Design Contest Q&A thread

Unit Critiques, from the top:

Psychic_Llamas's Enaid:
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Frankly, I think I liked the Snake Idea better (even though I wasn't a huge fan of that. I thought it would be better as a normal, barbarian animal that could be captured, but didn't like the idea of the elves training their own). The current choice is very similar to almost half the other suggestions in the contest. Adding [NWO] Valis's suggestion was pointless, since that was already covered by making them invisible. (Invisible units don't defend and can't capture cities, they can share tiles with enemies.)

gandhi rules's Refugee/Populator:
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Your post was not well written at all, but from what I understand I like the idea of refugee units. It would also be nice if they spread their culture in city they join, and maybe even spread their religion. It might also be a good idea if they sometimes spawned with the diseased promotion if their city was very unhealthy, and if in general they added temporary unhealthiness (and maybe unhappiness) to cities they are currently in/join.

I'm undecided as to whether cities should also be able to build Emmigrants (better name than Populator) that would have the same basic effect. That might be too powerful. If so, they should probably have some other requirements, like civics (fend for themselves maybe) or only be a Malakin units (representing their nomadism.) Technically this contest was limited to units for one of 4 civs anyway, and they are one of them.

Shadius's Carnival of Torment:
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I'm not sure why, but I'm not really a fan of this.

formless blob's Malakim Nomads:
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Would be quite nice (and probably overpowered) if it were possible. I don't think it can be done.

it-ogo: The Restless and Keilden's Shades:
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These don't make sense. Shades are living units, who consume parts of their souls in order to gain immortalisty in this life (using knowledge they took from a dark magical text written by Laroth, a dead Archmage taught by Kyorlin, before Kyorlin became a good guy, who had the Once-Elves' ancestors captured and taken into the underworld to serve him. When Varn Gossam's father led his people in a revolt and took them to the Shaded Vale, between the underworld and creation, they took the book with them. Varn also took the book with him when he left the shaded vale, and somehow the Sidar eventually got a hold of it.) Shades aren't created when people die. Shades don't die of natural causes, and are hard to kill, but they are still mortal, living units. I believe that their deaths are probably the most permanent one's; because their soul were slowly destroyed in life, they may not have an afterlife.

Personally I think that Shade should become the Sidar racial promotion instead. Not sure how it would work, but I would love it if it made the unit invisible except to units in the same or adjacent tiles. This would let them move through your borders, but not get too close to you. Also, it wouldn't cause the problem of not allowing any of their units to defend, ever.

Dogfax's some national unit terriformer idea:
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This should have been organized better before it was proposed. I'm not sure much of what you suggest is possible, and if so it would be rather awkward, and hard to teach the AI. (It might have worked using elements of the old spell system, but the AI could never do that and I don't think it is worth it.) (also it could be made into a world unit so that the loss of a unit wouldn't let you build another, but then one civ might build 7 and not let anyone else even build 1.)

Also, you seem to have ignore the requirement that it be a UU for one of the 4 civ Shadow focuses on.

zxcvbnm's sidar unit, probably also called Shade.
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Ok. I don't really like it as a unit, but it sounds like basically the idea I proposed for the Sidar's default racial promotion in my comment on the other shade.

Ambreville's Malakim's Travel Djinni:
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Seems kinds random. I don't really care for it.

the_fish's Svartalfar Blood Hawk:
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I think that all birds should have these abilities, not just the Dark Elven ones. (are racial promotions applied to birds? they shouldn't be) It might also be nice to have bird capable of attack be an upgraded form for latter in the game, and cost more and have greater range.

thomas.berubeg's Phantom:
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Not a fan. Like so many other Sidar unit suggestions, it doesn't seem to fir their theme at all. It could make a decent summon though, or a type of barb unit that shows up in the late game or with a high AC

westamastaflash's Sniper:
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Seems too much like the Marksman unit to me. Its abilities may not be the same, but if they fit the name thay would be.

BeefontheBone's Protean:
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Best idea presented so far. I have nothing against it, except that the name implies that it is the unit that changes rather than what it actualy does.

Rex rgis of Ter's Luminarium:
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Not a fan, but it seems you removed the parts I most disliked.

