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CCM2 Epic Mod

Please, when you post the 3.0, add instructions for this. I've never touched that ...


The mod is compatible with the GOG and Steam versions of Civ 3 Complete and with the DRM-free executable available through PCGames.de (Note by Civinator. Only the GOG version was tested by me. For any eventuality you can make a copy of the original C3C exe to calm your nerves).

It works with existing save files and saves made with the mod active will still work in the base game.

Multiplayer is not officially supported but some features will work in MP, see this post for more details: https://forums.civfanatics.com/thre...s-in-exe-modding.666881/page-16#post-16126470 (Note by Civinator: Not tested by me).

The mod can work on Mac OS, see instructions here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/thre...rd-and-much-more.666881/page-56#post-16369665 (Note by Civinator: Not tested by me).

For more info about the PCGames.de executable, see here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/civ-3-windows-update-kb3086255-safedisc.552308/

B. INSTALLATION AND USAGE of the Flintlock mod:

1. Download the Flintlock mod here.
2. Create an own folder for the mod (per example a folder named C3X_R17 at the desktop).
3. Extract the downloaded Flintlock mod to that folder.
4. Copy that folder into your Civ install directory (i.e. the C3C main folder containing the Civ3Conquests.exe).
5. Activate the mod by double-clicking the INSTALL.bat (or RUN.bat) scripts.

a) INSTALL.bat will install the mod into the Civ3Conquests.exe and automatically create a backup of the original unmodded executable named

b) If your Civ 3 is installed inside Program Files then it's necessary to run INSTALL.bat as administrator.

Note by Civinator: The other option for the Installation by RUN.bat didn´t work when I tested it.

6. You can draw a shortcut from the boosted exe to the taskbar to start the boosted exe comfortably.

Installation of the Flintlock mod.jpg

Notes about the installation of the Flintlock mod:

The mod's behavior is highly adjustable by editing the config file named "default.c3x_config.ini". Also that config file contains info about some mod features that aren't fully explained here.

To uninstall the mod, delete the modded executable then rename the backed up EXE version mentioned above to Civ3Conquests.
It is not necessary to uninstall the mod before installing a different version.

Even after installation, the mod still depends on some files in the mod folder, so you need to keep it around.

There are multiple reports that RUN.bat doesn't work while installing does, so know that installation is the more reliable option.
Rômulo Prado reports that RUN.bat started working for him after he installed the MS Visual C++ Redistributables versions 2005 and 2019 (while installing GOG Galaxy).


- CCM 3 now is installed like any other C3C mod or scenario into the Civ Content folder of C3C. The CCM biq must be installed in that folder outside
the CCM folder.

- CCM 3 holds a special scenario.c3x_config file, that adapts the options of the Flintlock mod (here the version R17) to the special settings of CCM 3.
This file should be updated for each update of the Flintlock mod that is installed in the C3C mainfolder.

Installation CCM 3.jpg
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Now this is strange: I haven't discovered flight yet and the symbol for airlift appears for the Lancia unit in Neapolis. Is there an explanation for?

C3 Airlift b.jpg
C3 Airlift a.jpg
Now this is strange: I haven't discovered flight yet and the symbol for airlift appears for the Lancia unit in Neapolis. Is there an explanation for?
That´s a nice observation. :thumbsup: I have never read anything about the triggers, when the additional buttons of the advanced buttons are revealed. My guess is, that this could be influenced by the era you are playing in (as in era 3 airports can be built) - but this is only a guess. May be some other civers here have a better explanation. Fact is, that the airlift button is useless, if you don´t have at least two airports (one in the city where the unit to be airlifted is located and one in the destination city).
If it's tied to the air trade, then some of the national resource buildings could enable airlifting, along with the palace. It's definitely not tied to the veteran air units, since all of the buildings with that tag become available at or after Flight.
If it's tied to the air trade, then some of the national resource buildings could enable airlifting, along with the palace. It's definitely not tied to the veteran air units, since all of the buildings with that tag become available at or after Flight.
My thoughts were just the other way around: As air trade is available since era 1 in CCM 2.5 and many units of era 1 have the airlift-flag (even an era 1 warrior could be transported in a plane), the airlift button should appear even in era 1 - what is not happening. If the airlift button is connected era-specific to the veteran air units flag, in CCM 2.5 it would appear with the start of era 3, as this is the era when buildings with that flag appear (airports) and as it would be eraspecific, it should not be necessary, that the tech in that era is still researched.

But as written: This is only a guess.
Could it be that the Small Wonder "Military Research Center" constructed is in that city (Neapolis)?
@Civinator through testing and player feedback from CCM what are your thoughts on Partisans/Guerrillas with hidden nationality? I have revised the unit lines for my mod with Spearman, Archer, and Warrior converging at Infantry. I want to keep the Guerilla unit, but with tweaks (ATAR, no resources, and less defense than comparable offensive unit). I have read that if a land unit that has HN is buildable, the AI will spam them to death. They will be running around everywhere. I see that you got around that issue by having Partisans upgrade from workers which makes sense thematically. A rag tag militia of lightly trained citizens.

