Computer Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread II

Yes, I know that. I opened up a floppy disk when I was younger to see what was inside.
Hi guys.

I'm kind of confused about how briefcases work in xp. Is there a way I can have a briefcase on an external drive that synchronizes with my laptop and desktop when attached?
Does 64 bit actually do anything now? I mean I know you need it to get full use of your RAM if you have over 2gb, but any other purpose? I've been thinking of getting that Windows 7 that they're selling to students for $30, but not exactly sure on what the point is, I have to check if they're offering 64 bit versions anyway.
I have this weird scrolly thing on the left of my keyboard that changes color. As far as I'm aware, it doesn't do anything, though probably to do with drivers. Any idea what it might actually be?

Not volume control, thats another section of my keyboard (which does work, I found out the hard way)

There's this weird light with the scroll/caps/num lock, which looks like puzzle pieces. When it's activated, the print screen doesn't work (which can be annoying because when I first boot up its activated). What is it?

Also: I don't know the brand of keyboard. The name at the top was rubbed out somehow. I think I see the word "smart" but that could mean anything.
Turn the keyboard over and see if there is a make and model number. Then google it.
I don't see anything about that. I see something about repetitive strain injury and something about the FCC and "Made in China" but nothing else.
Why are there six ffmpeg icons in the system tray? I have only one video program open. Half of them are audio and half video. I checked the task manager and theres no other programs open.
Try running your mouse over them. Im betting 4/6 will dissappear.
Just tried. 2 of them disappeared.
Well, when I did right-click, I got this menu going up the entire screen. And I wasn't sure where the delete/quit/whatever button was.
Wait, why do you care if these icons are there?

Wanna completely get rid of them? Reboot. otherwise, faggetaboutit.
Well, I was wondering why there were so many of them.

Also, are these prices ok? Local store, and I'm not going for those huge, huge ones. My printer's not the best for photos (i tried it before). Reason asking, my uncle's dog is dying and I took a couple pictures before and want to frame one for him.
Go to your local print shop and have them print the picture for you. They will do a better job than you ever could.
It is the local print shop. LOL, I was asking if the prints were an ok price.
D'oh, thats what I get for not reading posts completely. Thought you were asking which printer will give you a better quality for some reason.

Yeah, those prices seem reasonable enough.
I can't find safe mode on my computer. At beginning, BIOS says to press ESC or ENTER. Nothing about F8.

ESC leads to a list of bootable hardware, ENTER doesn't do anything (it's the broken recovery partition I think).

Did I miss something here?
Safe Mode is not a hardware built-in. BIOS and Safe Mode arent related at all. The option to boot into Safe Mode comes up once Windows actually starts loading, which is just after POST
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