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Challenge: Earliest Religious Victories

New record for Fatimids Shia 1127AD score 30289
Five GP were born in Egypt (one spread Shia in last turn)
Relics: Aswan, Medinah, Al-Iskandariyya.

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Burn Baghdad, Buids refound in 1010 AD and settled GProphet:lol:

After respawn of Abbasids:

Armenia Sunni 1250AD score 5131
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Again build palace in Mekkah:

ByzEmpire fail:

Next fail - ByzEm respawn without Konstantinoupolis:

3 Holy Cities for Ashot:

Malwa Hindu 1133AD score 23209
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Kama province:

A small diversion in Iraq:

Why not:rolleyes:

The development of the Middle East:

Antioh Sunni 1372AD score 5191
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bad way for 50% sunni:


Allāhu Akbar:

Crazy Guy:

SanJose - I must say that you are very impressive.
Gaznavids Sunni 1256AD score 10122
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Found Gazna, Kandahar and Quetta, capture Zaranj(970AD), Al-Kufa(1001AD), Kerman(1031AD)and Mekkah(1034AD), in mid game found Gwadar and capture Medinah.
Free Great Spy and Merchant from tech.
Trade 2 muslim relics from KoJ, in late game Abbasids and Sindh become my vassals.

Ottomans Sunni 1504AD score 20198
Spoiler :
Izmir become motherhome for great people.
Maximum use massacre and persecution, unlucky with companies and 1 GP form Istanbul(i received second spy)

Kingdom of Mesopotamia [Abbasids Catholic]1174AD score 10738
All goals completed in last turn=)
Funny game inclued: disband and refound of Kudus, 18 cities razed:rolleyes:
Vassals - Buids, Zengids and Cilikia(capitulation), relics from Antioh, Instambul and Kudus.

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Medinah, Qazvin, Isfahan, Samarqand, Urfa, Tartos ...

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Kudus(after win):

Ghorids Sunni 1396AD score 10968
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Minaret of Jum in Peshevar for easy 100 piety, complete 2/3 UHV for GA
GM and GP from Lahore, other from Peshevar

Kingdom of Mesopotamia[Abbasids Orthodox] 1073AD score 28283
Friendly: Armenia, Georgia, Makuria - all vassals, ByzEmpire and Kingdom of Yemen,
other orth civs are pleased
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Samanids Sunni 1163AD score 11655
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Capture fast Lahore with starting swordsman and archer, capture Kerman, Medina and Mekkah with 2 merc-horsman, razed Multan, Esfahan, Somnath and capital of Gujarat.
Free Spy and Scholar from tech.

Sindh Shia 1271AD 9614

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Found Tatta[capital], Bela, Quetta, Tharri flip to me from Ajmer:rolleyes:

Rum Sunni 1270AD score 9014
After the flip, I found that the spiral minaret is not built yet. After the capture of the city of Antalya was founded Baris (the stone).
In this game, I lost 10 towns:
Istanbul twice (respawn of the Byzantine Empire), 7 cities capture Mongols:rolleyes:, Medina by Bedouins and Mecca by Yemen imamate.

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The development of the Middle East:

I don't recall ever seeing those wheat resources between Eskisehir und Adalya. Am I wrong?
ByzEmpire 1106AD score 46588
6 vassals, 5 friends:p
Fast capture Tartus with spearmen from Angora and Kesaria, build SM.
"Gift" Amastris to rebel peasant and disband after rejoin.
Cathedral in Alexandria build by GE.
Kill Fatimids, razed Akra(-17 piety), liberated Tripoli and Tire to Armenia.
Protected our friend Ashot when barbarian seljuks spawn.

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Last vassal:

the development of the Middle East:

Principality of Antioch Cath 1237AD score 23779
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Good start, relics in my starting cities. Build in capital SM, Narekavank, Bagrati, Krak de Chevaliers, N. Epos.
Razed Homs and Dimasq because Fatimids all times be shaky. Sultante of Rume collapse after lose Tartus and Ikonium. Def Zengids HAs and Lancers attack, liberated Mosul when Zengids capitulated. Settled Homs in 1190 for 3rd province:)
Completed 2/3 URV for GA and attack Kingdom of Arce for capitulation.
Crusade to Jerusalem successful[+our relics], Saladin became a Catholic, healed our troops. Next target - our orthodox brother Merkurios.
My two Great Generals lead troops as warlord my starting Norman Knight in titles with trebushets.
Starting position:

Capital in 1238AD(after win):

The development of the Middle East:

Khwarezm Sunni 1302AD score 14141
Spoiler :

Free Scholar and Spy, SM&N.Epos in Samarqand, Al-Azhar in Fergana, Kutlug-Timur in Khavakend. Settled Tashauz(capital), Dargan Ata and Bastam(for marble).

SanJose, are you from Astrakhan? I must say that it is great to see so many religious victories accomplished in record terms. It's just a little sad that when a project is complete and near perfect -- most people stop playing it and move to another project. But I guess it's a human nature...
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