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[vanilla] Civ5 Acronyms and Terms (vanilla)

Is this one popular enough for the list?

pop = making a building or unit instantly by purchasing it with gold (as well as the existing definition population)
Arty would be the abbreviating for artillary (sorry Im military and that would irk me to to see rty)
Same goes for seeing BS instead of BB (battleship) and the like abbreviations for military acronyms. If you want me to relay the military list of abbreviations that can be used in Civ, I can do that in a heart beat :)

Thank you again for getting this on one page, Ive always hated seeing abbreviations without a prior context to it, not so much bad grammar (as if that doesnt happen on the internet) but Im one of the few that likes a reference, as if headcase said he pop (populated) a building, i wouldnt think of instabuild (an old unused term now adays) for quick finishing a building :)
Arty would be the abbreviating for artillary (sorry Im military and that would irk me to to see rty)
Same goes for seeing BS instead of BB (battleship) and the like abbreviations for military acronyms. If you want me to relay the military list of abbreviations that can be used in Civ, I can do that in a heart beat :)

Thank you again for getting this on one page, Ive always hated seeing abbreviations without a prior context to it, not so much bad grammar (as if that doesnt happen on the internet) but Im one of the few that likes a reference, as if headcase said he pop (populated) a building, i wouldnt think of instabuild (an old unused term now adays) for quick finishing a building :)

I was a Navy brat and then joined the Navy (It was the chow. No, really...). I heartily agree re correct military acronyms. Even more so because I was exposed to a lot of non-swabbie ones during the fun-packed year I spent in the Mekong Delta with CTF116. My main goal here is to capture those acronyms and terms that appear in forum posts and make them comprehensible.

I welcome any and all suggestions.
"IMO" means?
In My Opinion, but that's not something specific to Civfanatics, you find it in any forum. There's the variation IMHO, where the H stands for Humble.
Please add "CB = culture bomb(bing)". I only got that after seen it several times (I know this is not new to Civ5, but I've been on a Civ hiatus for two years, and other people may be new to Civ entirely).

Edit: I just realized that some of the "CB" I've been reading are actually "Composite Bowman(s)". Doh! OK, this one is really new to Civ5.
Yeah, CB=Composite Bowmen, XB=Crossbowmen. Kinda confusing.
What is the acronym for Great Prophet? Does GP stand for both that and Great Person?
When a game evolves to a stage where a comprehensive dictionary of acronyms (like the one which binhthuy has done a perfect job of writing up) is required to facilitate discussion about its strategies, then you know this game has achieved a significant level of intellectual dimension and can no longer be dismissed as a trivial game for school children. Kudos to Civ game designer team; to forum administrators; and to Civ players. Civ won't be where it is today without all three.
As a new person to this website (not really with Civ 5 got it back in September, 2011), I'll tab it for quick reference for future communications with other Civ Fans!!! :)
Great list thank you for taking the time to do this guys. I been a member for a while and still trying to figure several of the abbreviations they use thru out the forum.
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