Cadaveres's Will-o'-the-wisp:
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It seems like something artificially added just for the sake of adding something rather than flowing naturally from the civilizations theme/history, as I would prefer. It isn't quite as wrong as some of the Sidar ideas, but it doesn't really seem to fit either.

If implemented, the model should be based on a lightning elemental, not a fireball.

3voices's Ball of Confusion:
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Reading about this before hand I hated the idea, but re-reading now I like it. (it replacing a bird was terrible, as were the almost impossible to implement effects). However, I think it qualifies as a hero, and so is disqualified from the contest.

Edit: I was confusing yous with the Chaos Orb. Your idea is good, White Elk's isn't.

mindlar's Spider Wrangler:
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Frankly, I think the Svartalfar don't need anything more advantages related to spiders. They already get double the baby spider spawning, and their recon units are the strongets in the game (+1 attack from sinister)

GeeJo's Shadowcloak:
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The differences are resonable, but they seem to minor to warrant winning the contest. It just isn't special enough

Grey Fox's Svartalfar Huntress (or something better)(replaces Pikeman):
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This clearly seems like it should be a hunter replacement, but then it really wouldn't be that unique. The special ability seems kinda random.

Black Whole's Mime:
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Nice, but I don't think the special ability is possible. (the "all special abilities part") having its promotions replaced with each unit it defeats would be nice though. I don't think I would give him the ability to use all the metal weapon promotions, and I would consider making his base strength lower but his affinity be 2 instead of 1

xienwolf's The Unseen:
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I think there may just bee too many Sidar proposals for any of them to get chosen. Your proposal is one of the better ones, but I'm still hoping that a Sidar racial promotion will provide the effect rather than just one unit.

I don't think it should cause fog of war for the owning civ. Also, I thing it has been said that making maps rival disappear and fog of war return will be a passive effect of shadow mana. It would probably be better tat way.

[NWO]_Valis's Inside Agent:
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I don't think we know enough about Shadow's espionage system to add a spy-like unit just yet.

GarretSidzaka's Shadow Flame:
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It bothers me that you refer to this as a shade, when that term in FfH means Sidar. I;m also not really a fan of you special graphics for the unit. (plus technically you broke the rules by making a unit that needs these specific graphics) I don't have a problem with its actual abilities, however.

xanaqui42's Sand Lion Rider:
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Very nice. This is one of my favorite proposals, and would likely be one of my favorite units in FfH. It would make me play as the Malakim more often

CXDamian's Grants Spider:
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don't like it. The svartalfar have enough to do with spiders already; they don't need the ability to build ther own

khanjackal's Ghost Pirate:
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Horrible Idea. This goes against everything the Sidar sand for. Read up on a civ before you compose something for them.

princecharles's Illusionist:
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Why didn't you change it after I pointed out the other unit of the same name? I really like the assume identity spell, but not the decieve one. Its abilities should also include making decoys (summons that all disappear when one is attacked), and disguising your units so they appear to be weaker than they are. However, this would likely be overpowered, and might fit a Svartalfar or council of Esus UU (or hero) better

Grillick's Faerie:
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Why? This seems kinda pointless to me, except for capturing spiders (and if you've read my other critiques you'll know I'm getting tired of more spider related advantages)

GoodGame's Shelob:
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Too many spiders! I'm really getting sick of them. Your idea isn't that bad, but I feel that too many spider related ideas will water it down. I would actyually like to see this as a barbarian spider hero (which the Svartalfar would do well to capture)

Frozen-Vomit's Dunewalker:
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Not bad, but I would rather see a unit that could occur in most games be chosen. Varn isn't likely to turn evil.

kenken244's culture wagon:
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I'd like to see some plausible explanation as to how this would work in Erebus (not just how to code it or what it does). I would like to see gypsy wagons have the ability to work like a very toned down version of this.

Morganknight's spy:
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I don't think we know enough about Shadow's espionage system to add espionage UUs yet

Arqane's Mana Freak:
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Like I said before, I would like to see these effects but would prefer that normal freaks just have a slight chance of gaining promotions to this effect, and never go obsolete. Your idea should be in the game,but not in a way that means someone else can't win the contest.

evlutte's shade:
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same thing I've said about everyone else's Shades

silvenfire's Svartalfar Shadow Huntress:
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Seems arbitrarily complicated, but not terrible.

