DipNESX: What Number Are We On?

Update Two
Fall 1901 Movement

Austria: F tri Holds
Austria: A gal -> war
Austria: A rum Holds
England: F nwg -> bar
England: A yor -> nwy
England: F nth Convoys A yor -> nwy
France: A gas -> bur
France: A spa -> por
France: F mao -> spa/sc
Germany: A kie -> den
Germany: A ruh -> bel
Germany: F hol Supports A ruh -> bel
Italy: A ven -> tyr
Italy: A rom -> ven
Italy: F ion -> tun
Russia: A ukr -> rum
Russia: F sev Supports A ukr -> rum
Russia: F fin -> swe
Russia: A stp -> lvn
Turkey: A bul -> ser
Turkey: A con -> bul
Turkey: F ank -> bla

Fall 1901 Movements
Spoiler :

Fall 1901 Retreat
Spoiler :

-Dislodged unit is Austrian Army at Rum, which can retreat to Bud or Gal.
-Next orders due November 14th, but I doubt it'll take that long.
-I'm going to take this opportunity to make fun of skeptikalz! for skipping out on Diplomacy after one round, although I feel like everybody else already did a pretty good job with that.
Sorry about that.

*pulls knife out*

Really am.

*stabs again*

Wouldn't do it in anything but Diplomacy.

-I'm going to take this opportunity to make fun of skeptikalz! for skipping out on Diplomacy after one round, although I feel like everybody else already did a pretty good job with that.

Damn baby, don't be bitter. I'll buy you flowers next time, I promise. <3
The east continues to be interesting.

Having embarassed himself among NESers higher than his typical caliber, skep expresses bluster in order to maintain some semblance of personal confidence. Humble apologies and efforts to do better would be more productive, but skep seems to revel in his status as "resoundingly mediocre."

Moderator Action: Please, Thlayli, there is no need to be so personally aggressive, or if you aren't being, then you might include some indicator. As it reads now: inappropriate.
Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
Having embarassed himself among NESers higher than his typical caliber, skep expresses bluster in order to maintain some semblance of personal confidence. Humble apologies and efforts to do better would be more productive, but skep seems to revel in his status as "resoundingly mediocre."

I thought you decided to end this tit-for-tat way back, but well... last words for me.

Moderator Action: Or to me. Your best alternative is to just report the problem and let me handle it. Thanks.

Honestly dude, get off of my ****. Every turn I take, there you are, with some kind of comment.

I agreed that I was doing my own thing, and that in itself didn't lead towards the best set of "moves" because well, this is my second diplomacy game ever, but that's beyond the point: I wanted to try and play again. 'Tis all.

I apologized for my first tardiness, I mentioned that I would swear off pbp diplomacy after these blunders (more about deadlines than anything) on my part, etc.

And lastly, I took a lighthearted jab at LightFang for his day's later reminder in the notes of my sad failure, and he apparently understood it in that fashion and replied with gusto.

So what really bothers you? What more do you want? No idea, and I wouldn't give it to you either way, so please, jump off my ****.
Update Three
Fall 1901 Retreat


Austria: A rum -> gal

Fall 1901 Retreats
Spoiler :

Fall 1901 Adjustment
Spoiler :

-Here are your wonderful first turn builds! Don't spend them all so carelessly, now!
Austria: 1
England: 1
France: 2
Germany: 3
Italy: 1
Russia: 1
Turkey: 2
-This update features AUSTRIA, if you couldn't tell. I have a soft spot for Austria in my heart, so I'm glad that she got her own update. ;)
-Next orders are due November 16th.
Update Four
Fall 1901 Adjustment

Austria: Builds A bud
England: Builds F lon
France: Builds A par
France: Builds F bre
Germany: Builds A mun
Germany: Builds F kie
Germany: Builds A ber
Italy: Builds A rom
Russia: Builds A mos
Turkey: Builds F con
Turkey: Builds A ank

Fall 1901 Adjustment
Spoiler :

Spring 1902
Spoiler :

Spring 1902 Political
Spoiler :

-Next orders due: November 20th
Would like orders from France, Austria, Italy, and Russia.
Subbed, lurking, and potential substitute.
Would like orders from Italy and a replacement for Russia.
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