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DNES2: War and Civilization

Well, my paranoia (aka iggy's massive army) and your signing of a NAP with the Orion Empire warned me of an Ormashi-Pangari assault. Take that as you will ;)
Well, my paranoia (aka iggy's massive army) and your signing of a NAP with the Orion Empire warned me of an Ormashi-Pangari assault. Take that as you will ;)
Well, damn. Ormash is probably completely destroyed, then, if Tian attacked as well. I was counting on you not attacking...
So you did attack me no?
So you did attack me no?
No, I didn't. I shifted all my troops to the north to defend against Tian.

Stupid decision, I guess. :(
Well then, if that's true then you're in luck. The Taej Empire did not attack Ormash or Panga :)
Well then, if that's true then you're in luck. The Taej Empire did not attack Ormash or Panga :)
Good, I did read you correctly.

Unless you're lying to me now...*paranoia sets in* :p
Well, if Ormashi invaded the Taej Empire you're dead ;)
I just want to know if Ormash and Panga invaded me...
I didn't. How many times must I say this?
I cant say that, but i can say that everyone died in the whole world, and rodents took over. Everyone has rodent nations now. Hope thats ok...
Cool. Dibs on the rats.
Well, my paranoia (aka iggy's massive army) and your signing of a NAP with the Orion Empire warned me of an Ormashi-Pangari assault. Take that as you will ;)
Oh good grief. I'm not going to attack you.

I am beating up a few hostile New Worlders though.
Spoiler for Videssos: Warman17:
Decloak: Nobody read stats anymore? :p
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahhahahah!!! :lol:

Rest assured jal, I did not take any undue liberties. Though you may have peeved me off, I'm going to reserve judgement depending on your actions this turn. By the way it looks, you might just create one of those self-fullfilling prophecies though ;)
sorry, i mean definately not tonight. I dont want to promise tommorrow either :(
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