Capn Charlie's Malakim Shephard:
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I was told to consider the post null and void, so I will

Calavente's Sand Rider:
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Sounds a bit like a rip-off of the Sand-Lion Rider. I don't dislike your unit, but I prefer xanaqui42's

Maksim's Redeemer:
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Seems kinda pointless, and they wouldn't be present in that many games. Just let the dark elves build elven workers, and your problem is solved.

Jono's Opium Smuggler:
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Very nice. One of my favorites

Evilsmilieface's Ringmaster:
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This is completely pointless. Since summoners are upgraes of conjurers, the Balseraph summoners wuld already have the puppeteer promotion. The only change you made was the name and the graphics, and They have already made unique graphics for the the Balseraph Summoner (said to look like a crazy, possessed Gepetto)

Sureshot's Trickster:
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Like the unit, but not the name. Too bad you cant upgrade to rangers instead (and then Druids, to have every spell in the game available) just kidding, that would be overpowered. Its better just to give them an adept UU that can also upgrade to an assassin. (also, we need to make the promotion granting UBs grant heir promotions ot units upgraded to the proper unitcombat)

frenzyslave's Apparition:
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Seems like it should start with illusion, and be a shadow sphere summon instead of a UU. Shadow affinity might also be nice.

Pandemonis's Monstrous Freak:
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Again, I think that there should just be a chance for normal freaks to gain these abilities on their creation (and never go obsolete, and have tech/resource retirements for some options), so that there is room for another winner while your idea will still basically get implemented. I don't think yours is possible as suggested.

darkedone02's Crimson Rider or Crimson Salaknight:
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Not a fan. Besides, Malakim horsemen would already be replaced by Sand lion riders (I hope)

attackdrone's Wahai:
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sounds complicated and hard to implement. I also can't think of a good reason why they should be able to relocate oases. If they can use magic, whay not just cast spring?

Randolph's Wild Mage:
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Ok, but not up to par with some of the others, and not especially unique to Balseraph culture. I would rather just make chaos mana (which the Balseraphs start with.) increase the miscast chances of a spell. That would have roughly the same effect as these abilities.

Wintermist Trapper:
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not bad, but I think this would be better as a promotion available to experienced recon units that a new unt, especially sine the new unit would have to be a UU. (you forgot to say which civ would get it)

White Elk's Chaos .Orb:
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Not a fan at all. Too hard to implement, and kinda pointless. Also, the Balseraphs already have a unique hawk (the Parrot, like the Lanun have), which I much prefer.

Broken Hawk's White Panther:
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The Svartalfar has way too many animal UU propositions. This is probably Kael's fault for limiting the contest to 4 civs. all the animal ideas should be for the barbarian state.

I'd like to see white panthers, wolves, bears, tiger, etc. I'm not sure a new unit is needed, just a promotion to hange the graphics on the normal animals. Also, Panthers should be brought back (and given forest stealth, which should also return), and new animals with new abilities should be added. All the animals should have unique cages, and only a certain number of these should be needed for the Menagerie (but all should count towards it)

Civkid1991 Daughter of Nimrod:
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I don't see how this fits at all. I prefer units that are appropriate for the back story already known about the civs to random and irrelevant backstories added to justify new units.

Capn Charlie Malakim Shepherd (again):
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First, you should have just edited your first post instead of starting anew. This way you made me write too much, thus making me predisposed not to like your ideas as much. ;) I'm not really sure what I think of your idea. In general I think it should just not work in rival territory, and that there should be a chance that the resource would remain (they don't need ot take all the animals to make a heard of their own). Overall though, it is probably too complicated, and not worth it.

EugeneStyles's Lugh Escaoil:
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First, all Malakim units startwith nomad, so this isn't all that important that their UU get the double movement and defenseive bonus (which is only enough to just cancel the usual malus anyway.) The unt isn't terrible, but not especially impressive. There have been better Malakim suggestions.

Elm Fortune-teller:
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I like it, but only if you get the pointless "tell fortune" spell and the tarot card throwing graphics. A unit that actually changes some functionality should probably win the contest though.

