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Civilization Design

I agree that viability should come first, but we have to put relevance relatively high compared to it. Maybe 3/5 of the worth or something. Just because it is easy to make, doesn't mean we should make it. Have the relevance and viability decided seperately, and have the coolness part on a poll. That is the part that other people would have a say in. The actual designers of the mod should decide what the Viability, and Relevance are. Anyone could decide with the coolness. For example:
The Empire. Anyone could see that it is Relevant, maybe the highest Relevance possible. Viability, I don't know, but it shouldn't be too hard. Coolness, well, I don't know much about it, but maybe let people download a sample of it, and then decide. I don't know how much to put in the sample, though. It shouldn't be so much that it is the civilization, and no more work needed, but it should be large enough that people could see what it is like. I dunno...
I personaly think that it would be better to have actual leaders, but until we get some real leader heads, flags would be great.
Here is a sample of my work so far, if u like it cool , but if u dont tell me, because i dont want to work on it if it is not not wanted. PS a colors are civ 4 compatible ie: nation borders.

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Now that is cool. I like those a lot. Good work. Try making some harder ones, such as a Vong, or Chiss. They don't have any recognizeable flags, so you have to make it up. If you don't know who they are in general, then it would be harder to make a flag for them.
i have six more that i havent started yet
they are

The Hutts
Galatic Sentate
Imperial Remnant
and New Republic
You're right, I didn't notice the Chiss. I'm not sure the Remnant would like having a cut in half Imperial flag. In fact, they'd probably hate it, for what it means, and what it implies. I thought the New Republic flag was the flag you showed, but with little sunbursts and no ring around it. With the Galactic Senate, I think that the flag that you showed was only for the Jedi Order, rather than the Senate as a whole. Just a few comments.
Maybe until we can get some other leader heads. Also, with some modification, they could serve as symbols for techs, or races, or civics. In fact, they could serve as almost anything. They are really good.
Finished with first set of flag, kinda messed up on the Galatic Empire, but not enough to notice, fedback please, it was extremely tedious, and it is unlike that i can fix mistakes without starting over, but i dont think i messed up that bad :)

Click here to see the fully colored flags.

the images are a little blurred for some reason, they look alot less sloppy and distorted.
Very good. I don't think that you messed up on the Galactic Empire. But I have not looked closely, so I'm not sure.
Ok 2day im starting on Flag #2 i have figuered out some colors but i cant remember all the colors compatible with the game, so help please

Here are the colors i have already figuered out
Sith - Red
Wookies - Light Green
Quarrens - Blue
New Republic - White
Hutt Empire - ???
Yuuzhan Vong - Purple
Imperial Remnant - ???
Galactic Snete - ???

I also need to no which civs im missing and which i need to discard.

If anyone would like to change a color of a civ tell me, they are much easier to re-color.
@ gostandford22
Can I point out that the flag symbols should be slightly wider (ratio of 5 along by 4 high) as they are made to be thinner in-game. Just a tip ;)

Well ! I don't agree.

Best method to make flag decals is :

1/ create 90x90 icons with full drawings
2/ make frame 96x128 ext. with 24 and 3 as the top and left margins
3/ paste icon from 1 and resize to 128x128

ok which one, and any color suggestion or request, deletion of flags/look for a specific flag??
Scroll down to section 1.1 here. You'll find all the info you need to make good flags.

EDIT: Can I recommend using different coloured backgrounds for the flags, too? Sorry to be picky but it really helps to spot the flags. :) Good luck making them.
Scroll down to section 1.1 here. You'll find all the info you need to make good flags.

i used that before, but im not sure if there good or if i made them right or not, when i finish coloring the flags ill do jercells work, send the flags to you, and u tell me if there good.

Any thing with color changes, removal/locating, etc???
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