However, I have two versions of my mod. A "lite" version, where I am trying to keep general game play along the lines of the epic game and a larger version where I will auto produce settlers and workers. For the lite version, upgrading from workers won't work because you could just build workers cheaply and upgrade. With that in mind, the Scout/Explorer line is a dead end so I thought having Scout => Military Scout => Partisan => Guerilla. However, if I give the Partisan and Guerilla HN and they are buildable, I think it will get out of control. Maybe have them Invisible instead?

Right now the Partisan has 2 less defense than the Rifleman and comes at Communism. The Guerilla has two less defense than the Infantry and comes at Ecology. Both with ATAR. I haven't gotten far enough in my test game to see how they are working. Since you have done a lot of tests I figured I'd get your feedback. Thanks.
@Civinator through testing and player feedback from CCM what are your thoughts on Partisans/Guerrillas with hidden nationality?

In the current CCM 2.5 the Partisan settings in my eyes are too strong, especially the flag that they can enslave to other partisans. If you want, you have a good chance to win the game only with partisans without declaring official war. This is one of the reasons why the settings for partisans in CCM 3 are drastically changed. They have left some flags (among them HN and enslave) and received some others. More about it below.
I want to keep the Guerilla unit, but with tweaks (ATAR, no resources, and less defense than comparable offensive unit). I have read that if a land unit that has HN is buildable, the AI will spam them to death.
The question about the AI tendency to build units with the standard Civ 3 settings in my eyes is more a question for Ozy. In my eyes the HN-flag here has a high value for the AI. The answer to this question "outside" the normal Civ 3 settings belongs to the alternatives that the AI has in a mod/scenario and is very complex, taking into account the complete other settings of such a mod or scenario, including "perfuming" units and buildings.

In CCM 3 the partisan indeed has the settings ATAR, low defense, no resources, upgrading from workers, no upgrade and maintenance costs and the pillage flag (that not many other units in CCM have in the time when partisans become available), but the intention is not to persuade the AI to build this unit, but to reduce the late game micromanagement of underpowered workers, that should not be upgraded to "superworkers" (there are some other measures to reach this aim, too).

If you want (other than in CCM) a partisan or guerilla in a mod or scenario normally buildable, it could be a good idea to give such a unit the explore strategy. The adventurer unit in CCM, that can be built normally, has such a setting and the AI is building that unit.
I see that you got around that issue by having Partisans upgrade from workers which makes sense thematically.
The most important of this CCM setting in my eyes is the limitation, that these units with the king flag can not been built normally, but can only be achieved by upgrading an autoproduced unit (the apprentice) and that no additional building (of the precious 256 building slots) is needed for this setting. That this thematically makes sense is an additional bonus, that was taken into account, when doing this setting.
However, I have two versions of my mod. A "lite" version, where I am trying to keep general game play along the lines of the epic game.
I have such a "lite" version of CCM (so in German language), too and in some threads I have posted screenshots about the techtree of that mod. May be I post an English version of it, too, as only the names in the biq must be changed to the English language. :think:
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Thanks for the thorough response. I think I have an idea. Flintlock patch allows for a building as a prerequisite for units. So, I can worker housing that is required to build workers and make it cost 1 shield. I can then obsolete worker housing before Partisan becomes available and allow workers to upgrade to Partisan. Granted players could spam workers before worker housing goes obsolete, but it will cost them pop. Might work.

Sorry for going off topic from CCM. Like everybody else I am looking forward to 3.0 and what you are able to do with Flintlock patch. I am still working out some of the features like having an Oil Refinery produce gasoline which is needed for modern vehicles or steel mill that requires iron and coal to make steel. I am sure you are going to have some super creative new concepts. I can't wait!
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I am still working out some of the features like having an Oil Refinery produce gasoline which is needed for modern vehicles or steel mill that requires iron and coal to make steel. I am sure you ate going to have some super creative new concepts.
CCM 3 is more an evolution than a revolution. When it is the time I will write a post about the changes in CCM 3. Production chains, as per example the oil refineries or steel mills (transforming resources) that I had in early prototypes of CCM 3 were cut out again, as I noticed that I lost too much time in the game by looking what can be produced and upgraded in a city. The feature of the Flintlock mod showing icons on top of buildings came after all this was cut out. This will be a topic for CCM 3.1. To give at least some of the different leaders of a civ their "own" personality in the game will also be a topic of CCM 3.1. CCM 3 frees some buildings and resource slots for that job, but even in CCM 3 alone the named different single leaders are a very nice improvement of CCM. Offensive AI artillery only appears in late era 2 of the game and units with the king flag now are real defenders in a stack, what is especially important for the MG-units.

