Capto Iugulum: Empires and Nations

Heyo, I'm the UK now, so forward all necessary diplo to me please :)
This is the 80-hour warning for orders. Due to being at a wedding, I will not be able to respond to diplomacy or otherwise give advice during most of this time. Also, there will be no further warnings, unless I get home early or other cicrumstances are created.
To: All involved in the Second Venetian War
From: Empire of Holy Spain

We wish to ask of you that you stand down in your current positions and not act in a warlike manner. This goes for everyone involved in this war. We would like for representatives of every nation involved in the Second Venetian War to meet somewhere so that things may be discussed in a civil manner, instead of having to resort to gun and sword. We are sure that there is something that can be done that may satisfy both sides of this war, much like it has happened with the Treaty of Santiago that has ended the War of the Catholic League.

In order for both sides to gain something, we suggest that Austria frees the city of Venice and the western half of the main Venetian land to re-establish the Republic of Venice, and Austria keeps the rest. That way, Austria keeps a direct access to the sea and Switzerland, Two Sicilies and Milan have nothing to complain about, given that Venice will recover its freedom.
To: Republic of Netherlands, Empire of Sweden, United Kingdom of Great Britain
From: Empire of Holy Spain

We are glad that the three of you have finally accepted our terms, and we hope this is the start of, if not friendship, at least permanent peace amongst us.

To: Maratha Confederacy
From: Empire of Holy Spain

We do feel rather generous this year, after the good things that have happened recently. It is for this that we ask of you that you open again your borders to our merchants. Hopefully, you will listen to the voice of reason and not the one of bloodshed.
Edit: nvm
To: All involved in the Second Venetian War
From: Empire of Holy Spain

We wish to ask of you that you stand down in your current positions and not act in a warlike manner. This goes for everyone involved in this war. We would like for representatives of every nation involved in the Second Venetian War to meet somewhere so that things may be discussed in a civil manner, instead of having to resort to gun and sword. We are sure that there is something that can be done that may satisfy both sides of this war, much like it has happened with the Treaty of Santiago that has ended the War of the Catholic League.

In order for both sides to gain something, we suggest that Austria frees the city of Venice and the western half of the main Venetian land to re-establish the Republic of Venice, and Austria keeps the rest. That way, Austria keeps a direct access to the sea and Switzerland, Two Sicilies and Milan have nothing to complain about, given that Venice will recover its freedom.

To Spain
From Switzerland

Your terms for peace sound suspiciously like those ourselves, Sicily and Milan called for 3 times and have been three times refused by Austria and the Papal States. As it stands, we cannot cease our war to liberate Venice, especially whilst Austrian troops soil our good nation with their presence.
To Spain, Papal States, Switzerland, Naples, Milan:
From Austria:
We would be willing to reestablish the independence of Venice on the basis that it would remain a city-state. All former Venetian lands would continue to be held by Austria, and Venice will not be allowed to place any tariffs on Austrian goods.
To Spain, Papal States, Switzerland, Naples, Milan:
From Austria:
We would be willing to reestablish the independence of Venice on the basis that it would remain a city-state. All former Venetian lands would continue to be held by Austria, and Venice will not be allowed to place any tariffs on Austrian goods.

OOC: accept accept accept accept accept accept accept accept accept accept accept...
TO: Holy Empire of Spain
FROM: Empire of Brazil

And so it is that we come forth with our discussions on the future of our diplomatic relationship. Our two empires will enter a mutual alliance of defense in South America, protecting our sovereign territories from outside threats and working closely together in other ways to ensure this alliance holds true for decades to come.

Thus Pedro, Emperor of Brazil, signs the São Paulo Accord legalizing the above mentioned alliance.
To: Sweden, Britain and Switzerland
From: Portugal

Now that the war is over we would like to open trade routes with all of you nations to hopefully build a friendship that can prevent any future wars of this nature.
To: The World
From: Prussia

Prussia is looking to expand her trade opportunities, are there any takers?
To: All involved in the Second Venetian War
From: Empire of Holy Spain

We wish to ask of you that you stand down in your current positions and not act in a warlike manner. This goes for everyone involved in this war. We would like for representatives of every nation involved in the Second Venetian War to meet somewhere so that things may be discussed in a civil manner, instead of having to resort to gun and sword. We are sure that there is something that can be done that may satisfy both sides of this war, much like it has happened with the Treaty of Santiago that has ended the War of the Catholic League.

In order for both sides to gain something, we suggest that Austria frees the city of Venice and the western half of the main Venetian land to re-establish the Republic of Venice, and Austria keeps the rest. That way, Austria keeps a direct access to the sea and Switzerland, Two Sicilies and Milan have nothing to complain about, given that Venice will recover its freedom.

To: Austria, Spain, Papal States
CC: Our Allies
From: The Two Sicilies

The Kingdom of the Two Sicilies could accept these terms with Austria maintaining a corridor the sea while all other parts of Venice are reinstated as an independent nation provided our allies accept such terms.

To Spain, Papal States, Switzerland, Naples, Milan:
From Austria:
We would be willing to reestablish the independence of Venice on the basis that it would remain a city-state. All former Venetian lands would continue to be held by Austria, and Venice will not be allowed to place any tariffs on Austrian goods.

To: Austria, Spain, Papal States
CC: Our Allies
From: The Two Sicilies

We cannot accept these terms and endorse the Spanish terms as a road to peace. If these or full independence are not acceptable we will continue the war until they can be forcibly achieved.
TO: Holy Empire of Spain
FROM: Empire of Brazil

And so it is that we come forth with our discussions on the future of our diplomatic relationship. Our two empires will enter a mutual alliance of defense in South America, protecting our sovereign territories from outside threats and working closely together in other ways to ensure this alliance holds true for decades to come.

Thus Pedro, Emperor of Brazil, signs the São Paulo Accord legalizing the above mentioned alliance.

Carlos V, Emperor of Holy Spain and its colonies, signs the São Paulo Accord too.
@GamezRule: I do have aim, and my sn is the same as it is here. Also I have a firey hatred rivalled only by my distaste for yankees for those who post on my wall thing.

To: Those concerned by the Venetian War
from: Papal States

We believe that Austria's terms are reasonable and continue to stand behind our ally.
To those concerned by the Venetian War
From Milan

We will stand behind Spain's proposal, that Venice is reinstated as a nation, and that Austria is allowed a corridor to the sea.
To: Normandy
From: Prussia

Excellent. We shall begin trading at once.
To those concerned by the Venetian War
From Milan

We will stand behind Spain's proposal, that Venice is reinstated as a nation, and that Austria is allowed a corridor to the sea.

Venice is being restored as a sovereign state under our plan, just as you had demanded. It is merely smaller in territory.
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