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Civ4 BTS v3.19 Patch

Oooooh, this addresses a lot of issues. It's good to see they're still watching!

Quite nice. Some of the game's bigger issues were addressed here...
Thanks for this patch Alex, and of course fixing the major flaws for us MPers....now my report disputes based on being impostered should disappear :P

Alex, thanks for fixing that OOS bug, and the bug where the patch never finishes. Those two fixes are worth it alone for the MP community! We just found a bug in the lobby, however. For some reason, it is appending our names to include "TK-TK2" (whatever that means).

For instance, even though I am logged in as "Speaker," my name says, "Speaker-tk-tk2"

You must made a *lot* of people very happy, and one little kid very unhappy. :)

We always had a -tk meaning Take2 "namespace" extension, which you only see in C4F anyway, not in the games interface. I imagine the extra -tk2 is a neccesary evil as part of the imposter fix.

Great to see Firaxis is still supporting this game. And also good to see that they lend some stuff from the Unofficial patch and the BetterAI mod. Now the fixes in those mods will be available to a larger public.

What about the diplo bug where you can't bribe a civ runing their favourite civic to change any of their other civics?

Maybe it's mentioned in this vague sentence? The patch notes aren't very specific (which is normal for patch notes).

Fixed a few AI civic evaluation bugs

I also noticed the following change which some didn't agree with when the unofficial patch introduced it. I hope that players will start playing the same game again now that the change has been made official:

Build-specific production modifiers are no longer counted for overflow gold calculations
Wow, I'm glad they are still supporting this game.

Now I've got to go and merge the mod with this new code...ugh...not looking forward to that. On a related note, is there any way to "merge" Hall of Fame records from multiple mods into one, so that I can view saved games from previous incarnations of my mod as well as the new version? I like seeing all the games together.
Very nice! Any chance of making this patch available here with the other patches?

Civilization Fanatics' Forums -> Downloads -> Civilization IV Downloads -> Civ4 - Patches & Updates
Came up with another question while thinking about Civ instead of working like I should be: has anyone installed this patch over the unofficial patches posted on this forum? Does it work right? Or do I need a clean copy of Civ4: BtS?
Thunderfall et al are, most likely already working on that. I will not use the ingame update function as well, after the loooooong story of failed updates we hear around here :p ( and it also saves me from redownloading it in case of reinstall :D )
Came up with another question while thinking about Civ instead of working like I should be: has anyone installed this patch over the unofficial patches posted on this forum? Does it work right? Or do I need a clean copy of Civ4: BtS?
3.19 explicitely states changes in the DLL file, so the DLL part will be automatically updated. The Python and XML changes..... well, that might go tricky or not, depending of the Python and XML changes they made ( and they surely made some )
I guess we should wait for unofficial patches and the bugmod to explicitly state that they are now compatible with 3.19 before installing this patch to be safe?
3.19 explicitely states changes in the DLL file, so the DLL part will be automatically updated. The Python and XML changes..... well, that might go tricky or not, depending of the Python and XML changes they made ( and they surely made some )

Thanks for the answer...I'm going to hold off on doing anything drastic until we know for sure.

Now, if only I could merge my HoF, I'd be one happy Civver.
Very nice! Any chance of making this patch available here with the other patches?

You can usually find stuff like that on the Firaxis Website anyway. It's under Beyond the Sword->Downloads
Oh no!! Not again!!

This is just like last time!!

I literally just put the finishing touches on my mod, after many hours and weeks of work, and half an hour later ... they release a new patch!! It happened just like this with 3.17 too!!
Oh no!! Not again!!

This is just like last time!!

I literally just put the finishing touches on my mod, after many hours and weeks of work, and half an hour later ... they release a new patch!! It happened just like this with 3.17 too!!

At least it's still fresh in your mind! I don't think I can even remember how to upgrade my mod! If I don't, nobody will be able to play it ever again!
Oh no!! Not again!!

This is just like last time!!

I literally just put the finishing touches on my mod, after many hours and weeks of work, and half an hour later ... they release a new patch!! It happened just like this with 3.17 too!!

The moral of the story is: Don't ever try.
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