Crusader Kings 2

Somehow managing to hold off on this one until I get a better computer... it looks amazing. :D
So, I the whole demesnes size limit thing was clarified and I'm having a lot of fun but I've noticed that I'm a lot better at internal politics then warfare.
Every time I've tried to play as a warring state things have gone fairly badly.
First I gave Leon a try, one of the beta versions I've seen had the guy playing Leon and it went pretty well, slowly conquering the muslim states.
Main difference between mine and his start was that unlike him I did not manage to imprison my sister, the scheming Urraca, throwing me into a civil war that another baron joined in on that after some trouble I was able to supress, perhaps I did not wait enough for my military to regenerate after crushing the revolt but when I delclared holy war on Bada Joz it caused a chain declaration of war by the other muslim states, most with armies far greater then what I even had at my peak (possibly mercs though).

My second try was as Poland, I figure spawning next to some pagans means free Holy War, but they spawn absurd amounts of armies, read something about a fertility shrine that's supposed to increase their armies but they where raising 3000 man armies from a 3 land duchy while Poland with about 7-9 lands was only able to raise about 1500, the other small pagan countries then declared war on me flooding my land with about 10,000 pagans and forcing a ragequit.

Third was Leon again, after watching a bit of the aforementioned LP again (this one: might be useful if you want to see what the game is like being played by a competent player), things went bad with Urraca again, rebelling and dragigng another duchy with her and forcing me to focus internally again, after a while my Castillian brother died, with me as the only heir, these barons where quite displeased with me though and quickly rebelled, smashing down the revolts would not have been too difficult if the Bada Joz and some other Muslim states did not simulataneously decide to attack me, altough their army sizes where manageable with some mercs, dealing with them and the revolt at the same time was impossible.

Historically they are all quite likely events, which I find amusing, but is there any way to decrease the likelyhood of horrible death a bit? I guess I should consider France or the HRE a try if I want to do some major conquering but somehow I want to save them for when I'm a bit more used to the game.
The Golden Horde keeps acting up over and over again, and I gor a son (playing as Bosnia) who's a bastard but the only one alive and he cant take power because he is Shii'te.
How do you become a King, I'm playing with Bosnia, and I control most of Yugoslavia, but I can only become King of Croatia and Serbia, (I'm a Duke now) how can I become a King of Bosnia, I looked into the game files and found a Kingdom of Bosnia so how do I proclaim myself.
Wait, it's actually good on release?

WTH, Paradox, WTH?

Now I gotta decide whether I'm going to break my budgeting rules and buy it...

If it reassures you that the world hasn't gone completely topsy-turvy, the tutorials are very buggy and one of them appears to be impossible to finish, which is the sort of blindingly obvious bug that only Paradox could let through. But otherwise....damn, this game actually seems really quite stable and....dare I say it....polished. I know, it's weird for me too. It even looks really really nice, except for the fairly dreadful 3D-ish portraits.

Probably a few balance things still, but otherwise really nice. My hunchbacked(!)/greedy/cruel/craven/envious duke is having a lovely time terrorising his vassals, and his father betrothed him to the (black and orthodox) princess of Nubia just to see if that would annoy the court and/or just fill the Italian nobility with Norman Nubians, which would be awesome. It may also end with an heir inheriting possibly the most nightmarishly indefensible kingdom in the entire game (presuming I survive long enough to father children...the castle echoes with the sounds of daggers being sharpened so I'm not entirely convinced), but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Really enjoying it so far, though I'm not quite sure I've grasped the finer points on how to play it and just hoping for the best from time to time.

My current game is going excellent - my Duke of Lothian had a decent time for the early decades, hanging out with the King of Scotland, holding feasts and fairs before having a mid-life crisis and had an affair with some courtier rather than the Hungarian princess he had recently married. Got an illegitimate child out of it before calling the whole thing off.

To distract him from such desires, he forms a plot to force his king (now the second in my guy's lifetime due to the first being defeated in a war of excommunication) to change the law of succession to elected-monarchs. A few years later this king gets excommunicated, gets into a war and suffers a knock to the head or something (he was incapacitated) and loses the fight. Suddenly I get to take over as King of Scotland, and quietly change the succession laws back so the crown stays in the family.

Now we're just chilling out holding tournaments now and then and laughing at the English suffering independence movements all the time.. It's good to be king.
The inheritance laws are relatively easy, they just use very archaic language to denote things like, only males can inherit, as I understand it, whether or not women can inherit is a independent rule and apart from that you have to choose for: children of ruler, oldest in family or elections.

What I find strangest of all is the low chances you have at killing your own children, gameplay wise it makes a lot of sense ofcourse that you should have some risks if you want to kill your second son but is it really that difficult to kill your own kid? Even half ******** rednecks can manage that.

