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Deity Challenge #10 - Maya on pangaea

okey, for some reason thought they included all of them in G&K
Are you kidding? They would've been put on fire for sure. :D So many rants about including one civ... :crazyeye:

I threw first vanilla release away for good several month as well. Played two games and hated it with all my heart. :D

I second Johan's request (or even better, make a video, man! :mischief:). Didn't take a good look at your screenshot at first. :eek: This is very impressive. I've never came close to anything like these numbers.
200 science @ turn 100 is pretty huge, even for scientific civs

offtopic about my DLC:
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Upgraded to gold, even though it meant that I bought G&K two f*-ing times.
I see you have almost 200 bpt at turn 108... Can you show a picture of your cities and maybe give a few comments on builiding order in your cities and what you have rushed with gold.

I am usually around 100 bpt at turn 100 if everything goes well. So im thinking that you have to rush food builiding as well as lib/uni etc to reach that high bpt so early.

Well, my early science was actually relatively better than my science after turn 100?! I did go Honor, not rationalism after.

40 faith per turn is really high for being me though. Never had this much early I think lol. :)

I am massing more melee units now. Both Holland and Boudicca has declared war. I am trying to gain more and more XP with the melees. No chance of taking any city yet though. :)

I have a GE that I will use soon for Brandenburg :). This in combination with Military tradition will give enough XP for the units I hope :)

Here is a pic of the capital.


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okey, for some reason thought they included all of them in G&K

If Inca is the only one you dont have it's worth getting. It's easily one of the top 5 strongest civs (UA and UI) in the game and also very fun to play. They are a real powerhouse.

edit: I see you upgraded to gold. would it have been cheaper to just get the 1 dlc? or were there other things included that you could use? i also learned the hard way when to temper my purchases for goty and gold editions. it can be a screen puncher.
I'm not sure if it's still available, but when Gold edition came out, they also released a "Gold: DLC Only" upgrade for $20 instead of $50, for those of us who bought G&K but none of the DLC.
well screw my Liberty effort. Im going to replay this going for Tradition instead. i really like the general area but i cant get to crossbows fast enough with liberty. but it will be hard to get 4 cities, theology early and enough comp bows in time to take Edrine. i'll see if India does the same thing with Vijay if I take tradition. Prolly take a prophet first with baktun so Im not tempted by Hagia. Buying 1-2 settlers ruins my bought archers plan.
Launched T235 after lively last ~20 turns when (almost) all the things I dislike in this game happened. More detailed stuff in a bit.
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So after screwing Harun plans to take Edinburgh I took it, liberated Jakarta, took 2 more cities & wiped Boudicca out, sold her last city to Harun who liberated it & a turn after that asked me to join war against the Celts who had suddenly become a threat to the world - go figure. Renewed my DoF with Indians & the Dutch while seemed to have a sudden interest of my borderline which was very long since we cleared the Celts side by side he takin coastal & me inland cities. As a self preservation measure I took DoF with Harun, too and we were all part of a happy quartet. Rammy was not too happy, Isabella turned guarded after I declined her engagement offer while I couldn't care less about Sully's opinion since he was excelling himself in industrial espionage on my account.

I was happily cruising towards goal & building Apollo & Manhattan when Harun backstabbed @T215 so the money saved for Space ship factories was invested in bombers. Harun's army was quite impressive since he had more rocket artillery than there were aluminium around. First unit I killed was lacking resorce but not the rest so I lost a unit or two per turn. Since I had no trading partners I sold sci buildings to get money for nukes. Didn't much delay my research but I used faith for GSs instead of GEs which was original plan. Obviously inspired by this clash of will William denounced me out of the blue after taking Freedom in contradiction to my Order. I was clearly right but he didn't care.
Harun's 3 closest CSs allies were deep in my land the turn war started while mine were playing with themselves - the slackers couldn't care less about Harun even though they shared 8 tile border with him. After first nuke which I couldn't target a city because of a totally lost Siamese prophet Harun's interest focused on my CS ally which fell in two turns. Meanwhile the co-venture of his CS ally trio took one my puuppets so lost 8 alu, not a catastrophy but an unwelcomed event nevertheless. After that I soon lost another puppet and another alu stack while still beeing safe or so I though. 2 turns later I was suddenly with -2 alu without any reasonable explanation so I had to GG bomb the 8 stack back to continue building parts which was struggling anyway. Only Palenque with SSFact & another city without one building parts while others were building tanks. Nukes were bought as soon as wallet permitted.
15 turns of warmhearted nuke exchange in which he lost quite a few bombers and a city while I lost all my 5 bombers I finally had the parts - Harun had 3 or 4 but enough votes for Diplo vc in first vote. Extremely slow part building process but certainly much more livelier end than usually. On the other hand I somewhat lost interest soon after Harun DoWed so I just did just enough to win.

While I appreciate Harun's effort to save the game I don't like CS behaviour nor the other illogical happenings. The aluminium tile I bombed back to myself belonged originally to a city I had all the time but apparently swapped during the capture which shouldn't be possible.

If I'd do it again I'd build a slightly bigger army to actually do some coquering early on. Now my initial army was just to catch Ottoman workers. Boudicca was about DoW me around ~T100 but somehow decided against it or was scared by Gandhi DoWing while she was setting troops on my border. Even more odd was that her troops never left but stayed there hovering around until border expansion pushed them away.