Scott Alexander's Imager:
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I like it, but it would probably be too hard to implement. Also, casting the image of th Svartalfar hero before the hero is built would probably make him unbuildable. The image promotion is also probabl by to much like the illusion promotion, and the Imager too much like the Illusionist (Dark elf conjurer UU)

What I think would be good instead is to add a "create decoys" shadow spell. This would randomly create units (probably whatever a great commander could recruit) with a "decoy promotion;" all decoys on a tile disappear when first attacked, before combat. They would be otherwise permanent units that have no maintenance and probably should be immobile. If one could get the fear promotion, it would be quite powerful (maybe that should require a certain amount of shadow mana, or just be random and rare. I do like the idea of a shadow archmage/hero creating decoys of dragons). Having both decoy and Illusion could be odd, but they do have very different mechanics.

bigtrac Drifting echoes OR Drifting Souls:
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Pretty sure this is all impossible.

ggdabuh's Phoenix:
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very overpowered as a UU, would make a good late game hero available to all. Definitely should only ever have one. Immortality shouldn't be dependent on terrain.

Willgar's Shadow Beasts:
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I would love to see this implemented as a shadow spell/Undercouncil ability, which lets you sacrifice any animal to get a beast class unit (it should have more promotion options than an animal, and not be weak to rival rangers) with the same stats and model, but be jet black and with shadow affinity.

Dora190's Aboukai:
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way too similar to the Balseraph's Taskmasters. Seems like a kinda random idea.

Verdian's Divided Soul:
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would be nice if you could keep track of what divided souls made what severed soul; you can't. This idea just won't work.

rusty217's Lugus Guard:
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sounds much more like an Empyrean UU than a Malakim one. In fact, it sounds like just an inferior version of the Radiant Guard unit. I'm not impressed.
Grey Fox's Svartalfar Huntress (or something better)(replaces Pikeman):
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This clearly seems like it should be a hunter replacement, but then it really wouldn't be that unique. The special ability seems kinda random.

Yeah the name needs changing, thats why I wrote "or something better", I didn't have time to come up with a better name. And why they shouldn't replace hunters are cause they are trained for warfare, and they are trained to fight with a spear in war.
The reason for the blink ability (the name of that ability is taken from multiple sources, where "teleporting" a short distance is called that) is so they can use an element of surprise, and also agility and speed in their "hunt". It wouldn't be so much faster than a regular army if you put in the fatigue promotion in the equation, since they would be able to "jump" (lets say) 2 tiles, move 1 (or 2 with mobility), rest 1 turn to jump again 2 tiles, move 1. Without mobility 1, thats only 6 tiles in 3 turns, not much faster than some units.
But it would create a fun way to use a unit. Surrounding enemy cavalry by blinking past them with some units, and walling them from the other. Blinking past mountains or small water passages.
Think of it as parachuter's only with a shorter range.

I'm not 100% sure if it fits the Svartalfar theme, but I would love using them.
the_fish's Svartalfar Blood Hawk:
I think that all birds should have these abilities, not just the Dark Elven ones. (are racial promotions applied to birds? they shouldn't be) It might also be nice to have bird capable of attack be an upgraded form for latter in the game, and cost more and have greater range.

I agree with you, especially about the upgradeable bird part. I thought the contest was only for units from one of the four highlighted races, so I designed appropriately. Air units seem strangely underdeveloped in this mod, presumably as hunters have to be able to carry all of them.

As for racial promotions, I'm not sure if this has been fixed, but in 0.22 or thereabouts I had dwarven hawks while playing as the Luchuirp - complete with accent. It was most unsettling...
Unit Critiques, from the top:
Here is the ultimate "Clue you've been playing too much FFH":D

it-ogo: The Restless and Keilden's Shades:
These don't make sense. Shades are living units, who consume parts of their souls in order to gain immortalisty in this life ... Shades don't die of natural causes, and are hard to kill, but they are still mortal, living units.
Here is the logic. Semi-ethereality and a kind of immortality of Sidar is declared. How to implement it in the game?
1) Stealth
It should be much different from Council of Esus stealth as it has a different nature - metaphysical. This stealth is of better quality. And they can see others being unseen before official relations (remember Morgoth greetings) i.e. early in the game.
2) Immortality
There are two ways: preserving the body or renewing the body. Why not make them renew the body with a kind of ritual? And be bodiless before the ritual performed? They are immortal not because of indestructability of bodies but because their soul-parts are attached to Erebus and can regain bodies. I see no contradictions.

