Civ VII Weekly Reveal Guessing Thread

Who is that HRE Emperor that's Rogier II's descendant ?
Frederick Stupor Mundi. He is long overdue to appear in a modern civ game. He may have been in civ II for Germany, which had a Frederick II, but there is another famous one by that name and count.
It seems to be showing as both deleted and 'processing' when you click on it in the playlist
Guess I better remove him from my signature, then
^ Fitting. This is Halloween day and we have a man who later became synonym with The Devil himself.

Old Nick which means 'The Devil' originated from Niccolo Machiavelli.

Him beginning as Greek is abit off to me. unless that a city state he was once serving began as Greek Colony.. maybe?
And the name 'Nicholas' was originally Greek name means 'Always a winner' (again derived from 'Nike' which means 'Win')
Now that they're clearly comfortable including historical figures who were politically influential, even though they didn't actually lead their polity, like Machiavelli, Confucius, and Benjamin Franklin, the dev team should consider adding Mahatma Gandhi as a leader in Civ 7. :coffee:
I'll put in my guess for next week assuming that the word "reveal" in the Friday Recap means the name hasn't been mentioned in official material yet, in contrast to previous weeks which have promised new Game Guides. So Spain, for instance, wouldn't count. The most "Explorationy" civs that haven't been officially revealed yet are Majapahit and Hawaii. Given that the Americas are missing a base game leader who isn't Franklin (who tends to lead Antiquity and Exploration Europe in trailers anyways) and we already have two leaders associated with Majapahit (Trung Trac is in charge of SEA, Himiko leads it in her trailer,) I think they'll be a leader associated with Hawaii. Kamehameha seems likely, but part of me isn't certain. We have a lot of male leaders, a lot of military leaders, and I wonder whether the devs would rather have a leader who makes sense for Maya and Mexico. Without knowing how limited the roster is, though, I'm going to follow the crowd on this one. I do like to go for crazy guesses, but I don't have the information to make a good one here.

TL;DR: Majapahit Tuesday, Hawaii and Kamehameha Thursday. Final guess.
Screenshot 2024-11-05 at 5.56.20 PM.png

Updated vanilla civ speculations after LOTS of community feedback from my original post. Knowing the limited amount of civs upon release, a lot of these will certainly be wrong but I still find these guessing games fun to do regardless, especially when the community is able to help contribute. As said before, hopefully we get Korea, and Portugal + Brazil in DLC eventually too.
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Making a guess for this week: echoing other guesses for Spain coming with Isabella. I don't think Frederick the Great that the ESRB revealed for us will be coming anytime soon, he'll be mentioned alongside a modern age civ. Majapahit will come later ("pair Himiko with the Majapahit, or lead her native civ in Meiji Japan" - I can hear it already), but the other civ will still need to be somewhat unassociated so no surprise Songhai either. I'll guess Inca with some kind of unseen unique interactions with mountains.
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