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Claim: ISIS beheads Christian Children

Oh, that solves it all, thanks for the update... nothing problematic in what was said... such as, WHAT air strike?
While it is possible to experience decapitation from explosives, it is rather unlikely that that will be the only mutilation that occurs.
Where did Christ say to behead people or kill children?

Where did he denounce the Israelites for failing the Milgram test when Samuel ordered them to kill children?

That said, while I think a reasonable case can be made associating the Koran with beheadings, I think it's a real uphill battle to associate the Koran with beheading children.

The most odious thing I've ever seen from an Imam regarding children was insisting that all children were automatically Muslim, and so there was no moral crime in killing them while battling other people.
I get your point, but he spoke against those things, so that is denouncing their actions.
See the Quran doesn't apply this logic to children though- beheading was only sanctioned during times of war or for criminals, and even then it wasn't common.
Nonsense, it tells Muslims to "seek out the infidel wherever you find him and cut his head off"...
Have to say, I find it curious that when a story like this comes out, everyone is skeptical and giving the other side the benefit of the doubt.

Now when a story comes out from the other side that a US drone struck civilians and killed a bunch of children, everyone takes it as truth.
[Citation Needed]
Useless, I know for a fact that I have provided you this before...
BUT, here it is again, maybe this time it will stick.

"I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

Here translated as http://quran.com/
[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip."
That was revealed during a time of war, which is consistent with what I said. Only during times of war and for criminals, not for children.

In the same surah it also says
008.061 But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards
peace, and trust in God: for He is One that hears and knows (all things).

Jesus himself may have not advocated violence, but the bible does. And any holy book looks bad if you take quotes out of context.

Matthew 10:34New International Version (NIV)

34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

See, if you only show that quote Jesus doesn't look too good.
If you read the Matthew 10 quote with a little more context, it becomes clear that Jesus was not suggesting that his followers should ever wield the sword to force others to comply with them. He was rather warning Christians that following him will upset the order of society and require suffering persecution from others who do accept violence as an appropriate means to force their views on those who voice their disagreement. Christians are not to wield the sword even to defend themselves against those who will wield the sword against them unjustly.
I'm sensing a little communication gap here...
That was revealed during a time of war, which is consistent with what I said. Only during times of war and for criminals, not for children.

In the same surah it also says
008.061 But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards
peace, and trust in God: for He is One that hears and knows (all things).

Jesus himself may have not advocated violence, but the bible does. And any holy book looks bad if you take quotes out of context.

Matthew 10:34New International Version (NIV)

34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

See, if you only show that quote Jesus doesn't look too good.

It is one of those prophecies that would have been better if it had not come to pass, but would have made Jesus a liar if it had not. He was talking to Jews and after his death until they were dispersed in 70 AD with the destruction of the temple there was little peace. While there has been some peace at different times for the Jews, they still face unrest even to this very day.

I have been reading a translation of the Koran in English and it is interesting that the Jews were still looking for a Messiah and it is alleged that the Arabs thought they were describing Muhammad. However the Jews meant that he would allow them to control the Arabs. The Jewish tribes were the ones ending up under Arab control.

So no, Jesus did not bring peace, at least not one that would overcome the war of the sword that did happen. But it was not the actual art of war that Jesus brought. It was the effect that he had on human will. Muslims thought it was their duty to destroy all who did not give up their will to God.

Yes, christians superior to others and they deserve more attention.
Just because I actually look into things when a link is provided...

Kochman, did you notice that in the verse you cite about beheadings it's the thousand angels provided three verses earlier who are being instructed to lop off heads. The actual earthbound Muslims were put to sleep and washed in purifying rain while the carnage was going on, they didn't do it themselves.

This all seems to be in the context of some historical narrative, not any sort of guideline to behavior. To be honest though if a thousand angels come down from heaven and start lopping heads, lying down and going to sleep and hoping for rain does seem like a pretty reasonable course.
Just because I actually look into things when a link is provided...

Kochman, did you notice that in the verse you cite about beheadings it's the thousand angels provided three verses earlier who are being instructed to lop off heads. The actual earthbound Muslims were put to sleep and washed in purifying rain while the carnage was going on, they didn't do it themselves.

This all seems to be in the context of some historical narrative, not any sort of guideline to behavior. To be honest though if a thousand angels come down from heaven and start lopping heads, lying down and going to sleep and hoping for rain does seem like a pretty reasonable course.
Yes, the specific verse, that directs decapitation.
However, the example of the angels is to be considered the righteous execution of Allah's will, correct?
It's not hard to understand how fundamentalists would make the leap that it is ok for them to do in a similar fashion. There's a reason that beheading is so popular among that group.

This isn't directed at you, Tim, just a basic statement -
Since I typically have to offer this caveat

I understand that this isn't anywhere near the ideology of the overwhelming majority of Muslims, and similarly ridiculous anomalies are visible in other religions within more extreme/perverted sects.
Question...if the problem arises from extremists distorting the book to justify their own actions, not the book itself, doesn't you saying
Nonsense, it tells Muslims to "seek out the infidel wherever you find him and cut his head off"...
contribute to their distortion? Or at the very least offer it support?
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