We can not give all Sidar units immortal promo or 100% retreat or 10 times stronger because of the balance. So let them rebirth not as military units but as city population. OK, we have mechanism - manes and angels. But they are neither manes nor angels who are empowered by Hell or Heavens and have some military strength. They are very weak (only a part of soul) and completely ethereal. And they can not walk through planes so no instant relocations.

That is all. We have restless spirits who can see but can neither affect the reality nor be affected. They moves slowly to the place of rebirth ritual being completely unseen.
2) Immortality
There are two ways: preserving the body or renewing the body. Why not make them renew the body with a kind of ritual? And be bodiless before the ritual performed? They are immortal not because of indestructability of bodies but because their soul-parts are attached to Erebus and can regain bodies. I see no contradictions.

We can not give all Sidar units immortal promo or 100% retreat or 10 times stronger because of the balance. So let them rebirth not as military units but as city population. OK, we have mechanism - manes and angels. But they are neither manes nor angels who are empowered by Hell or Heavens and have some military strength. They are very weak (only a part of soul) and completely ethereal. And they can not walk through planes so no instant relocations.

That is all. We have restless spirits who can see but can neither affect the reality nor be affected. They moves slowly to the place of rebirth ritual being completely unseen.

The Sidar are semi-physical beings, look at Sandalphon's 'pedia entry:
Sandalphon said:
It doesn't mean we can't for example, have a violent death. We are just very, very hard to kill

He becomes more physical as he snaps the assassin's neck, when compared to what he was earlier.

The Sidar have no body renewal rituals, they can control their amount of physicality and are hard but not impossible to kill.
Sandalphon said:
Suicide is always an option

If they become spirits as they die killing oneself wouldn't help in being tired of ghostness.
The Sidar are semi-physical beings, look at Sandalphon's 'pedia entry:
He becomes more physical as he snaps the assassin's neck, when compared to what he was earlier.
The Sidar have no body renewal rituals, they can control their amount of physicality and are hard but not impossible to kill.
If they become spirits as they die killing oneself wouldn't help in being tired of ghostness.

I think all these entries can be treated, explained and harmonized in many ways... if gameplay worth it. But my English is not enough for it. :sad:

The point is that we have necessarily in-game contradiction about "hard to kill" - as we can not make all Sidar units really hard to kill. So additional assumptions and explanations are needed in any case. On the other hand we need something very specific for Sidar - for all units, and what will change the gameplay. And I did not found the better chance.

Many people feel that Nomad promo does not make Malakim gameplay really specific. The same for Doviello. Pity if the same happened with Sidar.
If one Sidar unit would represent like 50 sidar shades while a similar unit of others would be 500 warriors we would get both the balance and harder-to-kill-than-mortals thing. And as I have said elsewhere it could be done by using only one unit in each sidar unit instead of 3 as they are far less numerous than mortals.
Personally, I think that nomad needs to be made stronger (+25% defense isn't enough, since the tile subtracts 25% anyway). It should be made to +50% in deserts. I would also like it if Camel Archers went back ti their earlier implementation as a national unit available to everyone (although probably not so strong, expensive, or with such hight tech requirements. Needing a desert-only camel resource might be good too), so other civs could get some nomads too.

The Doviello need a unique mechanic, like the ability to steal the weapons promotion from any unit they defeat. (Tech requirements for weapons promotions need to be added, but this ability circumvents the requirement). The Train Battlemaster spell should be replaced with something more useful in the long run; I would suggest getting rid of the spell and just letting Doviello unis upgrade no matter where they are, even in rival territory (they don't have many building requirements anyway). Some resistance to cold (but not as much as Illian units should have) would be good too.