The helpful new feature, that different buildings now can be the same prerequisite for other buildings was posted by me long ago. The limitation of constructing dreadnoughts and battleships only in a few cities of a civ on a random map is working well, too. Cruisers now become more interesting. The system of civspecific buildings was changed radically. The same for the government "City States" and the normal worker actions. CCM 3 has a changed time scale to fix some distortions in era 4 of the game, but for most phases of the game this can not be noticed. In difficulty level monarch (or more) it should become more difficult to win by only researching some WW1 techs.
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Hello all, Are any of you aware of any efforts to translate this mod to any other languages? I am particularly interested in Japanese and Russian, but any other translation efforts would be good to know as well. I have a few friends who like the mod, but aren't good enough with English to be able to play it comfortably.
Hey, is there any way to change the culture grouping of civs (I.e. Scandinavia is Mediterranean in the ancient era)?
Hey, is there any way to change the culture grouping of civs (I.e. Scandinavia is Mediterranean in the ancient era)?
Scandinavia is in the European culture group, This was so in CCM 2.50 and this is so in CCM 3. Please take into account that the culture group "Mediterranean" in CCM 2.50 and 3 is reserved for south asian civs (India, Indochina) to give them their own city graphics. Culture groups can not be renamed with the current editors.

Scandinavia is in the European culture group, This was so in CCM 2.50 and this is so in CCM 3. Please take into account that the culture group "Mediterranean" in CCM 2.50 and 3 is reserved for south asian civs (India, Indochina) to give them their own city graphics. Culture groups can not be renamed with the current editors.

View attachment 693538
Thanks, to clarify, I was wondering, in my Scandinavia case, in the ancient era, whether it would be possible to change the city appearance to be "ancient Europe" (i.e. like what England and France have in vanilla civ 3) versus its current "Mediterranean" style (i.e. what Greece and Rome would have in vanilla civ 3)? Furthermore, would it be possible to move some of the techs from the medieval to the industrial eras? I'm specifically talking about everything from the Napoleonic Era afterwards (i.e. Industrial Revolution, Railroads, etc.)?
Thanks, to clarify, I was wondering, in my Scandinavia case, in the ancient era, whether it would be possible to change the city appearance to be "ancient Europe" (i.e. like what England and France have in vanilla civ 3) versus its current "Mediterranean" style (i.e. what Greece and Rome would have in vanilla civ 3)? Furthermore, would it be possible to move some of the techs from the medieval to the industrial eras? I'm specifically talking about everything from the Napoleonic Era afterwards (i.e. Industrial Revolution, Railroads, etc.)?
What you suggest are the normal settings of Civ 3. CCM tries to be quicker in the industrial era than standard Civ 3 and nearly all other Civ 3 mods without cutting the medieval era too much. CCM was concepted to be different to standard Civ 3 and all known other mods, that were existing in the time when CCM was concepted. This is why the techtree in CCM is as it is and why it will stay in this configuration. Era 2 in CCM is not the "Medieval Era", but the "Era of Discovery" to reach this aim.

Concerning the city graphics in era 1 of the mod: Civ 3 has only 5 possible culture groups and these culture groups can not be renamed. As the south Asian civs should receive their own city graphics, the city graphics of an existing culture group had to be changed, and this were the Mediterranean graphics. On the other side in era 1 the northern European cities were not very famous and in most cases in reality not existing, completly different to the "southeuropean" cities. So for me it is no question, that the southeuropean city style should represent Europe in era 1. The following eras of European cities in CCM are represented by a more northerneuropean city style.

If you want the techs in the standard Civ 3 eras and the standard city graphics, may be the mod RARR would be better suited for you. Here you can have a look at the techtrees of RARR 1.7 (RARR 1.8 is in work).
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What you suggest are the normal settings of Civ 3. CCM tries to be quicker in the industrial era than standard Civ 3 and nearly all other Civ 3 mods without cutting the medieval era too much. CCM was concepted to be different to standard Civ 3 and all known other mods, that were existing in the time when CCM was concepted. This is why the techtree in CCM is as it is and why it will stay in this configuration. Era 2 in CCM is not the "Medieval Era", but the "Era of Discovery" to reach this aim.

Concerning the city graphics in era 1 of the mod: Civ 3 has only 5 possible culture groups and these culture groups can not be renamed. As the south Asian civs should receive their own city graphics, the city graphics of an existing culture group had to be changed, and this were the Mediterranean graphics. On the other side in era 1 the northern European cities were not very famous and in most cases in reality not existing, completly different to the "southeuropean" cities. So for me it is no question, that the southeuropean city style should represent Europe in era 1. The following eras of European cities in CCM are represented by a more northerneuropean city style.

If you want the techs in the standard Civ 3 eras and the standard city graphics, may be the mod RARR would be better suited for you. Here you can have a look at the techtrees of RARR 1.7 (RARR 1.8 is in work).
Thanks for the explanation and linking to the RARR mod. I'll check it out.
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