Apart from that and the superspam fertility shrine of the pagans I have to say that their devotion to realism is absolutely breathtaking.
Edit: and a slight gripe, I absolutely love most of the soundtrack (altough it repeats a bit often but I'm sure DLC's will adress that) but there's this one song, it's sung by a pretty bad sounding nasal bard kind of guy with what sounds like some lute's and flute's or something and it just grates on my eardrums, especially if you just come from the beautiful epic intro choir piece.
Playing as the King of Galicia (King Mosher I) (I am naming my kids after CFCers this game, tell me if you want in). Watching my cousin the Queen of Leon and my uncle the King of Castille constantly fued with each other, and the one duke in my kingdom keeps eating away at Leon. The two were united for a short time, until a mass of independence movements destroyed that.

My piety is too low to form the de jure Kingdom of Portugal, although because I am solidly in control of 6 of the 8 de jure provinces and my possible army is strong enough to take on Granada (whoch controls about 10 provinces and is the only Muslim country of any importance left in Iberia. I will probably demolish Granada over a period of 2-3 wars.

In the north, both England and Norway are being wrecked by civil war. William became the Conqueror, but he was never able to get a firm hold on the country and now most of the west and north are fragmented into about 15 different duchies and counties. Not sure what happened to Norway, but it is now in 6 or 7 pieces.

One more thing: France has returned from EU3 to haunt me. It has conquered Barcelona (Aragon) and Zaragoza (the secondary Muslim power, which is now gone) despite Englandand Bittany eating away at it in the north.

Going fairly well for me, I am just trying to figure out how to raise piety quickly.
Make a Nedim!

I started a Munster game, I quickly occupied half of Ireland and proclaimed myself King of Ireland, and then I took out the rest of the island. After my quick Ireland expansion I started picking of Scottish territories, becuase England and Scotland are in chaos (England doesn't even exist) I'm just curios can you unit Britian? Also I'm making a Nédim royal line, I'm up to Nédim II hoping to get up to at least Nédim X.
Patch is out already!

Some of the more interesting bits:

- Diplo AI: Will not allow matrilineal marriages with unimportant characters
- Diplo AI: Will say no to marriages that would make valuable courtiers (councillors) move
- Diplo AI: Will be reluctant to let skilled courtiers move to marry
- Diplo AI: Will not declare religious wars for overseas territories that de jure belong to an independent duke or king of its own faith
- Invasion AI: Fixed an issue with pointless counter-invasions
- Upped the length of truces to 10 years (from 3)
- Raised mercenary hire costs a little bit

No more spamming matrilineal marriages with all my useless female courtiers to hoover up all the 25-skill guys from everyone else's court, I guess.....
And hopefully no more French takeovers of Iberia either

EDIT: Also, apparently "- Revised reverse demands for CBs to make them more interesting" means that defenders in a war can get prestige and reparation from enforcing demands, which is pretty sweet
Maybe you guys can help me, I'm having a bit of trouble. I'm really struggling to find someone to play as. I've played the Spanish kingdoms a fair bit (Leon for about 100 years, others for a few years each) so I don't see anything new in playing them. Any other "useful" character to play as doesn't seem appealing, such as the Irish counts and dukes. I'm struggling to find someone who I can make a dynasty out of, which is odd as I love the game otherwise.

Also, could someone please explain the economics and technology of the game? As far as I can tell, there is very little one can influence technology apart from highlighting it on the menu. I'm also struggling to make cash, making 4/5 gold coins per month. Any tips?
Dang it. I was in a nice groove with Paradox; they release new games, I never had to buy them full price because they weren't good until they were 10$ anyway.

Now this is breaking my nice cozy routine. Must resist.

I've played more hours of Crusader Kings II in 2 days than I have hours of Hearts of Iron 3 in 2 years ;)

Maybe you guys can help me, I'm having a bit of trouble. I'm really struggling to find someone to play as. I've played the Spanish kingdoms a fair bit (Leon for about 100 years, others for a few years each) so I don't see anything new in playing them. Any other "useful" character to play as doesn't seem appealing, such as the Irish counts and dukes. I'm struggling to find someone who I can make a dynasty out of, which is odd as I love the game otherwise.

I'm finding the British players fun for now - I intend to move further east into the continent in later games.

Also, could someone please explain the economics and technology of the game? As far as I can tell, there is very little one can influence technology apart from highlighting it on the menu. I'm also struggling to make cash, making 4/5 gold coins per month. Any tips?

You can construct buildings in your province to enhance taxes, and send council members to do the same/boost technology.
And that's as indepth as the technology goes?

I might play as the Duke of Northumberland, then... Duke of my local area. :D
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