Crusader Kings 2

No, no, not the game music. The game music is boring. I put other music on there that would be more appropriate. :evil:

Hehe, I get it now--it's other game music that's on your list, plus a few movie soundtracks. Although the "bwaaah!" of Inception sounds like a strange match for EU3, I'll take your word for it.
This may be a dumb comment but... I'm struggling to find what to do. I start with my character... then what? How do I even begin to do stuff? It's the same with every Paradox game, but for this I don't have the patience to try and work it all out.
Well, unpause the game and look around. See who your heir is, see who the pretenders are, what your vassals think of you. Check your brother if you have one, if he's a duke and has no heir, maybe you can assassinate him and inherit his duchy!
Is the game at all like the Guild?
This is the best paradox game I have ever played.
Told you it will be good and not a buggy mess.:smug:
CKII is so awesome. It's like über game crack. Can't ever get enough of it. Just imagine the mod and expansion possibilities!
Took the plunge and bought the game, fired a game up as Leon. I realised just how great this game is when my brother died, I inherited his land and a rather ungrateful count in my land declared independence and mobilised against me. I love it.
You lucky bastard, in my play as Leon the Castillian bastard managed to get a son before he croaked, I was even considering assassination as some point but a 30% chance is generally not something to roll with.

A quick question to the veterans of this game though, the demesne size limit, how does it work and how do I increase it?
From CK1 I get the impression it's based purely on diplomacy modifiers from your king, spouse and council, is this correct or can the demesne limit be increased without maxing out your councils diplomacy stat?
A quick question to the veterans of this game though, the demesne size limit, how does it work and how do I increase it?
From CK1 I get the impression it's based purely on diplomacy modifiers from your king, spouse and council, is this correct or can the demesne limit be increased without maxing out your councils diplomacy stat?
It's different from CKI. The stewardship stat determines your demesne size. Being a duke and a king also gives you a demesne size bonus.
Getting a claim is taking for ever. I haven't been able to declare war for lack of casus belli in over 30 years of gameplay.
This game is way better than I expected, and I preordered cause I had high expectations. It's the new EU3 even on release without any expansions... Whoever made this game; Who are you and what have you done to Paradox???

Will be interesting to see how the new DLC/expansion model works out. One big plus is that all patches should now be backwards compatible so you don't need all dlc's and expansions to have the latest patch. A minus is that some things are less moddable.

Also they blocked the option to make muslims/pagans, republics and theocracies playable to secure revenue for future DLC's :(. Still possible to play as them if you convert, mod savegame or change player from console though.

the demesne size limit, how does it work and how do I increase it?
Steward skill of your ruler and steward combined. Also succession laws I think, at least my limit decreased when I changed to elective law. In CK1 it was based on intrigue skill I'm pretty sure.

Hover your cursor over the demesne limit and it shows precisely how it is calculated. Can't remember the exact calculation now.
Also they blocked the option to make muslims/pagans, republics and theocracies playable to secure revenue for future DLC's :(. Still possible to play as them if you convert, mod savegame or change player from console though.

Or they did it because the game is called Crusader Kings.
Wait, it's actually good on release?

WTH, Paradox, WTH?

Now I gotta decide whether I'm going to break my budgeting rules and buy it...
Is there a way to see an extended succession line in game wich has more than just the heir and 2 pretenders?

They did the same thing in CK1.

No, in CK1 you could mod them to be playable from the start menu, in CK2 it's hard coded not to. Not really a big deal though when it is possible with a quick console line or save edit, but it might put a break on planned mods.

Or they did it because the game is called Crusader Kings.
Funny they already basically confirmed they're planning a playable muslims DLC then. And why would they prevent modding on this just because of the name? And a dev on the forum did say they locked unplayables in hard code to protect planned DLC revenue... (edit: I might not have been clear in my first post; I always knew only feudal lords are playable like in CK1, what I am referring to is that it is impossible to even mod the unplayables playable unlike CK1)

This is all just hearsay from me browsing the paradox forums while at work today though, so take it with a pinch of salt.
Well, there is the glitch that allows you to play as the owner of any province if you click on it while loading....(not sure if this works in the full game, it works in the demo though)
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