberty they proclaim is false, for in truth the liberty of the liberal is mere illusion, a license to indulge oneself in pleasure and in personal proclivity without reference to the community, in order that the people, divided from eachover by greed and pride, may not see their leaders as they neglect their duties to make our nation great, so that they may not develop a consciousness of their power, and of their task to forge their own future. And so it has come to pass that our leaders, wandering like the israelites in the desert without purpose, have left this nation and all of its people without purpose. They have not sought to make this nation great with boldness or clarity, but instead left it in ruins as they fiddle over the minutiae and squabble amongst themselves for power! Men in departing from the trust in God held sacrosanct by our forefathers have let our nation be humiliated by proletarists in the south, by separatists, by the Scandinavian devils of Vinland, by all self-respecting nations of this world with impunity and without reproach and yet we the people have let it come to pass!

Yet, always the seeds of our greatness remain, we the people can reclaim the purpose of our founding fathers, through the voice of our democratic vote, and through our personal action on the streets, in the town hall, in schools and churches. Protestants, jews and Catholics can unite together in the illuminating light of our founding fathers, respecting liberty of conscience and religion and upholding always the centrality of our One God, to the one purpose of the manifest destiny of our people. Protestants, jews and Catholics can and must unite together under the banner of those first pioneers who said IN GOD WE TRUST, and seek to build a great and powerful nation on the eternal and unbreakable foundation of the everliving God if they wish to break the shackles of humiliation, urging, supporting and calling upon our nations leaders to join this cause and awake from their slumber, and showing the revelation that is the true spirit of America in our call to purpose.

America must in this light, in the sacred spirit of renewal establish a strong and decisive leadership for the nation, not one divided and weak like the liberals have made it, fat as they are on the falsehoods of their godlessness. They must establish a strong and decisive leadership which kneels not before the hubris of men, but before the eternal God and which with arms wide proclaims liberty, life, and the pursuit of happiness without shame! We must reject the liberty despising liberals who seek to marginalise religion and the voice of God in public debate in promotion of their own design just as we must reject those amongst our creeds and religions who would divide God-fearing man from God-fearing man, promoting false sectarianism and division amongst the children of the One God seeking to divide the American people against eachother in order to deny them their purpose.

Furthermore just as we must defend against the enemy within, both the liberal and the zealot, we must commit ourselves to defend against those outside our nation who would deny its manifest destiny and keep our people in humiliation and weakness. For this reality, of foreign oppression of the God-given mandate of America has been made clear by the actions of the Vinlanders, who in 1916 so ruthlessly and mercilessly expelled innocent american refugees from their lands as they now seek to dominate Nicaragua in ignorance of the popular will of that nations people. It has been made clear by the Hawaiians, the Hawaiians! who with absolute impunity expelled innocent americans seeking a new life of prosperity in those isles. Can we let our great nation continue under such humiliation? Brothers and Sisters, we must accept as true, that it is our holy duty to guard against the foreign hordes, that we, in defense of all that is American and right and beautiful must guard against the Mohammedan barbarian, who even now in the Spanish territories murders innocent christians in the name of his false prophet, and in Jerusalem itself bombs churches where men gather to worship God. That we must defend against the designs of the Shintoist Japanese, who like serpents seek to dominate humanity under the dominion of their emperor who would be a god. That we must defend against the proletarist of the south and of Scandinavia, who would deny our great liberty and see enterprise and innovation subjected and crushed under a dictatorship of the proletariat. That we must defend, and defend unceasingly against all foreign forces which would destroy our purpose and deny our destiny, rejecting the superiority of our founding fathers cause in its sublime cause of dignity and liberty under God. And that we must with fervent hope and joy bring about the manifest destiny of the United States of America, and banish all who would deny it!

Thus brothers and sisters, of all creeds, of all cities, of all states of this One nation of America. I urge you all to unite in the cause of our founders, in the cause of God himself. For this nation has for so long suffered without purpose and has been humbled by the enemeis of their cause. The time is now to build up our nation as the great city on a hill it was meant to be, a city of liberty for all and peace on earth. Unite, for although we are many, we are one in a glorious and divine purpose.