And the Shade racial promotion needs to really be impressive. I'm thinking adding a withdrawal chance and making the unit invisible to everyone that doesn't have a unit in the same or adjacent tile (they lose the strongest abilities and greatest problems with invisibility (invulnerability, and inability to guard cities) this way, but it still lets them move around more freely than most units. Also, enemies approaching their cities would think them abandoned and so would rusk to attack with a single unit--until they got close enough and found a huge stack defending it.) If possible, that is.
In Etherlords-2 there are so-called "pale creatures". When they are hit to 0 health they do not die but "dissipate": go into "pale aspect", where they can not attack or defend and look transparent. To go back into "bright aspect" some actions shoud be performed.

Maybe it is a good model for Sidar. But it is complicated to balance. Maybe limit overall number of units proportional to overall population? Make minimum 10 turns relax in pale aspect and loose some xp?
A Shade promotion is really needed.

What we know about shades in FfH:

- They are hard to kill.
- Normally they look a bit misty, but solidify when attacking.
- They are hard to spot.

Doubts about the Sidar:

- Their number increases only throug recruitment, or there is second generation Shades, or even half-shades?

My take in the Shade promotion:


- Need more 30% XP to level up: Feelings are important to the learning process.
- Can only be seen by units in the same square or by recon units in a adjacent square.
- Get acess to the Withdrawn promotion line.
- With Combat IV the can get the Deathless promotion. When an unit with Deathless promotion dies it returns to it's owner's capital and loses the Deathles promotion.

Another notes about the Sidar:
- The shouldn't have acess to Berserkers and have 6 max Immortals.
And finally, Wonder critiques from the top:

[NWO]_Valis's The Olympics:
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much too close to the real world. Would be better as an event; actually the Olympics event from BtS wasn't taken out, so it already is in FfH (although it may be removed soon, along with American an French specific events)

Dogfax's River of Blood:

Merciary's Colonial administration:
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I like it, but am not sure how it could be implemented. I'm sure the hybrid civ is impossible. I knw there are mods that let your units randomly be from your vassals UU fot the unitclass sometimes, but I wouldn't want it to be done that way. If the Elohim vassalized the Calabim, they shouldn't start having their normal macemen become vampires. Instead, this ability may be better as a spell that lets you recruit (steal) some of your vassals units. There need to be some restrictions to balance it, and obviously you can't steal heroes. I' still not sure how easy it would be to implement.

Geejo's Golgothan Fortress:
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Ok, but not particularly impressive.

Rex rgis of Ter's Pan's Meadow:

Cadaveres's Mana Vault:
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I like the idea, but I don't think it is possible.

zxcvbnm (I just realized how you chose your name. I usually copied and pasted names, this is the first time I wrote it out) The Arcana Academy:
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not bad at all, but similar ideas make it not stick out as much

MrUnderhill's Pilgrimage:
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Reminds to me of my least favorite vanilla wonder (hermitage), but not a bad idea.

thomas.berubeg's Cliffs of Dwarrowdelf:
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WAY too overpowered at a high AC

khanjackal's Citadel of the Mourning Star:
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seems rather random. I'm not a fan.

sylvanllewelyn's Cartography thing:
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Definitely needs scaleing to map size, but still wouldn't be tat great. I would rather make cartography grant extra sight over land like optics does over water, or make it a prereq for trade and/or astronomy

xienwolf's Power to the People:
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could be good in another kind of mod, but not for FfH. Doesn't fir the theme at all, and makes mud golems less unique.

Frozen-Vomit's Port Royal:
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Very nice. The best so far. I'd probably vote for this over my idea (and then implement a spell that adds a temporary building to et rid of all unhealthiness)

Kol.7's City of the thousand Slums:

c.fe's Cornucopia:

Frallan_PrU's Halls of power:
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decent, but too similar to other ideas. I don't think the extra bonus for having it in the same city as the other wonders can be implemented.

Jono's Great Magic Show:
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better as a national wonder. Currently only Corindale and Hemah can join the show ( think you meant "or, not "and"). I'n not sure what "joining the show" means; if it involves losing the unit, then it would ever be worth it.