A serious mistake I made was too slow expansion in the beginning but I was slightly confused by the Ottoman early settlement - I expected troops as well so I didn't build settler early enough. When I finally did I had to buy libraries instead granaries so the initial growth was tiny. The starting location just was too good so anything goes.
Not a hard game at all possibly apart from the last 20 turns but it'd have been extremely easy if Harun had been a regular AI moron instead of a superpower. He took Spain practically before I met either of them and crabbed a bit Boudicca while his cities were growing like no end. With his gpt & full patronage others getting a CS ally was a rarity.
A pure warmonger approach would be interesting and sub T200 domination very possible. Apart from Harun the others were seriously behind in tech from T100 though most of them went for military techs.

GP order: GS, GAd, GG, GE, GM, GP, GA
Well, my early science was actually relatively better than my science after turn 100?! I did go Honor, not rationalism after.

40 faith per turn is really high for being me though. Never had this much early I think lol. :)

I am massing more melee units now. Both Holland and Boudicca has declared war. I am trying to gain more and more XP with the melees. No chance of taking any city yet though. :)

I have a GE that I will use soon for Brandenburg :). This in combination with Military tradition will give enough XP for the units I hope :)

Here is a pic of the capital.

Very nice, hope you succeed with the melee challenge. My capital can definitely keep up at turn 100, so i guess its the rest of your cities producting alot better than mine. Are you using the maritime CS to get massive growth in the secondary cities ?
after 3 tries i have lost 1 or 2 of my cities at turn 100-110 each time. once was liberty with about 6 cities but all were weak (except cap) and i quit because i knew my cap was next. the 2nd try was again liberty trying to fix my earlier mistakes. didnt work as my aggression that worked against India caused even more AI to dogpile for being a warmonger. and the 3rd try was going tradition to go taller and try to be peaceful with Sully as a buffer from the others. I had Sully finally sign a DoF around t95... then backstab 5 turns later and bring such an army that there was no way my 11 comp bows could handle them. I was a good 20 turns from crossbows. he actually took 2 of my cities within 2 turns of each other. and he rolled in 5+ trebs and lots of melee units, not what im used to at t100. He didnt have knights though.

my blood pressure is a little elevated so im taking a break from this map. it shouldnt anger me this much.
After some minimal replay, great rng on money flow for first worker purchase and steal, I managed to land Great Library on turn 34.

Let's see if I can leverage my game from this...it cost me a turn 20 DoW from suleiman+Siam


NC on 46
Theology on 56

lost a f worker to suleiman
Enchanced religion before turn 70 - mass hapiness and +3 range;
theology at turn 70(so I catch 72'th turn greatMan) - used it on ONE MORE prophet, and also have build a Hogia Sophia - just to make sure the world knows only my religion :).

It's so hard to be intime with theology for turn 62 - pretty sure you need a GL or 1-2 good ruins with proper techs to get there so fast. Have done it with GL in previous games.

Normally I don't get so much religion and culture, but religious idols panteon is so huge with this respawn o-0

few screens:
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just building national college @ last screenshot :) :)

offtopic about dlc&gold edition:
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yeh, I bought the one for ~20$ - all the dlc's, they cost like 5-8$ each and it came out to be cheaper and less brainf*-ing. Pretty sure it includes G&K, stated clearly that it does
Loaded turn 70, managed to have over 2 times more science by turn 95 with taking scientist-scientist-engineer(to build nat. college).

Seems i overproduced GP for no reason :(
@old peter
Man you'r beastly on the science gen. A vid or a bunch of savegames in rapid succession would be much appreciated :)
The force is strong with this one.
I am replaying the map. Loaded from turn 50 or so. Arabia proved to too much of a challenge for my Landships vs his 140 HP cities (and his bombers and modern stuff..). ;)

I am still doing the "no ranged units masochistic challenge", but this time I am doing rationalism instead of honor (to get faster tanks!). :)

This time my science will be high. I will post the progress.

Some science advices for this map:

* I did build NC before adding the other cities in this map. Buy settlers during building NC.
* GS regneration is greatly halted for Maya, so be careful adding scientists in the cities. Growth and jungles better choices early.
* Pick tiles in the capital carefully. It is a very strong city, but it needs growth early. I have 14 pop at turn 108 with no maritime CS.


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^^^That's some ridiculous bpt at turn 108. What turn do you think you're going to get tanks?
Turn 120. Secularism.

This time I will hit Arabia as early as I possible can. He is a major run away :eek:


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I'm trying the no-range challenge for some reason even though I dislike the maya @_@

* I did build NC before adding the other cities in this map. Buy settlers during building NC.

See I don't get this. I can NEVER get this to work on Deity because the AI will take every single spot of land that it can. I was lucky to get my second city in by turn 20 before Suleiman grabbed the last bit of the land. Do you just DoW AIs on sight if they're near you?
Turn 130. Scientific theory :)

Re: In this map they wont settle on the other spots I think, try it!


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Turn 130. Scientific theory :)

Re: In this map they wont settle on the other spots I think, try it!

Every time I've tested it out Suleiman beelines his second Settler to drop Edrine RIGHT next to my capital on the coast and he dropped a third city to the south of my capital by like turn 25. I have to DoW him and take the Settler + kill his Warrior to stop him.

I know Suleiman REXes like a madman on every map but this is kind of silly :crazyeye:
Edrine seems to be at same spot every time. Strange because it's not even that good spot? Maybe Ottomans just wanted coastal city?

Edit: I was able to found 10 cities on my first attempt but failed miserably. I had only something 350 science by turn 200. Though I had unis and observatories in 6 cities but population was low. Arabia and netherlands were leading in science. I had 65% literacy when they had 85%. Spain,Netherlands and Celts declared war on me at some point. Lost one city to celts and then recaptured it. I didnt have any puppets. Ottomans however didnt declare war on me :D
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