And God Bless America


ooc: Bioshock Infinite has clearly infiltrated my mind for me to decide to post this :p
ooc: perhaps he was one of the Americans booted back across the border in 1916 ;)

EDIT: At any rate, considering it seems to be a trend at the moment, I decided to do this as a tribute to Bioshock infinite and for the amusement of seeing what, if any, effect it has.
OOC: I quite specifically made sure that the expulsions were done by Americans, for just such a reason. ;)

For a general summary of what happened, we gave the American refugees the opportunity to become Vinlandic citizens.

Demonstrate your household's ability to support itself, pledge allegiance to the King and Elected Government of Vinland, and to obey the laws of the land, before July 1, 1916. Doing this will grant yourself and your family Vinlandic citizenship, giving you the ability to vote and receive the services of the Kingdom of Vinland.

Leading up to this deadline, we worked with the governments of other post-American states to advertise residence in their nations. Throughout this period, we provided complimentary transportation, for those who sought it. Some Americans took Vinlandic citizenship, and the majority departed before the deadline, due to the stabilizing situation to the south.

On the first of July, 1916, American agents from the newly-formed Second Union of the United States, in cooperation with the Vinlandskridningpolis, traveled to the homes of the remaining holdouts, and brought the refugees by car or wagon to the local train stations, where they were sent southwards to new homes back in America. The army was present in the background, but fortunately saw very little action.

EXPULSION OF VINLAND AMERICANS. Sammanström, Vinland. After the growing dissent issued forth by the refugee population in the western parts of Vinland, the government in Nya Stockholm has declared the expulsion of those who have failed to become citizens. Surprisingly, the threat of force has spurred a number of Americans to reluctantly apply for citizenship, but a large number have been removed over the course of the year. A large number have left willingly as well, and despite Vinlander fears of an internal rebellion by the Americans, the affairs has been conducted fairly peacefully. The towns have been emptied for the most part, though there remain a number of majority American areas. The stabilized situation to the south has spurred many of these people in their choice to leave, but some have chosen to continue to make their homes in the north. Thankfully, a surprisingly low number of people had to actually be physically forced to leave by Vinland's army, and it seems that things have calmed substantially throughout the western provinces. (+1 Stability)

Of course, the kind of person who might be a holdout through two years of gentle prodding, then resist relocation when it comes by force, is probably the same kind of person who's got rather strong opinions that they'd like to share with the world over the airwaves. :p
If its still possible I'd like to join in this NES as Afghanistan. I understand I should have private messaged EQ but I don't seem to have the private message function as of yet. When does this become available? I hope this is the right place to post.
ooc: Tis the right place to post, and yes you can join as Afghanistan since that nation is unnoccupied. Since you have five posts (a requirement for attaining PM priveleges) you should be able to PM orders to EQ within a few days at least for that nation and proceed upon your merry way. (if not, you could inquire about emailing EQ orders until you get that function)

In the meantime if you are interested in posting publically things from the Afghan perspective, be it in foreign policy areas, politically (say in support of sunni governments in Libya and Sudan) or in support of some specific goal (say you subtly want to undermine the islamic parts of india and return them to Durrani rule :p ) then Im sure no one would object. (or will provide correction if the case is other than what I have said ;) )
@Dunebear: Welcome aboard! If you're really wanting to play afghanistan specifically, just be sure to send in orders for this upcoming update. The deadline is Saturday, but I'm sure you should be able to use PMs by then. If not, we can work out other arrangements. There is no substitute for enthusiasm for a specific nation, but if you're just looking for a "starter" nation, I do have superior alternatives to Afghanistan.
OOC: What sort of accent do you imagine this Archbishop of Columbia has?
TO: Portugal
FROM: Brazil

You are in violation of the third article of the Lisbon Declaration.

Article 3. The Kingdom of Portugal will in perpetuity restrict its navy to 3 destroyers, 2 light cruisers, and 1 heavy cruiser

Your fleet currently consists of 4 Oporto-class Destroyers, one too many. Please scrap this vessel to remain within the terms of the treaty.
To: Brazil
From: Portugal

One of the four destroyers was built for a foreign customer who reneged on their purchase. It will be departed shortly, and is not considered an active part of the Portuguese Navy.

@DuneBear: I have three standard questions for an NESer looking for a nation, as listed below:

1. Do you prefer a Western culture or something more exotic?

2. Do you prefer militarism and war or a domestic buildup or something in between?

3. Do you want a nation near other players for greater interaction or a nation further from areas of player relevance?
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