Proletarism isn't necessarily syndicalist. I may have gone too far in saying Moralism is Proletarist though. It certainly has at its base the moral proletariat though.
I don't know about slavery, but it is probably illegal everywhere, that is, against the law. But if you are asking if slavery still exists, particularly of blacks? It mostly definitely does, almost everywhere.
Scandinavia isn't trying hard enough to vanguard. Don't blame us for your failure to be the vanguard. There are plenty of Kings to suffer under in CI, even more so than IRL. Apparently Russia and Eastern Europe are devoid of liberalism, republicanism, or proletarism due to Secret Police. But once these crackdowns happen once or twice, shouldn't these movements have gotten smarter?
It's not that simple. People put everything left of 'Liberal' in the box labeled "CRAZY SCARY PROLE" and then try to burn it. Really without Traditional or Social Proletarism, we'd have an incredible and unbelievable lack of leftist thought, especially for a world as industrialized and radically diverse as CI.