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CivIVor: Beyond the Sword

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How is it involving luck? and how would another civ start more technologically behind than another? sure if someone bought an extra tech but the civ that didnt could have spent there money elsewhere like extra pop.

Theres no difference in doing an advanced start than just playing an extra 40 turns except you miss the mind numbing boredom.

I have no idea why it took so long for you to work out how to use advanced start.

It multiplies the importance of a good start, and with out any way to catch up techwise, there is no possibilty for some civs to even have a chance to keep up.

EDIT; If we unfortunately have to play with Advanced Start on, I change my civ to the Native Americans.
I think Advanced starts level the game since you get a much wider area to choose your city locations. I don't see the difference between make the most of an advanced start or a normal one and not doing so for both cases

I vote for an Advanced start
If you start near the edge of a continent, you have roughly 1 place to settle a city. Plus its extremely easy to block someone off if they're at the edge of the continent anyway.
you dont have to start with a city, you can start with a settler if you want and still add improvements etc. It doesn't multiply the importance at all as its still the same start you would have had anyway.

If you start at the edge of the continet even without advanced start then you can be blocked off so that point really doesn't help the argument against.
you dont have to start with a city, you can start with a settler if you want and still add improvements etc. It doesn't multiply the importance at all as its still the same start you would have had anyway.

If you start at the edge of the continet even without advanced start then you can be blocked off so that point really doesn't help the argument against.

You can be blocked off at 4000BC instead of 2000BC.
But you aren't likely to know it immidiately unless you spent all you're money on exploration, which would mean you'd probably be screwed anyway.
NO simply put...everyone is equal. No one gets behind from the get go. If its too boring for you the first 40 turns...perhaps you need to find another game. The first 40 turns to me are the most exciting ..exploring and planning. Every food/hammer you lose or tile you screw up by checking twice or not checking impacts the later game.

Besides the bug on it sucks. How many times did it take for people to pick the correct civs in the team game. can you imagine the screw up if they do the bug. How many restarts will happen. IF we do do advanced start..the bug must be explained and then checked for....more delays.
Either way...IglooDude could you put the game up within an hour? I've gotta go out then and am busy till tommorow evening!
Either way...IglooDude could you put the game up within an hour? I've gotta go out then and am busy till tommorow evening!

It is going up in the next 15 minutes. I'll PM everyone the IP. And for pity's sake, please select the civ that you picked earlier (there are surprisingly no duplicate picks) so we don't have to restart and I don't have to hunt you down and whip you.
It is going up in the next 15 minutes. I'll PM everyone the IP. And for pity's sake, please select the civ that you picked earlier (there are surprisingly no duplicate picks) so we don't have to restart and I don't have to hunt you down and whip you.
Awesome, cheers dude!:goodjob:
Curses! I needed to move a square before plopping down my city next turn. :(
@ID, why don;t to get an IP address, such as no-ip or something similar, so that you can run form just one machine and just use port forwardin such as:2057 and the like?

I meant to address this earlier. Thanks for the suggestion, but in my case (probably unlike most) I have multiple machines and IP addresses available, but the machines are mostly Celeron 500s with 256MB RAM - slow enough that even one pitboss game running makes their reaction time to anything in the GUI noticeably slow. And No-IP doesn't hide the IP address from people passingly familiar with DNS, so my paranoia is not satisfied anyway.

I'll be running the tournament game on a slightly more capable workstation and will be running simultaneous games on it (since there'll be much fewer players per game) splitting them out with separate ports though.
Oh, and a reminder about rules.

#1 - Doublemoves are allowed except as part of a declaration of war. If you don't understand this, speak up. If you're about to declare war on someone and feel like you're on the edge of DMing them for whatever reason, contact our referee (name to be determined) prior to and ask. You can ask me too, though I'll understand if you prefer not to (particularly if I'm your target or there's some other in-game reason that I shouldn't know).

#2 - No declarations of war for the first ten turns. I'll post here when you're clear to take out your neighbor. (If someone wants to do the math, I'd appreciate it - I don't remember how many years per turn offhand.)

#3 - Talking trash is allowed, but let's keep in mind that this is a friendly game.

#4 - It is easier to get permission than to ask forgiveness; if something seems questionable to you ask our ref, me, or post it in this thread. BtS pitboss does automatic end-of-turn saves now, so the ability to reload with less collateral damage has been increased.

#5 - There is no rule #5.

#6 - No diplo before you meet in-game, no maps (or detailed "5 squares due north of your city" descriptions) before in-game map trading ability. "He's up to the north of you" is legal, "His city is 2 squares west of that iron square" is not. And concentrate on the spirit of this rule, not the letter of it, please.

#7 - If in doubt, ask. Yes, I know this is a reiteration of rule #4.

#8 - If you are going to be gone for more than a couple days without a substitute, please let me (or our referee, if you'd like) know via PM, email, or whatever. If you don't let me or the ref know, you'll be AI'ed after 72 hours. But without civstats, an absence might not be noticed. If you're gone for more than a week without logging in and without letting me/ref know, you'll be instantly AI'ed and you won't be invited back to any game I run - the point being, it is only an annoyance to quit a game, it's a much greater annoyance to leave your civ "comatose" which makes it an easy conquest target for neighbors and more difficult for a mid-game replacement to pick it up and run with it.

#9 - Until civstats comes up, if you are the last one to finish a turn inducing the turn rollover, please feel free (and obligated ;) ) to let everyone know via this thread. Or, if there's only a few hours left on the timer, or whatever - without civstats, a little extra timer info in this thread would be appreciated.
Number 2 is easy to calculate. In BTS to the left of the date it lists the turn number :)
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