CivG3SG - Warlord Training Day Game

Hmm, Now I have to reconfigure the Roster to contain a freeslot
Who is up next?
CivGeneral (Trainer)
silver 2039
Amorphus <- Droped, good luck on your travels :(

Apperently I am up. Ill play 5 turns tommorow during lunch and 5 turns after dinner :).
I don't think it is dead yet, although it does appear to be badly wounded.

We can skip CivGeneral again (although it has been only 4 days), but it would not be so good with only 3 active players...
give civgeneral one more day just to see if he can play and then if he doesn't we can decide what wether or not as a team we want to carry on, does that sound agreeable?
Well, I vote for continuing on. And a note to all you lurkers out
there...we have a free spot open now.

Since it has been that day you wanted, SolarKnight, and you are next, I guess you can get going when you feel ready, and we hear from silver i guess.
Well, I am going to play my turns now and Ill post them
Here is what I have so far.

0. I checked the current situation of the game. Also to point of interest to note, You should never have any unit in an onother Civ's land

1. Tikal has produced barracks and will build workers

2. Nothing special happened

3. Calakmul has been founded

4. Palenque has build the Barracks and beguins to build a harbor

5. Lazapa has been founded

6. Tikal has produced a worker

I will finish later in the day.
CivGeneral, with the greatest respect, if you don't have time to play, or even post for this SG, please just tell us, so that we are not left wondering.
Edit: I am still present. I will have the save ready tonight.
Originally posted by WildFire
If he doesnt respond within 24 hours (or if I get bored tonight) I will host a warlord or regent game (warlord if thats what you guys want)

If he doesnt show, once again I will take over if you wish to continue.
Originally posted by WildFire

If he doesnt show, once again I will take over if you wish to continue.

No WF. I will continue this SG.
0. I checked the current situation of the game. Also to point of interest to note, You should never have any unit in an onother Civ's land

1. Tikal has produced barracks and will build workers

2. Nothing special happened

3. Calakmul has been founded

4. Palenque has build the Barracks and beguins to build a harbor

5. Lazapa has been founded

6. Tikal has produced a worker

7. Kaminaljuyu has been founded

8. Nothing much happened

9. Still nothing

10. Chicken Itza has built the temple and will build the Mausoleum of Mausollos. Copan has produced a temple and will produce a harbor. Tikal has build a worker. I Micromanaged Tikal to get us a worker in 5 turns.

The Save
I got it. will play as soon as i can (Should be up by tomorrow night).


Edit: playing now.
Pre - turn: everything looks ok, looks like weve come out of expansion mode and into builder mode, and we havent settled the penninsula to the sw, ill try to address that during my turns.

turn 1 690 BC: Move workers around to start bringing irrigation round to our outer cities.

explore a little.

turn 2 570 BC: Monarchy comes in (research set to lit for lbraries), begin revolution, check domestic advisor. 7 TURNS!! :eek: :cry: :( :wallbash: , well there goes the expansion idea.

worker moves.

turn 3 550 BC: Aztecs are willing to trade HBR, Maths and 160 gold for monarchy, think ill take that to keep us from falling behind during the revolution.

Disband our warrior near philli as it cant go anywhere.

turn 4 530 BC: move workers to begin road up to our ciy on the far side of the choke.

turn 5 510 BC: worker moves.

turn 6 490 BC: worker moves

turn 7 470 BC: worker moves

turn 8 450BC: we are now a monarchy, get rid of any entertainers, and we are now making +2 gpt.

turn 9 430 BC: worker moves, looks like all the cities on our side of the northern choke are connected to our road network.

turn 10 410 BC: Aztecs demand 35 gold, we arent up for war, even if this is warlord, we have only 1 defender in most cities, and no military so i cave to his demand. Monty's time will come.

Lagerato: Temple -> Settler

and thats the end of my turns, we are now a monarchy, IMO the next player should focus on filling the SW penninsula and finishing off our infrastructure, i think we need more workers, i normally make as many as i can afford to. not sure how much land we can grab on the other side of the choke and i know that the aztecs have iron, if anyone wants an early war, they will be a tougher opponent then if they had no iron at all.
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