Sommerswerd asked me to change this
Day 2
Snake Alley aka Huaxi Street Night Market
Thursday, November 7, 2024
On my second full day in Taiwan I decided to begin the day by eating a meal at the famous Wang's Broth, which was about a 20 minute walk from my hotel.
This might be a good time for a map of the city, so you can see where all these places are. My hotel is the purple marker in Ximen(ding), Wang's Broth is the black restaurant marker to the south-west, and the Taipei 101 building is the white on red star to the right. This way you get to see the central part of the Greater Taipei Area and the core of the MRT metro network. The double MRT lines going off-screen to the left is the metro line from Taipei Main Station to the airport via New Taipei City and Taoyuan, one of them the express line.
Wang's Broth is located on Huaxi Street, which is a market street also known as Snake Alley, due to its history of snake stalls & restaurants. From what I understand the last snake meat restaurant closed down in 2018 and snake products are not as common, but the name has stuck. Up until the 1990s this two-block-long street used to be a legal red light district and to this day it is sort of viewed unfavourably by Taipei residents. Nevertheless, that's where Wang's Broth is, so that's where I had to go. There were also other points of interest in this part of the city that I could explore afterwards.
This whole part of the city has a collection of connected markets. Technically all night markets, but Wang's Broth and other vendors are open during the day.
Even so, this place must get a lot busier after dark.
Snake Alley aka Huaxi Street Night Market
Thursday, November 7, 2024
On my second full day in Taiwan I decided to begin the day by eating a meal at the famous Wang's Broth, which was about a 20 minute walk from my hotel.
This might be a good time for a map of the city, so you can see where all these places are. My hotel is the purple marker in Ximen(ding), Wang's Broth is the black restaurant marker to the south-west, and the Taipei 101 building is the white on red star to the right. This way you get to see the central part of the Greater Taipei Area and the core of the MRT metro network. The double MRT lines going off-screen to the left is the metro line from Taipei Main Station to the airport via New Taipei City and Taoyuan, one of them the express line.
Wang's Broth is located on Huaxi Street, which is a market street also known as Snake Alley, due to its history of snake stalls & restaurants. From what I understand the last snake meat restaurant closed down in 2018 and snake products are not as common, but the name has stuck. Up until the 1990s this two-block-long street used to be a legal red light district and to this day it is sort of viewed unfavourably by Taipei residents. Nevertheless, that's where Wang's Broth is, so that's where I had to go. There were also other points of interest in this part of the city that I could explore afterwards.
This whole part of the city has a collection of connected markets. Technically all night markets, but Wang's Broth and other vendors are open during the day.
Even so, this place must get a lot busier after dark.
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