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Capto Iugulum

Pretty much all Brazilian flags for cities, provinces, etc are Nordic crosses. :p

Irrelevant! Go oppress the proletariat without stealing from the cultural heritage of the glorious Nordic Fatherland! ;)
It was my suggestion.

At any rate, while I was messing around with flags and colour schemes for the flags of the Landsdelar of Vinland... well, let's just say that some things turn out as mindbending optical illusions, and some things don't.

Oh, I picked up on that, I just also wanted to offer some context. :)

Anyway, someone hunt down Jason and get him to start participating in the thread, we need more of the dysfunctional Nordic family around.

Aaaand I just lost 4 hours of work because GIMP doesn't autosave and I'd put a few too many layers in. Oh well, the best flags I made tended to have the simplest patterns, so I'll replicate those ones. You guys won't get to see the rejects, but really, that's probably for the best.
I would imagine that they'd use their pre-revolutionary Scandinavian flag, as they still consider themselves to be the Empire of Scandinavia.
OOC: You think Lord of Elves would have commented on my story by now. Either that, or his country doesn't care at all about the total elimination of all the credibility the revolution had in one country.
Spoiler :
Maugan crouched on the balcony that surrounded the Great hall of the Palace of Nantes, the guard beside him lying on the ground in his own blood. The blood reminded him of his cause, and why he was here. His superiors had ordered his men to wear the uniform of the Radicalau. The Arweinydd knew of his loyalty to the cause, and had handpicked him and this squad to go on this mission of death.
Their target was none other than the king himself.
Ripped back to the present by the feeling of the other man's blood against his leg Maugan aimed his gun through the railing. King Henry V tore off a big leg off of one of the chickens when he fired his rifle. It seemed like forever until the King was hit by his bullet. Once the bullet hit King Henry in the head, a rousing cry of "FOR THE REVOLUTION!" was roared, drowned out by the crack of rifle fire. The Aristocracy began to run away from the great hall screaming as blood soaked the fine food sitting on the tables. His squad had been particularly careful to leave the heir to the throne alive - his death would render the entire operation pointless.

Maugan surveyed the carnage. Their work was done. The king and the members of the council were all dead. He shouldered his rifle and unholstered his pistol as he marched out the door. When the Arweinydd had picked them for this job, they knew none of them would make it out alive. They were willing to die for freedom and equality.

He noticed the flashes before the bullets hit him. The royal guard had arrived to crush the assassins. He watched as his brothers and sisters were cut down by the Imperial guardsmen. He cracked his back tooth and the chemical seeped into his mouth. Then his body began to go numb as the world grew dim. The last thoughts to pass through his mind were of his hated enemies the proletariats, and the terrible vengeance his sacrifice would call down upon them. That and victory. Victory no matter the cost.

Helpful Vinland Fact Sheet (1916)

Handy Vinlandic Naval Register (1918)

Lovely Map of Vinland (1902)

Previous Entries on the Landsdelar of Vinland:

Nya Sverige


Like much of the nation, Dammark is a land in transition. The second landsdel of Vinland, Dammark named and famed for the vast lakes which straddle it, the Stora Sjöarna. Nearly a third of Vinland’s population calls the Dammark home, and this landsdel contains four of Vinland’s ten largest cities. In its west, Dammark borders Lake Kolossala, the largest body of fresh water on earth. Here, the city of Norforsar serves as the uppermost naval base of the Vinlandic freshwater fleet. Over the border in america lake Vinlanders know as Stormiga. Downstream lie the lakes Massiva, Mäktiga, the great cataract of the Ollefallen, and Lake Jätte. The city of Vattenby, overlooking the falls, is often thought of as the ‘First Fortress of Vinland’, controlling a strategically crucial peninsula and protecting Vinland from an invasion into southern Dammark. Further down Lake Jätte is the grand city and regional capital of Sjöstad. The third largest city in the nation, Sjöstad is one of the major centers of Vinland’s industrial belt, being particularly noteworthy as the heart of Vinland’s nascent automotive industry. Despite this prominent development, much of Dammark’s south remains bucolic and agricultural, and as one moves into the north, farmland gives away to rugged forests, where forestry and mining predominates, and rural homesteaders continue to carve civilization out from the wilderness.

Proposal 1

Proposal 2

Proposal 3

Proposal 4
No more orders of any kind will be accepted beyond this point.

I rather like luckymoose's proposed flag for Angola, but as it is his nation, the final decision will ultimately rest with erez87.

As for maps and flags and so forth, I'd kindly ask that further stuff on that be saved for after the update. We'll have at least a week for the discussion and creation of flags and flavor stuff as we prepare to start a new thread to cover 1920-1939.
OOC: You think Lord of Elves would have commented on my story by now. Either that, or his country doesn't care at all about the total elimination of all the credibility the revolution had in one country.
Spoiler :

:rolleyes: believe it or not I do not feel compelled to respond to every single post that mentions the Revolution of the Proletariat in passing.
:rolleyes: believe it or not I do not feel compelled to respond to every single post that mentions the Revolution of the Proletariat in passing.

OOC: Mentions? it was about an unknown group acting as the traditional Proletariats, Radicalau, and killing both the king and the council. You would see it as proletariats murdering a king on his birthday.
OOC: Mentions? it was about an unknown group acting as the traditional Proletariats, Radicalau, and killing both the king and the council. You would see it as proletariats murdering a king on his birthday.

OOC: Sic semper tyrannis, Bretons.
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