Grey Fox's Bandar's Great Port of New Haven (better name needed ):
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I agree with you about the name. I would rather just see levees/customs huses added, with the Lanun getting the equivalent of both of the UB versions of them.

the_fish's Nullstone:
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I like it. would probably change the culture to science, maintenance..or something. I was thinking, since there are already golems made of nullstane, and they don't make the whole city immune, this would have to be more than your ordinary nullstone. How about changing it "The Nullstone Citadel", and adding a large bonus to city defenses?

Grillick's Blessing from the Waves:
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Should require water mana. Its too simple for my tastes, but it does make a lot more sense than the Moai Statues ever did. The quote made me chuckle.

Levgre's underground trolleys:
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horrible idea, because it is just a poorer implementation of "The Nexus." I assume you haven't gotten far enough in the game to get this wonder.

Capn Charlie's complaints about coastal cities having poorer production:
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I don't think your ideas are possible. You could extend the coast right up to the city using python, but that would detract from the Lanun ablity ot make pirates coves.

frenzyslave's College of Ancalan:
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not horrible, but not unique enough to compete. I don't think your random free mana idea would work. Free reagents would be better through a guild.

it-ogo's Ethereal Guard:
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hate the wonder, but could probably be convinced to support implementing the unit as a late game national unit.


White Elk's Ard-Luibh:
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too hard to implement letting the builder choose the resource bonus. Would be better just to let guilds provide the resources.

Pandemonis's The Holy Ale Great Brewery:

Evilsmilieface's Tribute to the Fallen:
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decent, but reminds me too much of the Shrine of the champion, and wouldn't be useful to the Elohim (they have a bulding that grants the same promotion)

seamus75's War College:

charleswatkins's Colossus:
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what does the colossus have to do with letting you work more tiles? Also, the model is already used for the form of the titan, and I wouldn't want to infringe on the Kuriotates uniqueness.

MacGyverInSpace's City Hub:
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About the same as I said before. As the last one. Also, I think that city hubs need to be buildable, that Kurio cities should never start with a hub (except for the capital), that there sould be no hard limit on their numbers, and that they should get more expensive the more you have.

GoodGame's The Tree Of Life:
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seems overpowered. Not a fan.

TheJopa's The Militia Headquarters:
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not a fan of unit spawning wonders. The name sounds too much like a Command post, and the idea could infinge on the crusade/ Bannor unique mechanic (which I don't remember much about at the moment)

EugeneStyles's Al-Ziraq's Bazaar Headquarters:
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This is not really a wonder suggestion, but a guild suggestion. Such suggestions should wait until we have been told more about how guilds will be implemented.

xanaqui42's Castle of Storms:
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I like it. If possible, all the percentage changes should be tied to how much air mana you possess.

westamastaflash's Throne of the Just:
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Not bad. Not my personally favorite, but it deserves to make it into the vote at least. I wouldn't have a problem with it being implemented.

Keilden's The Black Tower:
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Don't like it. I would never sacrifice my palace to get this.

formless blob's Mirror Mirror:
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this comes dangerously close to violating the princess rule, plus is seems to promote prostitution (an odd combination...) I don't think it has any place in FfH

mrtomsmith's Golden Apple of Discord:
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Sounds too complicated. I think it would be possible to code, but not worth is.

mindlar's Grove of the World Tree:

dscarron's Altar of Hate:
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Why would these good heroes found this evil altar? I don't think it fits well in Erebus, but it is not the worst suggestion.

AMBusam's Miasmatos:

ggdabuh's Elite school:
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Needs a much better name, and I think its effect is impossible. You could make a new unit class for every national unit to get around this, but that would be a very inelegant, inefficient thing to do.

Wraith367's End of Ages:
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I Hate this idea. I don't like warscripts to force wars, and I don't think AV followers should all win. They are not the kinds of people to share power. I understand the need for AV civs to have a reason to want a high AC, but my entry to the event contests solves this problem much better.

Morganknight's The Agora:
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too similar to the real world. Also, I belive wonders can only grant one type of GPP.

Hawe Hawe's The Gulag:

Scott Alexander's The Fountain of Eloquence:
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Not sure about it in general.I'm not a big fan of the backstory, but I like the effect.

