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DNES2: War and Civilization

I think you're underestimating the Antal ability to wage war. They just defeated I dont know what 5 enemies at once. Now they can focus all on one enemy.

They didn't defeat five enemies. The defeated only one really (Kyzar). The Juruk rebels were never really that organized, so it wasn't much of a problem. Byzar barely lost a fraction of its territory (just a strip of its penninsula), through they did shove my ally far back, we had just turned the tides and routed his greatest army. I never really entered into a war with them, and had I decided to fight, we could have carried this thing on for a much longer, bloodier time. But, I'm occupied with Kenbu, so I sued for peace and secured an acceptable peace for the moment......

Antal could be in a far worse position had I decided to keep my allies attacking.
Retroactive deletion.
So basically Orion is just conquering Artan.
And Turuk. As I said, that was what I wanted to do when das got in my way. So it's what I was planning down the line, and it's the obvious choice.

Then again, I'm no longer in charge, and who knows what Panda might do? :mischief:
The logical border?? That??!! The distance between the fortifications from Akguai and the one East of Ghulaman is a joke!! It leaves a hole a mile wide long that is just begging to be used!

If he builds more fortifications he'll face constant interruption and delay by being so close to the war front.

Building a navy requires a large amount of resources, and I've seen the results from an underdeveloped navy against an already established one. It'll be a massacre on the high seas! If Antal has any sense they'll also launch daily raids along the coast to assault the shipyards and disrupt the process even further.
How about you keep your flawed theories to yourself and wait until the update so we don't have to bother with smashing those silly preconcieved notions? ;)

The logical border?? That??!! The distance between the fortifications from Akguai and the one East of Ghulaman is a joke!! It leaves a hole a mile wide long that is just begging to be used!

Were not you just talking of deserts and how difficult they would be? Furthermore, I hardly plan to keep the borders that close to home, so just zip it and wait for the update.
Err... Main Industrial Area, Symphony? Mind you, I haven't exactly been watching all of the Far West's technological developments too closely, but... Industrial?

The Antalese Empire still has its reserves; if it makes the right gambits and diplomatic decisions it may still come out more or less on top, albeit in economic shambles (but we already had that in the One Hundred Years War; admittedly, the Agrinese Empire was way stronger and more stable, but Antalyak didn't completely lose its advantages). All that said, I still do mostly agree with your point, Symphony.
Err... Main Industrial Area, Symphony? Mind you, I haven't exactly been watching all of the Far West's technological developments too closely, but... Industrial?
Industry means production, not this modern nonsense about factories and so on. The word goes back to the Roman Empire. That region is where things of note are produced (either raw materials, or finished goods) and therefore it is fitting to speak of it as "industrious" and as a result "industrial".

KrimzonStriker said:
The logical border?? That??!! The distance between the fortifications from Akguai and the one East of Ghulaman is a joke!! It leaves a hole a mile wide long that is just begging to be used!
Right, because a fortress icon correlates to only one single fortress in exactly that position! :rolleyes: And as Panda said, you were the one just talking about the difficulties of campaigning in a desert. :p
Yeah sure, for Panda!! The Orion's have made their home in the god damn mountains!! The Antal have worked with this type of area, patches of it dot their land. They know how to work in it. Orion's main advantage has always been it's mountainous and difficult terrain. I'm just saying whene he get's out there new rules apply, and a whole new ball game played....

And Symphony, the icons of the fortress are simply their to make note of their position and where they apply. In any case, why would Antal need to create fortifications in the north like that inside their territory, without any use for it? They'd just get in the way of trade.... Any remaining fortifications would be absolutely inadequete.

Furthermore, I hardly plan to keep the borders that close to home,

Exactly my point, your probably going to widen it even farther right? That only gives the Antal a better opportunity for them to reshift the momentum of the war...

Look, I'm not saying Panda won't win, I think he will, but there are still factors to take into consideration. No conflict comes with a gurantee and I was just exploring each specific factors that might prove to be a problem for him, along with stating Panda's advantages because.... well I'm borde basically. Hey daft, when's the update? :p
Update might not appear till satuday now... I am big sorry for much time :(

About the 'fort' icons, i imagined they are actually several forts, lines of forts, walls with forts along them, etc. Basically a more fortified area, in a kinda rough sorta way.

As for the Orion/Antalese war, well i hope to post up the result real soon!
Saturday? What do we look like we're made out of, patience?
‘Argh’ time. Don’t think I can even make it for tomorrow night, sorry :( im going to stop setting deadlines for myself at this point.

PS: its all Umidia’s fault for the big complex operation that I decided to spend hours writing about…
big complex operations tend to not work ;)
What would Umidia need big, complex operations for? :hmm:
For our plan to invade and destroy Antal, of course........

Nah, he probably invaded me.
Well its not that complex really, but i still ended up writing alot about it :)

OK enough spoilers, gotta get this update done!..
I just want to know if Tian declared war on me...
I just want to know if Ormash and Panga invaded me...
I cant say that, but i can say that everyone died in the whole world, and rodents took over. Everyone has rodent nations now. Hope thats ok...
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