Willgar's Temple of the Desert Gods:
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Not a fan.Don't really see how it fits in the FfH mythos.

bebematos's Tome of the Theological Supremacy:
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religious schisms are too hard to implement, and would need a much fuller mechanic than one wonder or event could provide.

nikosison's Prav, Spires of Order:
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Ok, not great. Unquestioning Oboediance has been removed from the game.

rusty217's Monument to the One:
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Thematically, isn't that what the Altar of the Luonnatar is?

CXDamian's Sacrifice to Bhall:
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this would make my event proposal too weak, and would generally be overpowered. Sacrifices to Bhall, if implemented, should be events or spells used only on the Pyre of the Seaphic Unique feature.

kumquatelvis's Cursed Sword of Fury:
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I like it, but not as much as some of the actual wonders. I don't think Kael wants to add to many pieces of equipment.

My Gardens of Amathaon (or Succelus, or Cernunnos):
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I felt that the leaves needed a new wonder since their became a unique feature. This seemed appropriate, and is easy to do. If not implemented, I do hope we'll get a spell that gets rid on unhealthiness (like unyielding order gets rid of unhappiness). I think I would prefer it as a spell, but wouldn't mind seeing it implemented in both ways.
Jono's Great Magic Show:
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better as a national wonder. Currently only Corindale and Hemah can join the show ( think you meant "or, not "and"). I'n not sure what "joining the show" means; if it involves losing the unit, then it would ever be worth it.

First off, I think it's a bit too strong to be a national wonder (+5% commerce per completed sphere?). The issue you've presented is a minor one at best, all that needs to be done is to have the requirement for the Hero promotion removed and require the unit to be alive (don't want liches running the show). Also, you forgot to mention Grigori Archmages. ;)

EDIT: Joining the show only means casting a spell and remaining in the city for as long as you feel like.
Well, it seems like you would need an incredible 60 mana (3 of 20 types) for the commerce bonus to even match that of the Bazaar of Mammon, and that's a national wonder. It seems like I forgot to mention that I don't think that wonders can provide multiple types of great person points (although you could instead assign free specialists of multiple types, which would in turn provide the GPPs).

Ok, so I forgot about the adventurers, but still the hero requirement should be taken away. Actually, I think it would be better if any arcane unit could use a "join the show" ability, but not with the same effects. If the crowds are disappointed with the performance of a mere adept, it could cause unhappiness, or even deaths if he attempts something too hard. However, there could be a small chance of the show going well despite his inexperience, and he could gain some xp. The effects of the spell should probably be based on the spells the unit is capable of, but have a random element as well. I don't see a problem with a lich running the show, but then it would likely turn into a dark, scary, dangerous display of power that would have serious negative consequences.
Commerce isn't the same as gold.

EDIT: And about my wonder idea. Well I just wanted to make the team aware of the new BtS functionalities, since water needs a boost.
And the name is basically taken from Port. Bandar is a Persian word for "port" or "haven". A harbor can also be called haven.
And finally, Wonder critiques from the top:

dscarron's Altar of Hate: Why would these good heroes found this evil altar? I don't think it fits well in Erebus, but it is not the worst suggestion.

Well, it's Dark Fantasy. :)

If the Angels had the ability to wipe the world clean of Demons (and people) don't you think that they would take it?

It's all about the Power, baby. Hatred = Power against ones enemies with the correct tools.
And finally, Wonder critiques from the top:

EugeneStyles's Al-Ziraq's Bazaar Headquarters: This is not really a wonder suggestion, but a guild suggestion. Such suggestions should wait until we have been told more about how guilds will be implemented.

I wasn't under the impression that we had even been told that corporations (or "guilds" as I arbitrarily called my suggestion and which you seem to imply is what they were already called) would be implemented.
From the "Shadow" schedule thread, first post:
December 7th
Spotlight on Guilds article.​

December 9th
Winners of the Design contests are announced.​

December 16th
Fall from Heaven's 2nd Birthday :king:

"Shadow" is released publically​

It would awfully cruel of Kael to set aside a day to spotlight their absence from the game. ;)

I think it is safe to assume they will be in. Plus, several team members have explicitly said that corperations would be implemented in FfH as Guilds, FfH Style. They will probably have much nicer effects than those guilds in the BtS scenario designed to introduce the concept, or those in the main game.
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